The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1489: Underwater wolf pack

PS: Two chapters will be sent first and there will be updates later!


On the command tower of Seawolf One, there is an integrated informationized command center. The entire command center occupies most of the space of the submarine command enclosure, which can be described as spacious and bright.

On a submarine of more than 9,000 tons, it only needs dozens of people to be fully staffed, of which twelve are in the command post.

The various compartments and weapon systems of the submarine and navigation are all highly intelligently integrated, and only two or three people can control the entire submarine.

The power cabin also requires only two people to be responsible for the overall power operation, and the power supply and storage are all controlled by the system.

And in the outer shell of the submarine, there are also a large number of high-definition cameras installed. These cameras are all connected to the ship’s integrated image integration system. This system is like the image integration system on the Black Hawk fighter. It can capture the camera in real time. The images of the submarine are integrated to form a complete image of the submarine without dead ends, and then this image will be projected into the submarine command center by augmented reality.

Such a system allows the submarine driver to drive the submarine without going through the nautical chart when there is light in the sea, just like driving a car, everything is very simple.

Of course, the submarine at the moment is 700 meters deep in the sea, and the images captured by all the cameras are actually dark. After the low-light night ability is turned on, it can barely capture the approximate underwater appearance nearby.

This function is almost always turned on in real time. The command center sees not the steel hull of the submarine, but the camera outside.

Such real-time transmission, placed on a submarine, can almost be said to be the only scorpion rake.

Standing inside, it seems that the entire submarine is transparent, and you can see the picture outside the submarine seamlessly.

However, if you want to integrate all the camera images and project them in real time, there must be no delay of more than 50 milliseconds. A computer with super computing power is needed for integration. Therefore, there is also a separate supercomputer on the submarine. To capture and integrate on the screen.

Of course, the function of this system is not limited to this. The most important thing is that it can release a miniature data periscope system so that even a submarine sunk on the seabed can see the picture on the water.

The miniature periscope system uses a slender data cable to connect the sensor in the submarine. The periscope emerges from the water, and then turns on the 360-degree global camera to capture the image on the sea and transmit it to the submarine.

Therefore, if you want to see everything on the sea, you don't need to go on a snorkeling submarine, nor do you need to stretch out a periscope with a fixed submarine sound to be able to determine the location of the target.

Moreover, this miniature periscope also has communication capabilities and can send out communication signals.

Otherwise, the submarine that is 700 meters underwater will not have the ability to contact the outside at all, but can only passively receive information and intelligence sent by the base neutrino communication technology.

In the Seawolf One Command Center, after more than forty days of parking underwater, the combat mission finally ushered in.

From the beginning, Cai Ruichen had planned to park in this place. In fact, it was underwater in the Indian Ocean, and a large group of sea wolves were hiding on the cold seabed.

Seawolf One is also the first Acura submarine built by the Red Police Corps. In addition to the original equipment, it also has an integrated command system, because this submarine is also responsible for commanding all other Acura submarines. Responsibility.

The combat order has been issued, and the opponent is the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, which claims to have the world's strongest anti-submarine capability. This makes the Red Police Corps underwater wolves commander Major General Chang Weixuan (a guest guest of real-name book friends) extremely excited.

The Red Police Corps never liked those weak opponents. To use a word circulated within the Red Police Corps, they played the trump card and number one.

The air force and army have performed well, and the navy is no exception.

After sinking here for more than a month, everyone has long been itchy hands and wants to use their talents to show off.

"Connect to the satellite, transfer data every fifteen seconds, and at the same time send the data back to the base and forward it to all submarines."

"Open active sonar, receive sonar detection data from underwater dolphins and giant squids, and search for the position of Japanese underwater submarine forces."

"Weapon System..."

"power system……"

Chang Weixuan glanced at the command that reached his terminal, and issued a series of commands. The battle signal on the submarine also silently rotated.

Every soldier on the submarine returned to his combat position as soon as possible. The recreational compartment was closed, the connections between the compartments, and all vents were closed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our long-awaited battle is coming. The brothers of the Air Force and the Army have achieved brilliant results. As the wolf head of the underwater wolf pack, I have only one request to give play to the cunning and cruel characteristics of the wolf pack. The Japanese pig learned a severe lesson, and at the same time told the world that the Japanese water pig, known as the world’s strongest anti-submarine capability, is nothing more than that..."

Chang Weixuan's voice not only spread throughout the entire Sea Wolf One, but also to every nearby submarine through the base's data connection.

The members of the underwater wolf pack, after receiving Chang Weixuan's voice, all pressed the combat button, and all the Acuras resting quietly on the bottom of the sea awoke.

The missile bay and torpedo bay are being filled with water, and the missile launch is being activated.

Seawolf One squeezed out a small part of the sea, causing the entire submarine to float slowly for ten meters, and then it was motionless again.

Some marine creatures that were resting on the all instantly escaped from this moving "rock".

At the same time, on the side of the submarine, the two giant squids that had been swimming on the side all swam to the surface of the sea.

At the same time, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force's double **** group is approaching along this route towards Diego Garcia Island, and the sky and underwater are all covered with anti-submarine networks.

Although the Japanese side is very anxious to support the Japanese soldiers on the island, it is on the alert for the Islamic Federation and has maintained the highest state of alert along the way.

Four anti-submarine helicopters, constantly searching for the forward direction and underwater sonar signals on the two wings, and four state-of-the-art Canglong-class submarines on the periphery of the two **** groups are in motion to ensure the underwater safety of the fleet.

However, the Japanese **** group did not find the underwater wolves that have been ambushing in this vast sea for more than a month, and their position and information, as well as sonar and water ripple data, and information on the earth’s magnetic field have been nearby. The dolphins are collected, and all are transmitted back to the underwater submarine.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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