The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1490: The so-called pride of Japanese sailors

In the vast Indian Ocean, around the two **** groups of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, four Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force submarines are performing anti-submarine missions for the fleet.

Like the composition of the anti-submarine potential of any fleet on the water and underwater, an underwater anti-submarine submarine must never get close to the anti-submarine area of ​​the fleet when performing anti-submarine operations.

Therefore, the anti-submarine work of submarines will be all around the periphery of the fleet to provide the fleet with the longest underwater anti-submarine work.

Such a system is to prevent the submarine from being accidentally injured by the surface fleet as a target. In actual combat, it is absolutely iron-like discipline.

When the fleet sails on the ocean, it is super sensitive to any suspicious sonar signals underwater. Even the familiar sonar signals are also targets of attack.

This is true even in the US fleet. Because the submarine is underwater, the fleet cannot communicate with the underwater submarine, and the submarine cannot contact the surface fleet. It can only be that everyone has a tacit understanding of their respective guardians. Its own combat area is the safest, and it can also expand the overall anti-submarine range of the fleet.

So this has also formed an unchanging rule. As long as there is a suspicious sonar signal underwater, the surface fleet can safely attack without fear of accidentally injuring its submarine.

Under normal circumstances, if a submarine wants to get close to attacking the surface fleet, the first opponent to solve is the submarine outside the surface fleet.

All Japanese submarines are conventional AIP submarines, which are among the advanced conventional submarines in the world. They have developed extremely fast and possess very good sailing performance and combat capabilities.

Before the Acura submarine, the Japanese submarine has always been the largest of all conventional submarines in the world, and it is also the most powerful conventional submarine. It has six torpedo tubes that can launch not only torpedoes but also anti-ships. Missiles and anti-submarine missiles are as powerful as some attack nuclear submarines during the Cold War.

As for the submarines of the Syrian Federation, I am sorry that so far, the Acura submarine has not appeared in public view.

However, the U.S. military has clearly obtained the intelligence of the Syrian-Israeli federal submarine. The Pentagon has determined that the Syrian-Israeli Federal Navy has a mysterious submarine force, but the size and type of the submarine force has never been disclosed by the Isy-Syrian Federation.

The U.S. military only confirmed that there is a mysterious underwater vehicle that often enters and exits the Persian Gulf through many suspicious signals. However, the U.S. military knows nothing about the size of this submarine and simple performance data.

Japan also shared the intelligence of the U.S. military. What the U.S. knows, what Japan knows, and what the U.S. military does not know, the Japanese side naturally does not know.

What is the number of mysterious submarines? do not know.

Is the submarine conventional power or nuclear power? do not know.

What weapons does the submarine have? do not know.

What is the speed of the submarine above and below the water? do not know.

All kinds of unknown, describing information about the submarine of the Islamic and Syrian Federation, so whether it is the US military or the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force, they are all extremely careful.

In this world, no matter how powerful an enemy is, it is far no worse than an unknown enemy.

Even so far, no one knows how many ISY submarines are in the Indian Ocean? Where are they distributed?

So far, neither the U.S. military nor the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force have found suspicious submarine sonar signals, and a large number of anti-submarine aircraft have been found to be nothing. Even the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force has deep doubts about whether the US military’s intelligence is wrong. There are no so-called submarines in the Iraq-Syria Federation.

If it were to change to a general country, Japan would not have to spend such a lot of money on lighting, but the Iraqi-Syrian Federation is different. The most powerful part of this country is all kinds of surprises, which are often difficult to resist.

This war has taught NATO and the US allies enough lessons. There must be no fluke in dealing with the Syrian Federation. It is best to confirm any news and intelligence again and again, because it has suffered too much.

Unlike the pure pragmatism of the United States, Japan prefers the rigor of the Germans. Therefore, even if many people think that the intelligence of the US military may be wrong, it is still very careful and focused in action.

However, some things cannot be avoided with repeated care.

Under the dark ocean, there was originally a mysterious area full of unknowns.

On the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force Hakuryu submarine painted with SS503, all Japanese sailors are carefully monitoring the sounds of the seabed, and the weapons and equipment on the ship are all in a state of being ready to be turned on at any time.

Helping the surface fleet vigilance, the White Dragon has been carried out many times, served for seven or eight years, participated in many maritime exercises between Japan and the United States, and performed very well, and even simulated sinking US forces in Los Angeles-class attacks. The brilliant record of nuclear submarines.

This is the overall honor of the entire Bailong. Although the above has clearly stated that it is very likely to encounter the mysterious submarine unit of the Iraq-Syrian Federation, the Japanese Self-Defense Force officers and soldiers on the boat are still very confident.

Even all the crew members are fully prepared to avenge the anti-submarine reconnaissance aircraft, in response to the initial vengeance of the Japanese Poseidon anti-submarine patrol aircraft on the Strait of Malacca.

As for the submarines of the Iran-Syria Federation, the crews of the Bailong are willing to believe that with the advanced technology that the Future Technology Group possesses in other military equipment, it is indeed capable of developing a type of advanced submarine.

But will the Islamic Federation use submarines?

This question made all the crew of the White Dragon couldn't help but laugh The Centennial Navy is not only talking about the development of naval vessels, but also the inheritance of naval culture and the experience of using weapons and equipment at sea.

In the eyes of most of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force soldiers, an army soldier can indeed learn to use army weapons and equipment in a short time, but the navy is completely different. Each warship is a huge whole. For an advanced submarine to be handed over to an army with no experience in using it like Iraq or Syria, it is no less than placing a main battle tank in front of the cavemen. Will it be used?

The answer is naturally impossible to use.

So even though they are all very careful and careful, fundamentally, the soldiers of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces all look down on the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, and even use a kind of barbarian and modern cultural warfare to compare this war.

This concept also exists on the White Dragon, and has even dominated the thinking and emotions of every crew member.

What they didn't know was that when the White Dragon was passing through a seabed crack underwater, a pair of scarlet pupils the size of a house slowly opened under the crack.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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