The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1485: Never show mercy to Japan

PS: Thanks to the book friend "12345qap" in a few days, the total amount of rewards reached 100,000 starting coins, and the hegemony of the hegemony of the book leader.


The Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers who collided with the Red Police Corps also participated in actual combat for the first time since the end of World War II.

However, the war seems to be completely different from the exercises. The armed helicopter entering the battlefield just discovered the enemy on the ground before it had time to attack, and encountered an incoming air defense missile.

As a result, I managed to avoid the anti-aircraft missiles, and there were snipers in ambush. Everything seemed like the director was good.

If these soldiers of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces were alive in the sky, they would definitely say that they were too bullying.

In fact, this is a situation where the war is one-sided under complete information asymmetry. Japan does not know what is going on on the island.

On the other hand, the Red Police Corps on the island can grasp the information outside in real time. The early warning aircraft in the sky have always sent the Japanese Self-Defense Forces maritime reinforcements to the troops on the ground the location and distance. It is not easy to ambush.

What's more, there are ways to avoid infrared detection on helicopters. What's more, on the current island of Diego Garcia, there is no need to carry out the so-called infrared concealment. The heavy smoke has already made the infrared system of the helicopter unable to function.

When the pilot on the ninja helicopter saw the enemy on the ground, he was already within the attack range of others.

Without ground guidance, there is no ground warning. If you come in blindly, can you not be beaten?

Originally, Japan's First Amphibious Wing was carried out with a normal landing operation plan. It also borrowed from the successful experience of the US military's landing operations. The armed helicopters suppressed firepower in the front and the Osprey transport aircraft in the rear opened up a safe landing field.

However, the sacrifice of the ninja gunship also gave the Osprey transport aircraft a chance to release the troops.

The Osprey transport plane that did not dare to enter too much can be regarded as saving himself and the Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers full of planes.

The Japanese soldiers who boarded Diego Garcia Island also launched in accordance with the plan of the operation, striving to join the US soldiers as soon as possible.

It's just that the mountain jeep on the landing site is about to drive up, the machine gun on the mountain jeep is loaded, there are a few clear gunfires, and several mountain jeeps bomb and explode.

The soldiers of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces who had just gathered were also killed and injured.

The several sniper teams 800 meters away all showed contemptuous smiles. The opponent's behavior like an exercise really made them feel that these opponents with the plaster flag were too naive.

On the island controlled by the other party, I actually want to use the jeep slowly. For the sniper, only one armor-piercing incendiary can detonate the fuel tank on the jeep.

The explosion of the jeep was so powerful that it affected dozens of Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers on the spot. Although most of them did not die directly, injuries were inevitable.

However, the rest of the Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers all squatted in the grass on the island on the landing site, not even daring to lift their heads.

The snipers in the First Amphibious Wing also tried to find the snipers who were ambushing in the distance.

At this moment, another sharp gunshot sounded. At the scene of the explosion, an extra bullet hole appeared in the thigh of a Japanese soldier rolling on the ground.

Where the sniper was located, gunshots were heard from afar, but what made the Japanese Self-Defense Force sniper depressed is that the sniper who shot this time was at least 1,300 meters away from him, and the terrain was higher than here. There is no shooting angle at all.


At this moment, the Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers who were hiding in the grass, saw that the other side actually slapped the wounded soldiers, and cursed them all.

But here is the battlefield in the war, where might it be reasonable to you.

Against these plaster flag opponents, the Red Police Corps is also very ruthless. If the opponent is American soldiers, then the Red Police Corps will not be like this. Therefore, the US military is still an admirable opponent.

But for the soldiers of the plaster flag, it is completely different. Of course, this is not a special order on it, but all the soldiers of the Red Police Corps. They are all very clear. Commander Cai Ruichen has no good feelings about Little Japan. .

This also directly affected every soldier of the Red Police Corps, especially after learning about the various sins committed by Japan during World War II, it became even more rude.

Although this kind of hatred does not need to continue to this day, whoever lets the other party still hang the plaster flag when it invaded China, even the navy flag is the same as that year.

Be cruel, and it depends entirely on the opponent and the situation. To deal with civilized opponents, the Red Police Corps is definitely more civilized than the opponent. If you deal with those cruel guys, the Red Police Corps will use more cruel methods to respond.

At this moment, even if Cai Ruichen is standing here, he won't say anything. Although it is very inhumane to surround the corpse and fight for help, Cai Ruichen will find it suitable to deal with a small Japan.

But for the soldiers of Japan's First Amphibious Regiment, this is very inappropriate. Seeing that the injured comrades were shot again, they were still shot in the arteries, and blood spurted straight out. It's the same as killing.

But it was so, but no one dared to step forward and rescue all the injured comrades back, even if they were rescued in this piece of grass and let the medical soldiers bandage them.

But in the First Amphibious Wing, no one went to the rescue, only lying stubbornly in the grass, not even daring to pop out of his head.

However, if they did not move, it did not mean that the opponent did not move. Seeing one of their shots did not make the Japanese soldiers below take action. The sniper at the highest point directly fired at the lurking grass of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. bullets burrowed into the grass continuously, causing all the Self-Defense Force soldiers to sweat.

Relying on the camouflage uniform and the half-meter-high vegetation, it can confuse the sniper's eyes, and the heat emitted by the air also hinders the detection of infrared equipment, but the opponent is crowded, and a few bullets are down, and there is a result.

Two unlucky Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers hiding together, one of them was hit by a bullet in the shoulder, splashing some blood, which attracted the attention of the sniper. At this place, there was a series of shots, with another soldier on the side. , Was directly beaten into a sieve by bullets.

"Smoke grenades protect the wounded."

At this moment, wherever he could go to rescue the friendly forces, the leader of the First Amphibious Wing, Fuji Shinji Osa, also made a decisive choice.

Soon one after another smoke bombs flew out of the grass and landed on the edge of the mountain Hummer. The smoke spread and covered the traces of the sniper. All the Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers also hurriedly got up and began to rescue the car and exploded. Under the wounded comrades.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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