The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1481: Japan enters the war

PS: Thanks to the book friend "12345qap" in a few days, the total amount of rewards reached 100,000 starting coins, and the hegemony of the hegemony of the book leader. Today, he added more.


During the Battle of Diego Garcia Island, the changes in Diego Garcia Island were immediately discovered in the Pentagon of the United States.

As the core overseas base of the US military in the Indian Ocean, it is also responsible for relaying communications. Any problems that arise will inevitably be discovered in the first place.

However, at the beginning, the Pentagon did not realize that Diego Garcia Island was attacked, thinking it was just a temporary equipment problem.

But five minutes later, the communications to Diego Garcia Island remained silent, and the Pentagon realized that something was wrong.

At exactly this time, a satellite also captured images of the attack on Diego Garcia Island. On the satellite images, the entire island was shrouded in explosions and gunpowder smoke.

This shocked the entire Pentagon. Once Diego Garcia was captured, it would be a catastrophe for the US military.

The weapons and ammunition in the huge arsenal on the island are all important support for this war. Once these weapons and equipment are destroyed, the logistics of the U.S. military will inevitably be greatly affected in the next battle against the Islamic Federation. .

This kind of influence will be fatal in the face of high-end opponents such as the Islamic Federation.

Therefore, the top of the Pentagon immediately issued an order to the NATO joint fleet that was heading to the middle of the Indian Ocean, requesting the fleet to support the U.S. forces on Diego Garcia as soon as possible at all costs.

All US fighter jets that originally took off from the island have also received an emergency return order, and it is bound to protect this military base.

At this time, the closest to the U.S. Army’s Diego Garcia was the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force’s third and fourth **** groups, and Japan’s only unit capable of landing operations was also in these two **** groups. in.

Upon learning of this situation, the Pentagon seemed to have grabbed the life-saving straw and asked the two guards of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force to immediately support Diego Garcia Island.

This time, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, which participated in the NATO joint operation, dispatched two **** groups and two submarine groups. This is already half the combat power of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.

In order to be able to strengthen the combat capability of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, in addition to the sea surface and subordinate ships, the First Amphibious Wing, which has the strongest combat effectiveness under the Amphibious Combat Brigade to which the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force belongs, also followed.

Speaking of the First Amphibious Wing, I believe that few people know about it, but when it comes to Xipulian of the Western General Company, many people can understand.

The Japanese Amphibious Combat Brigade was expanded from Xipulian. It has received a lot of experience from the U.S. Marine Corps. It also purchased almost a complete set of combat equipment from the U.S. Marine Corps. The established amphibious force also cooperates with the U.S. military every year. Several joint exercises have been held to improve the amphibious offensive capabilities of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.

The establishment of the Japanese Amphibious Combat Brigade is not very long. The truly fully capable unit is also the first amphibious wing expanded from the Cypress Company. It has more than 1,000 troops and is the most elite unit in Japan.

On the quasi-aircraft carrier Kaga, the flagship of the Fourth Marine Fleet Group of Japan, Lieutenant General Okubo, Director of Defense Planning of the Ministry of Maritime Defense Integrated Staff and Supervision Department, hesitated for a while after receiving the order from the Pentagon.

Although the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force followed the U.S. Navy to fight, its main task was to conduct anti-submarine and island land operations in the Indian Ocean, which was not included.

Although the First Amphibious Wing already has combat capabilities, even the US military needs to seek help in the battle, which is certainly no trivial matter.

"General, Diego Garcia Island must have been attacked by the Isyrian Federation Marine Corps, and I am afraid that the U.S. forces above are already in danger. If we don't help, I am afraid..." The chief of staff next to Okubo saw his face. He hesitated, said in a low voice.

In the headquarters of the Kaga, there is also a staff officer of the US Navy, so the two need to be extra careful when talking.

As for what I was afraid of, the chief of staff did not say it, but how could Okubo not know.

In fact, the U.S. Navy officials in the Kaga command are all waiting for the Japanese side to issue the order of the First Amphibious Wing to depart, and of course, they are all observing the Japanese side's reaction.

Although the separation of appearance and spirit is not enough, everyone has their own inner small ninety-nine, let alone national strategic interests.

If it is only conducting anti-submarine warfare at sea, then Japan will be very happy, but if the war burns to the island landing operations, Okubo feels that he should ask the Ministry of Defense for instructions.

It’s just that the military is in a hurry. The US Pentagon is asking for immediate dispatch and has contacted the Japanese Ministry of Defense. But whether the Japanese Ministry of Defense’s attitude will agree to the United States, Okubo himself has to ask a question mark in his heart.

In fact, Japan and the United States are also very aware that their relationship is just mutual use.

The United States needs Japan to restrict China's development, and Japan also needs to rely on the United States to strengthen its military power step by step, and use the United States to further break through the peace constitution.

Offending the United States is not enough, but if Japan is deeply involved in this war, it will not actually do much good for Japan.

Okubo's heart was also very embarrassed.

In fact, Okubo also hopes to determine the international status of the Japanese Self-Defense Force through World War I, instead of staying behind the US military.

The Iraqi-Syrian Federation is a very good However, the battle that can cause headaches for the US military will inevitably cause the Japanese soldiers to pay a small price. Once the casualties are too large, he cannot give an explanation to the domestic base camp. , Even more unable to give the Japanese people an explanation.

After all, in the peace of more than half a century, no one wants to restart the war. Most Japanese people are like this. Isn't it good to live a good life?

Not everyone is a right-winger. Once the war is lost, the blow to the confidence of the Japanese people will make the people even less supportive of military development, and it will also make the subsequent revision of the peace constitution more difficult.

When Okubo was in a dilemma, a message from Tokyo made him feel relieved.

The meaning of Tokyo is very simple. Cai Ruichen is an enemy and not a friend. He hopes that the Maritime Self-Defense Force can play its own prestige and sincerely cooperate with friendly forces for mutual benefit and win-win results.

Although there was no clear order to send troops in the news, Xuanyin was already quite clear, and Okubo naturally understood it.

Soon, the First Amphibious Wing received the order to start immediately. On the deck of the Kaga and Izumo not far away, the Osprey transport aircraft was towed to the take-off point on the deck... (to be continued.) New URL

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