The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1484: Reckless Little Japan

PS: Thanks to the book friend "12345qap" in a few days, the total amount of rewards reached 100,000 starting coins, and the hegemony of the hegemony of the book leader. Today, he added more.


Ignoring the air battle on Diego Garcia Island, at this moment on the island, the battle has shown a stalemate state.

The US military on the island used the remaining armor of the Marine Corps to form an inner circle of defense.

This is also a choice that the U.S. military has no choice, because the situation on the island is that the U.S. forces are in a disadvantageous situation. Even if they know that the number of opponents is not as large as their own, but with the coordination and incomparably precise firepower of the opponents, the U.S. soldiers are unable to launch a counterattack. .

It can only use the cover of the armored forces to make the remaining soldiers retreat to the periphery of the arsenal on the island, and use the fortifications here to start a defensive battle with the offensive enemy.

And behind it is the arsenal, and there is no worry about the consumption of weapons and ammunition.

It was just that the Marine Corps armored units that covered the retreat of the US troops on the island caused a lot of trouble to the special operations battalion, but they were also wiped out.

However, in terms of tactical arrangements, this choice of the US military is undoubtedly a success. At least it will stop the US military from being completely passive and be able to resist the opponent's attack here.

Of course, this also depends on the strong peripheral fortifications built outside the arsenal. This is another characteristic of the US military, that is, it has never been sloppy in key places.

The safety factor of the arsenal is extremely high. After all, it is related to the tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons and equipment as well as various advanced missiles, which are the main sources of supplies for the Navy and Air Force.

Otherwise, in the first round of air strikes, how could the ammunition depot be safe and sound.

However, the special operations battalion is not worried about the other side's defensive actions. The US military's behavior makes the special operations battalion easier at once, without going to the entire island to chase these American soldiers.

After all, the combat mission of the special operations battalion is not to capture the entire island, but to open up a safe landing site for the subsequent landing of the Marine Corps, and to eliminate the US soldiers on the island as much as possible.

The American soldiers inside thought that the opponent did not have heavy equipment such as tanks and could not contribute to the strong reinforced concrete around the arsenal.

Of course, for the US military, this is also the only defensive point, and anywhere else on the island, they will undoubtedly be eliminated.

The US soldiers on the island are also hopeful, and that is the rescue force.

After all, all around this place is the sphere of influence of NATO.

Even if the troops of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation leave again, they will only leave in despair.

However, what made the American soldiers worried was that before their reinforcements arrived, they saw a group of jet vertical take-off and landing transport aircraft from the Isy-Syrian Federal Guard.

This kind of stealth vertical take-off and landing aircraft is no longer unfamiliar. It is also an aerial vehicle that shined in the Israeli war.

Earlier, the Osprey was already the world's most advanced vertical take-off and landing aircraft, but with the continuous occurrence of accidents, the peacekeeping transport aircraft and peacekeeping bombers developed by the Future Science and Technology Group soon entered people's field of vision.

The same model, dual-purpose transportation and bombing, is still a very advanced jet-type hypersonic aircraft, which is at the same level and distance from the so-called most advanced transport aircraft of Osprey.

It also made the US soldiers feel a little bit stuffy in their hearts. After all, in the past, when talking about good things, they were all in the US military. Now when talking about advanced weapons and equipment, it seems that they have been occupied by the Iraqi-Syrian Federation.

It's just that the American soldiers on the island don't have such complicated psychology. They are more depressed by the speed of the other party.

The peacekeeping transport plane quickly came to the landing point opened by the special operations camp and landed in a training field on the US military island. More soldiers walked down from the transport plane. In order to support the battle, it also transported a lot of land. War equipment over.

When the twelve peacekeeping transport planes left, the Red Police Corps on the island not only added two battalions, but also received the assistance of several multifunctional infantry fighting vehicles, and even transported a calmer.

If it weren't for too far, the two amphibious fleets would have at least one battalion at a time.

There is no way. It is not easy to be able to send troops from two companies. There are other ground equipment, which can only be said that it is not easy.

However, when the peacekeeping transport plane left, the US soldiers were also pleasantly surprised to find that their reinforcements had also arrived.

In fact, if the peacekeeping transport plane were not able to stay here, the 30mm Gate cannon on the peacekeeping transport fuselage alone would be enough to despair the U.S. military on the island, and it would be enough to kill the supporting Japanese First Amphibious Wing. Reinforcements.

Seeing that their own reinforcements had also come, the U.S. Army was happy, but the Japanese soldiers who had just arrived on Diego Garcia Island were all stunned.

Unlike what we imagined, the situation on the island is countless times worse. It is not an evenly matched battle, but the US military has been forced to the point of passive defense.

The imaginary safe landing field did not exist. When the voice of the Japanese plaster flag and the ninja gunship came over, they were not faced with the cheers of American soldiers, but ruthless anti-aircraft missiles.

The V-1 air defense missile modules mounted on the two multifunctional infantry fighting vehicles that have just started to move continuously pour air defense firepower against the approaching Japanese ninja gunship.

This made most of the Japanese soldiers who had never actually fought in actual combat, and everything came too suddenly.

Fortunately, the ninja gunship can be regarded as elite. In the face of air defense missiles coming from the ground, although it is impossible to counterattack ground armored vehicles in time, evasion is still no problem.

The release of jamming bombs and evasion of missiles, like textbook-like evasive actions, were shown in the hands of Japanese pilots, and they seem to be talking about what is called elite.

But what the Japanese navy shipborne gunship pilots who have never experienced actual combat don't know is that the battlefield is always full of variables.

The real battlefield environment is also much higher than any exercise environment. When they evaded as described in the textbooks, they didn't know that the snipers hiding on the ground all showed cold smiles.

The most important thing is that the snipers hidden on the ground are not one or two, but a sniper team of 20 or 30 groups.

Can avoid the missile, but can't avoid the cold muzzle of the sniper below.

The incoming ninja gunship was able to avoid the anti-aircraft missiles launched from the ground, but it was immediately killed by the anti-material sniper rifle that followed. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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