The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1480: Toy combat power

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In fact, during the Israeli war, the US military conducted a detailed and in-depth analysis of the heavy infantry that appeared on the Israeli battlefield.

And through the analysis of various data, came to their own conclusions, and communicated to the US military.

This conclusion comes from the analysis of a large number of think tanks in the United States. The results all point out that if the Iraqi-Syrian Federation treats this heavy infantry as an ordinary infantry, that is, it can equip every infantry with such heavy equipment, it must be human A milestone in the history of war.

It is only through data that the cost of this individual armor developed by the Future Technology Group is not cheap, comparable to the expensive price of a main battle tank, and the United States is relieved.

Once the cost of equipment cannot reach the level of popularization, the threat can be minimized.

Such analysis by American think tanks is also normal. Compared with the role that a main battle tank can play, it is not comparable to an infantry wearing individual armor.

The most important thing is that even if the Future Technology Group has the financial resources to buy it from the whole world, it is impossible to spread such equipment to every soldier in the entire army.

In the eyes of the United States, the individual armor used by heavy infantry is simply an expensive toy on the battlefield.

This thing has stronger firepower than infantry, but weaker than armored vehicles, stronger defense than infantry, and weaker than main battle tanks.

In the modern all-round system confrontation environment, let alone the powerful firepower overflow of air-space three-dimensional warfare, even in the face of guerrilla militias in the Middle East, a rocket launcher can kill this expensive toy that is comparable to a main battle tank.

Such analysis results are entirely reasonable, but the United States has only announced a part of the analysis results, and the published results are all aspects that can be used to stabilize the morale of American soldiers.

In fact, the top level of the US military is also very clear that if two infantrymen face each other, the heavy infantry of the other side will bring great damage to the infantry of their own.

The most important thing is that future weapon development cannot escape the direction of individual armor. Obviously, the Iraq-Syrian Federation has already walked in front of the world at this point.

It’s just like the F-117 and Ghost bombers were created by the United States. Although they are expensive, in a fundamental sense, the role of technology for the future development of the military cannot be measured by money. If it were not for the maturity of the aircraft. It’s impossible for the Raptor to develop the stealth fighter so quickly.

From this point of view, the top US leaders are no longer willing, and they have to admit that the presence of heavy infantry individual armor on the battlefield will play a huge decisive role in the future military development of the Iraq-Syrian Federation.

But these are all things in the future, and for grassroots American soldiers, they can't think about that far.

On Diego Garcia Island, roaring tanks crushed a broken wall destroyed by rockets and broke into the forefront of the battle.

The American soldiers who were resisting in the south were like a cardiotonic. The morale that was extinguished, like the fuel being poured on a flame that was about to extinguish, suddenly rose.

The US Marine Corps reinforced battalion stationed on the island originally had more than 20 main battle tanks. If it hadn't been partially destroyed by air strikes, and now surrounded together, the special operations battalion would be really dangerous.

However, even if only eight Abrams appeared on the battlefield, it brought huge trouble to the special combat camp on the battlefield.

After all, they don't have the equivalent weapon that can directly deal with the main battle tank at this moment. Otherwise, if there are two apocalypses here, it will not be the American Abrams's arrogant turn.

However, for such a situation, the special operations battalion had long expected that the long gun mini submarine sent not only personnel, but also many individual weapons.

The rushing Abrams shot just outside the mangrove forest and exploded a large pit nearly a meter deep. Several special operations battalion soldiers on the side were affected. Other special operations battalion soldiers on the side hurriedly suppressed fire. , The people behind quickly moved the two bodies and a few wounded soldiers to the back.

"Anti-tank missile, kill it," the master sergeant on the side looked at the comrades who carried it down and shouted with a smash of his arm.

In the next second, a heavily armed infantry came out of the mangrove forest, carrying three huge circular launching tubes on the back of its individual armor.

The helmet sighting system of the heavy infantry also locked the Abrams, which was continuing to attack, for the first time. A V-2FT anti-tank missile was ejected from the launch tube on the back of the heavy infantry. It was more than ten meters high. Fired in the air, raised nearly fifty meters, and plunged directly onto Abrams' head hundreds of meters away.

From coming out to launching the anti-tank missile, the whole process didn't even last three seconds, and the opposite Abrams had no chance to fire a second shot.

The missile attacked by the initiation hit directly above the turret of the tank, and the huge explosion was like a blast of firework, sparks splashed, and the huge explosion of steel collision, as if to smash the eardrums of everyone nearby.

The fire and dust of the explosion covered the entire tank. The advancing tank stopped under the explosion. When the smoke dissipated a little, the curved turret of Abrams shocked all the American soldiers. jump.

On the turret, everything was like a colander. A large number of shrapnel from the armor-piercing projectile of the initiation attack passed through the inside of the tank. The fire inside the tank was burning desperately. As for the tank crew inside, the end of the game can be imagined.

It was just this kind of attack that did not scare the US Marine Corps armored units who rushed over. The first tank was destroyed, and two more main battle tanks broke through the wall.

A desperate contest is the real stage.

For the special operations battalion, this kind of battle is naturally very difficult. This is also the problem that must be faced in the landing battle, that is, the enemy's superior firepower and troops.

However, the casualties of the special operations battalion made all the Red Police soldiers seem to have been beaten with blood, with more intensive firepower pouring out on the bunkers defended by the opposite US military.

The appearance of Abrams has made the battle fierce. It can only be a special combat battalion that uses anti-tank missiles to attack, and there is no better choice.

Because behind them, there is the endless Indian Ocean. The small area of ​​mangroves and coconut groves is the only place where they can move.

It can almost be said to be a last resort.

In fact, the US military is the same. Almost all of the northern part of Diego Garcia Island was destroyed by air strikes. If the enemy here cannot be stopped, there will be no retreat, because two or three kilometers to the north, there is also an endless Indian Ocean, and there is nothing. room.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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