The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1486: 1 way defeated little Japan

PS: Thanks to the book friend "12345qap" in a few days, the total amount of rewards reached 100,000 starting coins, and the hegemony of the hegemony of the book leader. Today, he added more.


In the bay in the northern part of Diego Garcia, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force Amphibious Wing, who was killed for the first time on the island, had to make the choice to rescue the wounded.

There is no way for Yuto Shinji. If he doesn't save the wounded soldiers, he will only have to ask for his fate after returning. At the same time, it will bring a huge stain to him and he will not be able to convince the public.

At the same time, the sniper team on the high ground was not in a hurry. Dealing with the Japanese soldiers below, they were more like cats and mice.

The Japanese soldiers below were in action, and the five sniper teams half-encircling these Japanese soldiers all began to shift their sniper positions to the reserved sniper positions closer to each other.

However, they are not really idle, but directly call the calmer who has begun to unfold behind.

The calmer who was preparing to attack the US military's ammunition depot immediately reorientated the attack and aimed directly at the position of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force.

Those who are less than a few thousand meters apart, such short-distance ballistics did not bring much difficulty to the calmers, but it is impossible for the shells to fall at the same time.

However, for these Japanese soldiers who have just landed, there is no bunker and no place to hide. Even if the shells fall one by one, it is terrifying enough.

The roar of the shells made all the Japanese soldiers numb their scalp, and all of them instinctively fell to the ground.

The huge power of the cannonball blasted among the soldiers of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, and several fragments flew out two to three hundred meters with the explosion, and the smoke that had just been produced was directly dispersed under the huge explosion.

The snipers who moved their sniper positions also took this opportunity to attack the Japanese soldiers who had left the grass. The explosion and gunfire caused the Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers to pay heavy casualties in just a few tens of seconds.

The shelling lasted for a full minute, and the five sniper teams also took the opportunity to shoot and kill many Japanese soldiers.

When the shelling stopped, the entire landing site was already in a mess, with Japanese wounded soldiers screaming and screaming everywhere.

This also brought extremely heavy psychological pressure to the other surviving soldiers of the entire First Amphibious Wing.

When the shelling stopped, a Japanese soldier who could not stand the pressure suddenly got up, regardless of the helmet that fell on the ground, revealing a sun-flag turban tied to his head. There may be a sniper in the distance. Wherever it is, it’s a mess of sweeping.

But before he waited for a bullet to light up, a terrible bullet directly hit the red heart of the plaster flag tied to his head. The huge power of the bullet opened all the back of his head. The blood mixed with the brain and sprayed it. Ground.

Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers who have never really experienced a war, occasionally have a sudden nervous breakdown, and it is normal. Fortunately, most of them can withstand it. After all, many soldiers have not seen dead people for the first time. What does the head look like.

Of course, there are also people who vomit directly in the grass, but they can still maintain the necessary calmness and they are already qualified.

At this moment, Fuji Shinji has no time to count the casualties. If he continues to stay in this position, he can only wait for death.

But going forward, I don't know how many enemies there are. Shinji Arito, who has never seen such a terrible opponent, can only order the troops to withdraw from this place immediately.

As for the wounded soldiers who remained on the battlefield, he couldn't take care of a lot at this moment. If he continued to stay here, he would not be able to save the wounded soldiers, but would catch everyone else.

"The target has withdrawn to the bay, confirm that the target has withdrawn to the bay."

The sniper team immediately reported the situation of the Japanese Self-Defense Force that had begun to retreat, but they did not forget to continue to increase the number of deaths to the opponent. If the opponent was not smart to retreat along the way, alternately covering with firepower and smoke bombs along the way, I am afraid No one can go.

Bai Jiayu, who was in command, immediately issued the order from the Marine Corps that had just been supported: "Encircle from the right side, and force these Japanese soldiers towards the beach."

On the left is the burning naval port. It is impossible for the Japanese Self-Defense Force to approach, so it can only evacuate to the northeast. The Marine Corps moving from the right side can prevent these Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers from entering the building on the east of the island. Hide in the ruins.

Bai Jiayu is not playing cats and mice, but following the overall tactics laid out by Sha Yiqi from the beginning, to fight for help.

As long as there are US soldiers and Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers on the island, the US military will not be able to carry out coverage bombing on the island. Instead, it will find ways to rescue the troops trapped on the island.

Otherwise, if these enemies on the island are easily killed, it must be the attack of various US military missiles. For the United States, the leveling of the 30 square kilometers island is only a matter of minutes.

Therefore, in such a situation, after keeping a certain number of controllable enemies on the island, they will instead let the opponent throw a rat trap and dare not mess around.

Otherwise, if you really kill everyone on the island, it will make you completely desperate.

Originally, Bai Jiayu wanted to open up part of the communications when necessary, so that the US military on the island could ask for help from abroad, but it was not necessary.

Bai Jiayu had no way to block the communications of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces on the island. Therefore, the outside world would know about the news on the island, and knew that it was not very detailed, which was also very beneficial to him.

Otherwise, if you want to open up U.S. military communications, it may allow the outside world to fully understand the situation on the island.

Now the Japanese Self-Defense Forces have also learned that the US military on the island is still resisting They don't know the extent of resistance. Such news is the best stimulus to the outside US military.

However, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces did not think so far away. The retreating First Amphibious Wing did want to get close to the collapsed barracks on the east side of the island, but before they could get close to the barracks, they were caught by the Marine Corps who had arrived here early. Ambush.

Under the intensive attack, the Japanese Self-Defense Force left more than a dozen corpses, and decisively evacuated towards the beach.

In fact, Shinji Yuto was unwilling to retreat, but there was no way. The IS-Syrian forces on the island were much larger than his own, and the fighting power was also terrifying.

It is better to fight on the island and wait for the arrival of rescue forces.

However, if faced with the same situation, on such an island, if the Red Police Corps were replaced, at this moment, they would definitely find a way to control a place that could be defended, instead of conducting so-called sports warfare, because sports warfare would even have no chance.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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