The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1483: Aerial Battle on Diego Garcia Island

PS: Thanks to the book friend "12345qap" in a few days, the total amount of rewards reached 100,000 starting coins, and the hegemony of the hegemony of the book leader. Today, he added more.


On Diego Garcia Island, the US military did not know that Japanese reinforcements were already on the way, and the war between the two sides had entered a white-hot stage.

The Japanese First Amphibious Regiment supporting the road did not know that the rescue force of the Marine Corps of the Isy-Syrian Federal Guard would arrive at Diego Garcia earlier than them.

For this ultra-long-distance landing operation, too many people were caught off guard. Even now, the US military does not even know how the other side got on the island.

But it doesn't matter anymore. For this war, only victory will have everything.

Just as both parties were making an emergency landing on Diego Garcia Island, in the sky, the U.S. Air Force that received the emergency message had all returned at full speed.

The air base was destroyed, and there was no other place to go for every fighter that took off from Diego Garcia in the vast ocean.

The distance to the nearest African direction is more than 3,000 kilometers, and the distance to the nearest friendly air force base is also more than 3,500 kilometers.

It is impossible to fly the Air Force fighter jets on the island alone. Of course, if the U.S. military is willing, it can send tankers to respond.

It's just that the Pentagon didn't issue any fighter jets that had previously taken off from Diego Garcia to fly to a certain airport to land. Instead, they all returned, killed the invaders, and made a forced landing on the island's airport.

In this regard, all US military pilots did not hesitate to accept the order, and all fighters responsible for alert and search returned home as soon as possible.

But only two hundred kilometers closer to Diego Garcia Island, you can see the black smoke floating in the sky in the distance, gathering over the island.

The island covered by a carpet of rockets is all in a mess. Several oil depots close to the port are burning. If the oil depots had not been protected by several layers, they might have exploded.

The raging fire covered most of the island, leaving the island always shrouded in thick black smoke. At this moment, burning oil depots and oil pipelines are still producing billowing smoke. Most of the island is almost overwhelmingly dark. .

This makes every U.S. fighter pilot who returns very anxious.

Especially thinking that there are thousands of comrades-in-arms on the island who are at war with the soldiers of the Union of Iraq and Syria, it makes them even more anxious.

However, just when all the US fighter jets were returning quickly, an early warning aircraft nearby immediately sent a message that multiple suspicious fighter radar signals were found south of Diego Garcia Island.

The radar signal is similar to the radar signal response of the Black Hawk fighter. The early warning aircraft is just afraid to make a final confirmation, but one thing is certain, that is, the arrival is not good.

What's more, the south of Diego Garcia Island is also the most likely position of the Syrian Federal Navy's fleet.

For this reason, the AWACS also hurriedly assembled all the U.S. fighter jets that are returning nearby. The other side has already carried out landing operations. There will be necessary air support. In this case, we can only deal with the incoming fighter jets. Only then has the ability to support the US military on the ground.

At the same time, the early warning aircraft is also constantly contacting the US military on the ground, hoping to understand the current situation on the island.

The only good news is that the Pentagon has sent news that Japanese reinforcements are already on the way, and they will be able to reach the island in ten minutes.

At the same time, on the other side of Diego Garcia Island, the third group of carrier-based aircraft that came over also found the US fighters being assembled.

It was just that the number was a little bit beyond their expectations. The peacekeeping bomber's attack had completely destroyed all the fighter jets on the island’s airport, but at this moment, the number of US fighter jets assembled still had nearly one wing.

As for a brigade of the Red Police Corps, the number of fighters is only eighteen, and it has to face three times its opponents.

However, this did not put too much pressure on the Third Carrier Aircraft Group. Although they were not golden knights, those who were able to board the ship had the lowest bronze knight title, and many of them were silver knights.

What's more, the performance of the opponent's fighters are all fighters that have served the US military for a long time, and most of them are F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters.

At this moment, the goal of both sides is to force the other side to be unable to intervene in ground operations on the island, which makes the two sides approach in the same direction very tacitly.

However, the heavy smoke is not suitable for combat, so both sides consciously moved to the left side of the island, and the sea on this side is surrounded by islands.

Even if a pilot parachutes, he won't be floating on the sea all the time and can go to the island to wait for rescue.

The first aerial confrontation in the Indian Ocean, without a doubt, took place on the edge of Diego Garcia Island.

On the one hand, the rest of the air force on the US island, and on the other hand, the Black Hawk carrier aircraft that flew over 800 kilometers away. Before the two sides got close, a series of missiles flew toward each other.

This kind of battle depends on whose missiles are powerful and whose fighter radar is more advanced.

The Black Hawk fighter has a powerful cooperative combat capability, and can also borrow the radar and weapon system of any nearby Black Hawk fighter for its own use. The cooperative combat capability, under the powerful data link system, is not inferior to the U.S. F-18 super Bumblebee.

The third-generation fighter jets of other types of the US military simply do not have such close data exchange capabilities.

On the fighter’s radar display, you can always only see the radar graphics you The Black Hawk fighter immediately launched an over-the-horizon air-to-air missile 100 kilometers away. On the other hand, the U.S. military needs to be close. It takes between 70 kilometers and 80 kilometers to allow one's airborne radar to lock onto the opponent.

However, after collecting the radar signals from the Black Hawk carrier aircraft, the US AWACS continuously carried out targeted interference, which also affected the radar system on the Black Hawk carrier aircraft to some extent.

And this kind of influence is a very dangerous thing under high-speed air combat.

Fortunately, the carrier-based aircraft of the Hope also arrived on the battlefield in time and began anti-interference against the US AWACS.

However, the U.S. fighter jets are not so lucky. After all, the youngest fighters are all fighters that have served more than ten years. In many respects, they have fallen short of the times.

Under targeted interference, many U.S. fighter jets have almost become blind.

When they launched the missile, they discovered to their horror that the incoming missile had come before their eyes, and avoiding it even became a luxury. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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