The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1493: The Japanese fleet in your pocket

PS: I am extremely grateful to the book friend "xixiqp788" for the one-hundred-thousand-thousand starting currency rewarded yesterday, which made this book's hegemony hegemony, and today I will do ten changes for him.


The two **** groups of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force did not know that the four submarines underwater in their outer periphery had all been killed silently.

I am afraid that even if you tell the Japanese that your four submarines have been killed, the Japanese cannot believe it.

The first one is that there are no traces of underwater battles. If an underwater submarine battle breaks out, the sonar system on the warship cannot find nothing.

Even if a one-kilogram bomb explodes underwater a hundred kilometers away, the sonar system on a warship can catch the movement of the explosion.

Silent and silent, in the eyes of the Japanese Marine Guards, is equivalent to security.

After all, Japan still has great confidence in the latest Canglong-class conventional submarine.

At this moment, the giant squid had finished their work, and the wolves began to act.

Killing the underwater submarines of the Japanese Maritime Guard Group means that the underwater wolves can approach the outskirts of the Japanese fleet without any scruples, without worrying about being discovered by the opponent.

Chang Weixuan sat quietly in the command center of Seawolf One, the water periscope system had been recovered, and the base was constantly sending the coordinates of other submarines, allowing him to grasp the dynamics of all underwater forces in fact.

This time the sea wolf is facing the enemy, and in terms of anti-submarine capabilities, it is indeed the world's leading force.

Japan has two **** groups with four escorts, two of the latest Izumo-class quasi-aircraft carriers Izumo and Kaga, and two of the most advanced Atago-class Aegis destroyers, both of which are also in the two **** groups. Among them, there are two King Kong-class destroyers and two Akizuki-class destroyers, plus other warships, which are very powerful.

Whether it is air defense or anti-submarine, it has surpassed most countries in the world. Before the rise of its hometown, the Japanese Navy was indeed number one in Asia. Even in the face of Russia's huge underwater nuclear submarine force, it can still resist. power.

Therefore, for the underwater wolves of the Red Police Corps, strategically, they can despise the enemy, but tactically, they must pay special attention to such opponents.

After all, the Japanese Navy has a century-old heritage, and the experienced boss of the United States is by his side, and he does have a few brushes.

As far as the current state of navigation of the two **** groups is concerned, it can almost be said to be extremely rigorous on the water and underwater. There are anti-submarine helicopters clearing the way along the way, and the unstoppable anti-potential volume in the sky travels around the fleet.

When the fleet is walking, the towed array sonar is also accompanied by vigilance. Even if the acoustic performance of the Acura-class submarine is good, it is also very dangerous when facing this kind of sea and air three-dimensional anti-submarine power.

Any suspicious sonar signal will provoke heavy encirclement of Japanese anti-potential quantity. No matter how fast the submarine is, it cannot be as fast as the anti-submarine helicopter.

And after entering the 21st century, it is not the Cold War period. Modern anti-submarine weapons can generally attack at a depth of 600 to 700 meters, not when they could only attack four to five hundred meters underwater.

Even if the Acura-class submarine goes to the extreme diving depth, it cannot avoid the opponent's anti-submarine missiles.

The current Chang Weixuan is like an experienced hunter, standing on the side of the sink he arranged, watching the prey in the distance slowly step by step into the sink.

Before the prey is completely in the sink, no matter what changes, he can only stay motionless, otherwise, who is the hunter and who is the prey, will have to say two things.

After all, once a submarine is discovered, the fate to be greeted is generally very tragic.

"Submarine No. 3 entered the predetermined position."

"The eighth boat will arrive at the scheduled ambush position in three minutes."

"Boat No. 5 is ready, waiting for the attack order."

"Number Four..."

A total of eight Akula-class submarines were responsible for this underwater wolf hunt. For this reason, the Red Police Corps also assembled two-thirds of the submarine force in the Indian Ocean. In order to deal with the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force, it was indeed a loss.

After all, in the Indian Ocean, the really dangerous opponent is the huge US attack nuclear submarine.

It’s just that no matter how dangerous it is, this battle must also be won, otherwise the Red Police Corps and Navy will really be completely passive.

"Report the location of the target." Chang Weixuan asked blankly.

"The target will fully enter the ambush circle in ten minutes."

"After the target has completely entered the attack area, notify all submarines to quietly float up according to the original tactics."

"The sonar signal has been sent out, and the submarines No. 2 to No. 8 all responded with sonar."

Chang Weixuan calmly continued to command, "The submarine began to float at a constant speed, and it floated six hundred and fifty meters in ten minutes."

It is impossible for a submarine to launch an attack on a surface ship at a depth of six to seven hundred meters. It must float to a certain height before it can launch a missile on the submarine.

In the process of ascent, it is also the easiest time to be discovered.

However, if it floats slowly, it is completely different, because the submarine is still in a parked state, and during the ascent process, it will not make too much noise.

The submarine floated slowly up to a height of one meter every second. As the two groups of Japanese escorts got closer and closer, the submarine got closer to the surface.

In the Japanese **** group, Lieutenant General Okubo focused on Diego Garcia Island. He didn't know that a huge pocket had already been placed in front of the fleet, waiting for his fleet to enter the pocket.

However, when the underwater wolves were communicating sonar signals, the sonar system on the fleet also found this strange sonar signal.

It’s just a pity that is not very concerned about such a sonar signal, because such a strange sonar signal has basically nothing to do with submarines.

It may be the sonar signal that the birds have been diving into the water. After all, it is quite close to the island group, and there are many shore reefs underwater, and the sound of unstable waves and reef collisions can also be heard occasionally.

Ten minutes passed without notice by the Japanese side. At this time, another set of signals identical to the previous sonar signal appeared again.

The first time can be said to be accidental, but the meaning of the second time is completely different. The Japanese sonar hurriedly reported the situation.

Lieutenant Admiral Okubo immediately received the sonar's report, which made Okubo, an old navy, immediately smelled a dangerous breath from it.

"Order the fleet, immediately change direction, send out all anti-submarine aircraft, and follow..."

Before Lieutenant General Okubo's order was completed, between the two **** groups of warships, on the slightly turbulent sea, a cloud of bubbles suddenly gushed out... (To be continued.) The new website was launched.

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