The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1482: Japanese Cyprilian dispatched

PS: Thanks to the book friend "12345qap" in a few days, the total amount of rewards reached 100,000 starting coins, and the hegemony of the hegemony of the book leader. Today, he added more.


The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force dispatched amphibious troops to support the US forces on Diego Garcia Island. Regarding this timely transmission of information, Lieutenant General Sha Yiqi did not feel that there was anything wrong with it.

After all, the United States and Japan are military alliances, and they should have helped each other.

What's more, the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet is still nearly 2,000 kilometers away from Diego Garcia at this moment. Even if it wants to rescue, it is beyond reach.

The other military forces of the U.S. military in the Indian Ocean are also far behind.

Only the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force in the middle of the Indian Ocean can rescue the battle on the island in time. The two **** groups of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force are only two hundred kilometers away from Diego Garcia Island.

It only takes a little over half an hour for the Osprey to transport soldiers of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force to the island to support the US military operations.

And the time for the fleet to go to Diego Garcia Island will not be too long.

Compared with the Red Police Navy, which is still 800 kilometers away, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force clearly has the initiative in time and location.

But the pandas are not worried, because the Marine Corps also sent out earlier than the Japanese side. The carrier-based aircraft of the two wing also approached Diego Garcia at full speed. Even if Japan sent the troops to the island in time, Still facing the same fate as the US military on the island.

However, Sha Yiqi can also understand that if the U.S. military fully informs the Japanese side of the situation on the island, it will be impossible for the Japanese side to send troops to the island.

Of course, it is not that the United States intends to deceive Japan deliberately, but the United States also feels there is still room for recovery.

After all, on the island of Diego Garcia, there is a Marine Corps with a reinforced battalion and a lot of heavy equipment. Moreover, the Air Force fighters that patrolled before will soon be able to return to support, so that Japan can send troops only to be more secure. .

Regarding the situation on Diego Garcia at this moment, the United States is trying to understand as much as possible, but it can only use satellite images for analysis. The Pentagon also understands that the situation may not be optimistic.

Most of the airport was destroyed. Perhaps it was barely possible for the returning fighters to land, but don't even think about replenishing fuel and ammunition to continue the operation.

The warships and submarines of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force do not have offensive missile weapons. The missiles on the ship are all anti-submarine and air defense and anti-missile functions, unlike the US Aegis ships and the Tomahawks.

Otherwise, it can also provide fire support for operations on the island.

Fortunately, there is also a squadron of ninja gunships following the First Amphibious Wing, and the so-called Japanese ninja gunships are actually the Japanese version of Apache that Japan prevents the American Apache helicopters.

Previously, the ninja gunship was only equipped with the Land Self-Defense Force, but in order to provide fire support to the amphibious forces, based on the original ninja gunship, a ship-based gunship that can adapt to the high salt and humid environment on the sea was developed. .

Otherwise, the Japanese Lightning fighters will not have the ability to board ships, and the Japanese amphibious forces will not have the ability to cover and project troops with firepower.

Of course, if it weren't for the various planes on Diego Garcia Island that were destroyed in the airstrike, there would be no need for Japan to dispatch these ninja helicopters, or even the help of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force.

"Where are the reinforcements?" Sha Yiqi asked.

After the first round of air strikes, it was determined that all defensive weapons on Diego Garcia Island had been destroyed, and the two amphibious fleets of the Red Police Corps immediately dispatched the second batch of landing troops.

In the amphibious fleet of the Red Police Corps, there are only four transport helicopters, and the rest are all high-end fast transport aircraft such as peacekeeping transport aircraft. Not only are they more powerful and faster, they can even hoist large-scale land warfare equipment.

And this is the first time in the history of naval battles that the Red Police Corps has landed operations on islands separated by eight or nine hundred kilometers.

Of course, this is also a no-brainer plan. Otherwise, if it is to conduct conventional island landing operations, the Red Police Navy will inevitably face the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet heading south, let alone landing operations, and attack on both sides. The ability to fight back is gone.

According to local conditions, combined with actual tactics, flexible command is a qualified commander.

"The reinforcements will arrive in fifteen minutes."

"What about the fighting situation on the island?" Sha Yiqi asked again.

"The special operations battalion is fighting hard. The U.S. Marine Corps reinforced battalion has a considerable amount of main battle equipment that has brought a lot of trouble to the special operations battalion. However, the current situation has been basically controlled. If reinforcements arrive, it will be fine. Within five hours, completely wipe out American soldiers on the island."

It seems that this war is more difficult than imagined.

Sha Yiqi shook his head, put aside the thoughts in his mind, and continued to ask: "Can the carrier-based aircraft wing arrive at Diego Garcia on the scheduled time."

"Judging from the current flight speeds of the two wing, it may be a few minutes late, but if it is accelerated, the departure from the economic flight speed will affect the holding time of the carrier aircraft over the island."

"No, it can't be delayed for a minute. Within the scheduled time, at least one group of fighters must arrive on the battlefield, otherwise our soldiers will directly face the bombardment of American fighters." Sha Yiqi heard it decisively. Gave instructions.

The executive staff didn’t need Sha Yiqi to give, they immediately gave instructions on how to act into the fleet, and then turned around to report to Sha Yiqi: "Report to the general, I have ordered the third team to leave. The economic flight speed is expected to arrive over Diego Garcia in ten minutes, and the three carrier-based tankers will take off in three minutes, ready to refuel for the third group returning from combat."

"Very well, we must ensure that the air superiority over the island cannot fall into the hands of the US military." Sha Yiqi nodded.

Sha Yiqi knew very well that the returning planes of the U.S. military did not actually have much time in the air, and they could only make a forced landing on an airport that had been almost destroyed, but even so, they could not let Diego Garcia Island. Let the U.S. fighter jets wreak havoc.

However, what Sha Yiqi cares most about is Japan's two maritime self-defense forces. NATO's Indian Ocean Fleet is already strong enough, and with the help of Japan's powerful anti-submarine capabilities, this is definitely not good news for the Red Police and Navy.

Getting a Diego Garcia island, just pulling out a nail of the US military in the Indian Ocean, does not mean that the Red Police Corps has the advantage of this naval battle, but if it kills the two guard groups of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force , Then the situation will really improve.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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