The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1474: Muzzle under the sea

Diego Garcia Island is actually a pure military base. There are no civilians on the island, but it has never lacked all kinds of living materials. Even in the non-war period, transport ships will arrive on this island every day.

But for the American soldiers on the island, staying on this island is definitely not a pleasant thing.

Every rotation is more than half a year. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, the sight is full of visual fatigue. What's more, the island is so big and it is located in a tropical area near the equator. In such a place, no one likes long-term boring. Repeat the same life.

Even if there are various entertainment facilities on the island, there will be various entertainment life, but the boring living environment cannot be changed. After all, if even the entertainment life is gone, it will be even more difficult.

With the advent of war, the atmosphere on the island suddenly became serious. Every day is an endless roar of fighter planes taking off and landing, whether it is day or night.

Everyone on the island needs to learn how to work and rest in such a noisy environment.

Recently, the number of people on the island has suddenly increased due to the increase of two thousand people coming over, but it does not give people a lively feeling, but has always been filled with a very depressing tension.

The southernmost point of the island is also the corner of the V-shaped island. This is the widest area of ​​the island and the most concentrated location of military facilities on the island. It is also the location where the officers and soldiers live on the island.

Forty-eight hours have passed since the war with the Syrian-Israel Federation, and the news of continued defeats on the front line also gave this naval and air military base four to five thousand kilometers away a very bleak mental outlook.

In the past, it was all news of victory, but now it seems that victory is far away. This makes many American soldiers feel a little negative in their hearts.

After all, they didn't come to join the army for patriotism, but for the considerable income and the military benefits that they brought to their families. Everyone wanted to go back alive to see their family.

This is also true for most American soldiers.

There are families they care about in the house, wives and children, and it is the least worthwhile to lose their lives on the battlefield thousands of miles away.

The soldiers' relics brought back from the front line made every soldier on the island feel extremely heavy.

There has never been a war that has caused the U.S. military to suffer such huge losses. The cost of war is rising almost vertically.

The most important thing is the number of casualties of soldiers. This is the heaviest place for the US army to go up and down.

The Iran-Syrian Federation has now launched a full-scale ground attack on the NATO Wing in Iran. The Eighth Army of the U.S. Army, in less than twelve hours, two brigades were almost wiped out, with more than 10,000 casualties. This kind of news may be concealed in the United States for a while, but it cannot be concealed by American soldiers elsewhere.

For a time, the U.S. military has spread to various military bases near the Middle East.

The island of Diego Garcia is the worst-hit area for such rumors, because today alone, there are more than 500 remains of soldiers who have been transported back from Iran. And these are only losses on the Tarawa Highlands. At this moment, the Eighth Army is facing a comprehensive attack.

In the early morning, the red afterglow of the morning sun sprinkled on the beach, shining the clear water and beach into a golden color.

The noise of the assembly in the early morning has not yet blown, and the two US soldiers patrolling the beach are looking bored at the rising sun in the distance.

"Yao Rui, do you think this war requires us to go to the battlefield?"

A black soldier, holding the weapon in his hand, asked the Asian soldier beside him.

Yao Rui (book friend's real-name guest appearance) also tightened the M14 carbine in his hand and said: "It is estimated that it will be soon, we were just here to rest."

"I heard that the guys in the Iraqi and Syrian Federal Guards are all war madmen. Even if they have their hands or feet severed, they will get up and bite your neck. Are you not afraid?" The black soldier said, his face was a little bit pale.

"Buck, please don't believe those rumors." Yao Rui touched his helmet helplessly, looking like he was defeated by you.

"This is not a rumor. I have a fellow who is serving in the 11th Mechanized Infantry Brigade of the Eighth Army. He has already fought with the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard. He came back here with the transport plane to recover from his injuries last night. When I went to see him, He told me personally." Buck clarified very solemnly: "I am not afraid of death, I still have a sick daughter who needs me!"

"Even so, so what, my marksmanship is definitely on the heads of those Middle Eastern monkeys, one shot is accurate." Yao Rui said while making a gesture of raising the gun.

Buck, who was walking behind, seemed to have become accustomed to the arrogant character of his comrades-in-arms. When he was about to say something, he was extremely shocked to see that Yao Rui had a round hole in his helmet. The blood donation was mixed with his brain. The gap in his helmet and the neck ran down.

At this moment, Yao Rui was still holding a gun, and then his whole body slowly fell back towards him.

Buck's brain was stunned in an instant, and his heart seemed to have stopped beating. In this short second, he felt that he was completely dreaming. The comrades who were still chatting with him the previous second were suddenly headshot. , After only two words on the stage, I suddenly received a box lunch.

Barker was confused for a while, and he didn't know where the attack came from. It was the enemy. Which **** guy in the sea tried accidentally shot off.

Thinking of this, Buck hadn't figured out why when there was no gunshot, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. The whole chest seemed to have exploded. The cold sea breeze poured into his internal organs, but he was completely He couldn't feel his heartbeat, only the cold hands and feet, which made him feel like seeing death.

When he was lying on the beach, his last consciousness seemed to see a barrel on the calm sea next to it, which was retracting to the surface of the sea. The barrel seemed familiar, much like the 20 style seen in the literature. Silenced sniper rifle.

The last thing Buck couldn't figure out was why troops from the Syrian Federation would sneak in in this place.

But these have nothing to do with him, because his heart has been pierced by a bullet, and the last remaining consciousness has surfaced his daughter’s sickly pale face, as if he really saw his daughter, his A smile appeared on his face, and then it completely solidified.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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