The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1478: Bombing Diego Garcia Island

PS: Thanks to the book friend "12345qap" in a few days, the total amount of rewards reached 100,000 starting coins, and the hegemony of the hegemony of the book leader. Today, he added more.


On the ground control tower of Diego Garcia Island Air Force Base, at 5:28 in the morning, the civilian personnel in charge of communications and radar suddenly said one after another:

"The communication system code has been tampered with, and the source of the modification is the Joint Command Center."

"The radar detection data is abnormal and it is impossible to track air targets normally."

"The base data system was hacked, and the source code is the core code..."

A series of sounds made the entire command tower almost messed up into a pot of porridge. All the staff were horrified to find that they almost lost control of the equipment, as if it was a higher authority, canceling all their authority and authority. Position.

However, such a thing is impossible at all. Even in extreme circumstances, it is impossible to completely cut off all the equipment use rights of the ground terminal control tower.

"Immediately send to the command center to check and issue a warning to the base. This is most likely a ghost of the Iraq-Syrian Federation." The US colonel in charge of ground coordination and command decisively ordered.

Just before his order was delivered, several people pointed to the sky outside and shouted, "What is that?"

The tall command tower is surrounded by glass. In the afterglow of the rising sun, on the back of the rising sun, several black spots quickly appeared, and they were magnified in front of everyone at a very fast speed.

The U.S. colonel who had just issued the order, saw the extremely fast black spot, as if a string in his mind had been plucked, and hurriedly exclaimed and commanded: "God, that is the peacekeeping bomber of the Islamic Federation. Sound the battle alarm, hurry up."

Hearing what the colonel said, the civilian personnel on the entire command tower were all messed up and kept pressing the emergency warning button, but unfortunately, no matter how they pressed it, the sirens in the base never sounded. reaction.

"Sir, our system has been completely cut off..."

The colonel heard that the whole person was in trouble. He stared blankly at the peacekeeping bomber flying in the distance, with a blank face, and muttered to himself: "Has God abandoned America?"

In the colonel’s eyes, the six peacekeeping bombers that had approached the island of Diego Garcia had opened the four concealed magazines under the belly, but there were no missiles and bombs dropped inside the magazines. Stretch out one by one to select the transformation rocket launcher nest.

Each magazine is extended with a long rotating support. On the support are four circular rocket nests. Looking at the island of Diego Garcia, which is already in front of you, the driver on the peacekeeping bomber adjusts the fuselage downwards. The inclination, decisively pressed the rocket launch button.

The dense flares flashed in front of the rocket nest like fireworks, and the dense rockets poured out from the launch nest.

As the cheapest large-scale attack weapon in modern warfare, rocket launchers still occupy a place in the air force weapons and equipment even when all kinds of bombs and missiles are popular today.

The reason is very simple. The combination of the low cost and combat effectiveness of rocket launchers still has extremely high value.

After all, whether it is a guided bomb or a missile, it is expensive to build, while the cost of an ordinary rocket launcher is very cheap.

In addition, the air-to-ground firepower can cover specific large-scale area targets. The strike effect of this rocket launcher is also superior to missiles and guided bombs.

Of course, the rocket can only be better used when hitting non-precision guided targets.

It's like now, the Red Police Corps and Navy's attack on Diego Garcia Island has only one target, and that is all the key targets on the entire island, carrying out devastating fire coverage.

Therefore, rocket launchers are also the best choice. A peacekeeping bomber can carry hundreds of rockets at one time and launch them instantly, which can cover several square kilometers.

Dense rockets fell like torrential rain pear needles on the island of Diego Garcia. The calm and bright island early in the morning was completely destroyed by the devastating steel rainstorm, especially near the airport and the entire airport port. Rockets covered it.

Several warships docked in the port, as well as those transport ships, all exploded under the dense rockets.

In a short moment, the entire island was full of exclamations and screams, explosions and burning flames everywhere, and panicked American soldiers everywhere.

The worst was the barracks area on the island. The wake-up signal was about to sound. However, the explosion caused by the densely falling rockets replaced the wake-up signal and awakened thousands of sleeping American soldiers from their beds.

Under such circumstances, the American soldiers who can open their eyes do not know whether they should be considered lucky or unfortunate.

Intensive explosions covered every barracks. Only a few American soldiers were able to escape from the barracks. But what they had to face was that there were billowing smoke everywhere, and islands of explosions and flames everywhere. Before the general, the general will not find a **** situation.

In a short period of 30 seconds, six peacekeeping bombers dumped all the two thousand rocket launchers carried on the island within an area of ​​only 30 square kilometers. They also bypassed the mangrove forest where the special operations camp was hiding and focused on attacking the island. Focus on the target.

The heavy rain of steel caused the entire island to be completely covered by the smoke from the explosion in just one or two minutes. You can't see the blue sky or the rising sun when you look up. Only the burning fire, hot The temperature, fear, anxious and helpless American soldiers.

This is the terrible thing about modern If it were during World War II, it would be impossible to accomplish such an attack without thousands of aircraft.

The destructive power of the modern air force has become quite terrifying with the development of generations of weapons and equipment.

Otherwise, a fighter jet will cost tens of millions of dollars at every turn. The training of various pilots, high aviation fuel and maintenance costs, without the corresponding combat effectiveness, can not be afforded by any country.

It’s just that the destructive power of peacekeeping transport aircraft is even more terrifying than conventional fighter jets. The weapon load of more than 20 tons can be fully utilized. Although only six aircraft, the destructive power is not inferior to the total destructive power of a dozen fighter jets .

As for the entire first amphibious formation and the third amphibious formation, the total number of peacekeeping bombers is only these six, which is enough to meet the fire support requirements of any landing operation of the two amphibious formations.

This efficiency is far higher than that of all US assault aircraft on amphibious ships. The only regret is that the peacekeeping bombers are not equipped with a radar system specifically for air combat, and they have full-time ground and ship attack missions.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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