The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1476: Haifeng Special Commando

On Diego Garcia Island, all the American soldiers are still immersed in their sleep at this moment. I don't know that hundreds of enemies have already lurked in.

But if there are so many people in their ears, it is estimated that they will be directly regarded as a cold joke, otherwise it is definitely God joking with them.

In fact, this is really God's joking, otherwise, how could the enemy sneak into such a tightly guarded island?

It’s just that these are not important anymore. When most of the US soldiers were in their sleep, the Haifeng Special Commando had already begun to take action. At the same time, the Marine Corps’ special operations battalion also used its own operations. Goals, separate actions.

Bai Jiayu led the Haifeng Special Assault Team to separate from the special operations battalion, and directly bypassed the barracks and proceeded towards the air base in the north of Diego Garcia.

A long silver hair is draped on her back, and her head is up from the shoulders. It is tightly protected by the neck guard and helmet. The heavy super alloy helmet is connected to her back-up liquid metal battery and provides the entire individual suit. The necessary electricity.

On the helmet display, Bai Jiayu did not see the narrow front angle of view like a motorcycle helmet. The integrated display inside the helmet allowed her to clearly see everyone around him captured by the 360-degree panoramic camera inside the helmet. Clear the screen.

This helmet system allows every person who wears it, without real exercise, to be able to see all directions perfectly, and to see the details of every scene around him at first glance.

This is also the individual suit that can only be worn by elite special forces in the Red Police Corps at present, but it will not take long for this individual suit to become popular throughout the army.

There are already many elite army companies of the Red Police Corps, all of which are equipped with this most advanced individual suit. To be honest, it is far more advanced than the American Land Warrior system by at least two levels.

If it hadn't been too expensive, Cai Ruichen would have popularized him throughout the army.

And such a suit, for these elite special commandos, is already playing the rest.

High-level permissions, and more advanced individual suits appear, only then will they be truly fully armed and full-body equipment.

However, this set of equipment is enough to allow every special soldier king to increase his combat effectiveness by at least 30%.

This is not false, the relationship between equipment and people has always been closely linked.

The more advanced the equipment, the more powerful it can be in the hands of people.

The Haifeng Special Assault Team, like the Ghost Special Assault Team under the Army, is a top special operation commando at the same level.

The difference is that the ghost of the army was formed by Boris, while Haifeng was formed by Tan Ya.

Passing through the undefended coconut grove and bypassing the barracks, the airport has appeared in Bai Jiayu's eyes.

The purple pupils are natural, although they did not bring her any special abilities, they added a bit of feminine charm to her.

Unfortunately, this beauty is worthless on the battlefield, but it will bring many negative effects.

Don’t expect the so-called preferential treatment of prisoners. Once the eyes are red, or other factors exist, the so-called preferential treatment of prisoners will become very cheap, especially on such enclosed islands. The male soldiers who broke through will give a so-called preferential treatment to a beautiful female captive...

However, for every male member of the Haifeng Special Commando, only a madman can have the so-called sexual interest in his captain. In their minds, they have never regarded their captain as a woman, from the day of contact. In the heart of each team member, Bai Jiayu is definitely a death-level existence, an unusually cruel killer, and the most poisonous woman's heart...In my heart, all the team members are more willing to call her the **** and the white devil.

Behind such awe, there is of course a kind of worship, the worship of the strong.

Otherwise, Bai Jiayu would not be able to become the captain of this special commando team, a top expert in the special operations field of the entire Red Police Corps.

In the direction of advancement, there are two small hornet drones leading the way, avoiding the patrol team in front as much as possible along the way, and solving the battle silently as possible for the outposts next to the barracks.

The two sniper teams in the team naturally took on the task of removing obstacles ahead.

It's just that their time is running out. There are less than fifteen minutes left before the American soldiers will wake up.

At this moment, the earth was already shrouded in the rising sun. When the rising sun completely rose, it happened to be 5:30 in the morning local time, and it was already 5:15 in the morning.

Taking a look at the time, Bai Jiayu unconsciously speeded up a bit.

"A corner ahead, at nine o'clock, one hundred and thirty meters, two sentries, no sentry perspective around, you can kill."

Bai Jiayu's footsteps did not stop, and while walking towards the corner in front of him, he instructed his team members.

I don’t know how many times I have coordinated training. Every team member has deepened the overall coordination into his muscle memory.

Hearing Bai Jiayu's words, the two archer girls who were in the middle of the team trot all the way to lead. They had already pulled the air-killing longbow at the corner, and the moment they came out of the corner, the two long alloy long arrows flew over one hundred and three in an instant. At a distance of ten meters, directly inserted into the throats of two U.S. sentries.

When the two U.S. Sentinels fell to the ground, Bai Jiayu also walked to the I didn’t even have a look at the bodies of the two Sentinels. They went straight through the corner and continued to approach the ground command center of the U.S. Air Force Base. .

The two archer girls continued to return to the middle position of the team, following Bai Jiayu's back and moving forward.

Two hornet drones in front of them continued to send pictures of the front. On the way, waves of U.S. sentries, even five or six patrols, had been killed.

As for the US military's surveillance system on the island, it has already been silently invaded, and those surveillance has become blind and deaf.

Five minutes later, the Haifeng Special Commando also quickly came to the ground command center of the US Air Force.

Just glanced at the guard post at the gate of the entire command center, Bai Jiayu decisively ordered: "Group A is responsible for the left side, Group B is responsible for the right side, and the middle is handed to me."

As soon as the voice fell, two automatic pistols with silencer appeared in Bai Jiayu's hands. The moment she raised the guns, the A/B two groups of players also occupied the attack positions on the left and right sides.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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