The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1492: Giant squid

PS: I am extremely grateful to the book friend "xixiqp788" for the one-hundred-thousand-thousand starting currency rewarded yesterday, which made this book's hegemony hegemony, and today I will do ten changes for him.


Under the deep Indian Ocean equatorial seafloor crack, the King Octopus loosened the White Dragon, which had been completely crushed by the water. The water-drop-shaped submarine shell was completely distorted, and it was filled with sea water. Otherwise, huge water Pressure can completely press the submarine into dried persimmons.

As for the sixty or seventy Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force soldiers inside, they were naturally not spared.

This conventional submarine, costing more than $600 million to build, did not cost a single shot, nor did it play any role. Even in the end, no one knew how the submarine was destroyed.

The submarine that has been completely flooded inside the submarine sinks into the depths of the endless dark sea cracks, three kilometers from the surface of the water, and lies on the seabed in the depths of the cracks. In a few months, deep sea creatures will regard it as Brand new habitat.

The king octopus, who finished all this, shook his two tentacles, and left the crack silently like the air under water, swimming towards another Canglong-class submarine dozens of nautical miles away.

If the huge body is placed on land, it is definitely a kilometer high mountain, but in the huge ocean, the huge body of the king octopus is actually a drop in the ocean.

But when the king octopus swims, it seems that there is no underwater resistance at all, and the eight huge tentacles dance gently, as if they are completely integrated into the sea, without blisters, and without the slightest impact on the tranquility of the water. .

Even many marine creatures in the deep water were not aware of its existence.

But the most commendable thing is that the speed of the king octopus underwater is like a supercavitating torpedo. A light movement is like a feather arrow contained in a vacuum. The speed is extremely fast, as if it has exceeded the speed of sound.

The distance of tens of nautical miles, for the king octopus, is just a cup of tea.

Under the water, the king octopus is like a master. When it stopped, another Japanese Canglong class submarine, also the first ship of the Canglong class, was driving in the direction where it stopped.

But this way, the King Octopus did not produce many sonar signals, whether it was on the submarine or the sonar system of the Japanese surface guards group, they did not find its extremely large size.

It's not that the big king octopus really has no sound at all, but its sound is not only mixed with the ocean background noise, but the noise it emits is the same as normal marine life.

Just like the sonar system on submarines, warships and anti-submarine helicopters, it automatically filters out the sounds of marine life, in order to allow sonar crews to better monitor suspicious underwater sonars.

If it is the previous sonar equipment, the first thing the sonarman has to learn is to distinguish the various ocean background sounds coming from the underwater sonar and the sounds made by underwater creatures.

It's different now. Under normal circumstances, the sounds of nature are automatically blocked.

Even if it is not shielded, there will be no discovery. For the sonarman, the king octopus is just equivalent to hearing the slight sound similar to that made by the octopus, and will not care about such a sound at all.

The sounds of dolphins and whales are the easiest to distinguish, and are much clearer than the sounds of submarines.

The shielding of this kind of sound is also very normal. After all, no one can think that the enemy in the ocean at this moment, there is such a terrible guy.

Once the king octopus is exposed, or the giant squid army is exposed, as long as all sonars are turned on, even the king octopus will be almost invisible.

The current unscrupulousness of King Octopus is only based on the fact that the enemy is completely unaware of the situation. In any situation of war, the result of facing unknown enemies is almost the same.

This is not only underwater at sea, but also on land.

At this moment, it is absolutely a silent disaster for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.

The Canglong submarine, like the Bailong, is carrying out the underwater perimeter security and anti-submarine mission of the double guard group.

When the two tentacles of the king octopus were wrapped around, the reaction was almost the same as that of the White Dragon.

But this time the King Octopus was even more straightforward. He directly pulled the Canglong submarine and swam towards a deeper trench not far away. The Canglong quickly followed in the footsteps of the Bailong, and his fate became even more helpless. All the submarines landed on the equator of the Indian Ocean, in a deeper trench, reaching a depth of seven or eight kilometers.

At such a depth, even if the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force can find the Canglong submarine, it is absolutely impossible to salvage it.

Even wanting to dive into such a deep place is a very difficult task for humans. Only small deep diving equipment can reach such a deep sea.

The King Octopus didn't have the slightest feeling for the pressure of seven or eight kilometers. Even ordinary giant squids could live freely in such deep waters, without any discomfort at all.

Squid is originally a giant deep-sea creature. It is just a normal big squid, which rarely grows to the huge body of a giant squid.

When the King Octopus got the Japanese Canglong submarine and the Hakuryu submarine, in the other direction of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force **** group, the other two Canglong-class submarines were killed by a group of giant squids.

Giant Squid: The advanced biological arms of the Red Police Corps. The biotechnology that has been strengthened from generation to generation has created a more terrifying ocean behemoth. This is a terrifying unit made using biological genes and a normal giant There is no difference between squids, they can also mate and reproduce. Eight huge tentacles are its attacking weapon. When it entangles the target, it will not let go. In addition to causing damage to the target through shaking tearing force, it can also use its tens of thousands of sharp teeth. It can bite through any armor after entangled the target.

Basic naval combat unit, construction price-480000 base funds, construction time-2 days.

Simple data: the body length is 120 meters, each tentacle is 60 meters long on average, and the longest two tentacles are 90 meters long. The body surface is covered with heavy scales, which can resist basic weapon damage and moderate underwater vibration and shock wave damage. .

Special note: It is the best unit to create an atmosphere of horror. It can hide in the deepest ocean. Its appearance indicates the birth of the world's largest squid. Terror will spread in the ocean, because no one knows which one it will entangle. The ends of the tentacles are equipped with sharp-toothed hooks with strong lethality.

Giant squid hero-King octopus: the top biological arms of the Red Police Corps, a kilometer-long super behemoth, with unparalleled powerful destructive power, and extremely high intelligence, can command any biological arms under water to coordinate operations, Possess powerful and sensitive senses, able to spot distant targets underwater. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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