The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1477: Isolated NATO Indian Ocean Island

PS: Today there is still a chapter in Somalia, so there are only three changes.

At present, the Somali extravaganza has updated seven chapters. The content of the Somali extravaganza is closely related to the future plot of the book. The seventh chapter of the Somali extravaganza updated today is also closely related to the life experience of the protagonist Cai Ruichen in the wasteland. Students who are interested should really not miss the setting. It will definitely be rewarded after reading it.

If you are interested in the Somali extravaganza, you can search for the gorgeous pseudonym "gorgeous hypocrisy" on the WeChat public account, and then add your attention. According to the prompts, you can see the extravaganza from Chapter 1 to Chapter 7. It's free!


In the alley opposite the Air Force Command Center on Diego Garcia Island, several figures suddenly flashed out. Before the U.S. sentry here could react, bullets had penetrated their heads.

The twelve sentinels, a six-man patrol team, had all been killed by headshots before they fired a shot.

In fact, many of the world's top special forces can do this kind of ability, and rapid fire capability is also the basic skill of special forces.

What's more, even under the circumstances of such a sudden attack, no matter how elite soldiers are, it is difficult for a soldier to make quicker moves than the opponent is prepared to be killed. There is no doubt about that.

"The patrol will find the body of the sentry in eight minutes, so we have three minutes left."

As Bai Jiayu spoke, she had already grabbed the door card from the body of the sentry at the waist of the sergeant, and opened the door of the air force command center with one swipe.

Because the air force on Diego Garcia is intensively searching for the position of the Syrian Federal Navy, the air force command center has been very busy.

The door opened did not attract the attention of the civilian personnel of the US military inside, but when Bai Jiayu walked in, they realized that something seemed to be wrong.

The busy work stopped. Several officers had already touched the pistols on their waists, but some were faster than them. With a few shots, the Haifeng Special Commando members pouring in from the gate directly Kill those officers who are about to dig out their guns.

The battlefield is ruthless, and they don't have time to control these prisoners now. Killing is also the best way to deter everyone.

"Raise your hands and squat down to the corner."

The civilian staff of the US Air Force, seeing the dead bodies of several officers nearby, all consciously walked to the corner and knelt down without saying a word.

Two magnetic storm infantry came in. The magnetic storm infantry, wearing almost the same individual armor as the heavy infantry, hurried to the front of the central computer of the US Air Force Command Center, and extended two excuses from the individual armor arms. , Plugged directly into the data interface of the central computer.

When the magnetic storm infantry began to work, the other members of the Haifeng Special Commando were also scattered on guard.

Bai Jiayu walked directly towards the gate inside the command center, came to the edge of the gate, and kicked away the heavy sound insulation.

Inside was an independent office. At the moment, the French Admiral*, the naval commander of the NATO joint forces, was resting inside. The moment the door was kicked open, he was awakened from his sleep.

As for the seven or eight staff officers in the office, when they saw the door being kicked open, when they walked in a soldier wearing a sci-fi-like equipment, they all instinctively touched the weapon on the waist.

It's just that Bai Jiayu couldn't give them a chance to take out their weapons. The moment they touched the weapon, the automatic pistol in Bai Jiayu's hands had already fired. Every staff officer, whether it was an officer in a US military uniform or a French military uniform, all fell at the same time. In a pool of blood.

"General, I guarantee that your hand has not touched the weapon yet, you are already like them." After all the staff officers inside were killed, Bai Jiayu spoke to the *Admiral who had turned up like a person.

"How did you get in?" * asked helplessly, dropping his hands.

In fact, the soldier in front of him who was judged to be a woman from his figure made him feel terrified.

In particular, the opponent's single-soldier equipment that he had never seen before, like a layer of light armor, and various equipment on his body, were things he had never seen before.

In the eyes of *, in this world, in addition to the United States, I am afraid that the Future Technology Group will only come up with such sci-fi equipment.

Of course, the U.S. military is naturally unable to attack itself. The only explanation is that the Iran-Syria Federation has the future technology group.

But this is also the most incredible place. On an isolated island above the vast ocean of the Indian Ocean, how could the people of the Isy-Syrian Federation bypass the layers of defense and suddenly come to themselves.

At this moment* I am more willing to believe that this is just God joking with myself, or the other person is God.

"General, you will be our prisoner from now on. As long as you don’t mess around, we will also guarantee your safety. The Isy-Syrian Federal Guard has always given preferential treatment to prisoners." Bai Jiayu did not answer the * question, but announced directly. His next destiny.

"You guys don't want to get any information from my mouth." * With a curled head, he directly sat back on the chair he had previously dozed off, and closed his mouth firmly. It seems that from now on, I will not say half of it. Words.

"Whatever you want, but for you to be honest, this is not considered to be a prisoner torture." Bai Jiayu put the automatic pistol with both hands into the holster while she was talking. When *doubt the other party was going to do anything, only Bai Jiayu's left and right were seen. With a wave, a slender flying needle like an embroidery needle was thrown out of her hand and pierced into his neck.

*I just saw the opponent's hand shake, but when he hadn't figured out what the opponent was doing, he suddenly felt a bit of cold in his neck, and then a drowsiness hit, and he fell asleep before he could think about it.

Bai Jiayu stepped forward blankly and came to the * who was sleeping on the table again, and reached out to pull out the silver needle from his neck, lest this guy turn over and cause him harm.

After controlling *, Bai Jiayu took a look at the time, and immediately walked out of the only built-in office.

"Captain, we have controlled the central computer here, and have successfully modified the opponent's air defense radar system. And successfully modified the port authority of the US military relay communication satellite."

Bai Jiayu nodded, and immediately ordered: "Send a signal to the have completed the task."

Located in the Red Police Corps dual aircraft carrier battle group 900 kilometers south of Diego Garcia Island, after Sha Yiqi saw the news from the Haifeng Special Commando, his nervous heart suddenly fell to the ground.

After successfully controlling the radar and communications on Diego Garcia Island, all external connections on the entire island will be cut off.

Especially when the US relay communication satellite is controlled, all news on the island will be impossible to pass.

After all, there is no signal transfer station in the vast ocean, and all communication is done by satellite.

When NATO found that it was unable to contact Diego Garcia Island, it was too late to make a deployment.

"Notify the peacekeeping bomber forces to launch an air strike on Diego Garcia according to the scheduled time to support our special operations forces."

"At the same time, power is generated for the Supreme Command, and the landing operation on Diego Garcia is about to begin."

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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