The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1494: Sinking the Izumo Kaga

PS: I am extremely grateful to the book friend "xixiqp788" for the one-hundred-thousand-thousand starting currency rewarded yesterday, which made this book's hegemony hegemony, and today I will do ten changes for him.


The two Japanese **** groups are united together, and the vertical and horizontal width of the fleet is not hundreds of kilometers as the aircraft carrier. Because the fleet is not covered by aviation, the formation is relatively dense, and the formation can make the entire fleet in the best air defense and anti-submarine defense. In the network.

But when missiles emerge from the water in the middle of the fleet, such a formation is simply a disaster.

Accompanied by bubbles rising from the water surface, under the squeeze of the air, one after another supersonic anti-ship missiles ejected to the surface from the missile compartment of the Acura submarine, when the ramjet is started one meter after another on the water surface, The entire Japanese fleet realized that they were surrounded.

But it was too late at this time. The missiles that emerged were originally very close to the warship, and even the high-definition camera images on the warship could clearly see the entire launch process of the underwater missile.

Missiles rushed out of the water without interruption, and the moment the ramjet was ignited, the missiles made a loud sonic boom, and everything was too late.

The missiles flying close to the sea surface did not even have time to lock the anti-aircraft missiles on the Japanese naval destroyers, and even the jamming bombs were too late to be released. Each missile had already hit the Japanese warships that were close to each other. on.

And underwater, a large number of torpedoes were also launched from the torpedo tubes of the submarine when the missiles appeared.

The intelligent torpedoes were extremely fast and exploded one after another, causing the entire fleet that was originally extremely calm to suddenly become chaotic.

Especially the two quasi-aircraft carriers in the middle of the double **** group are the key targets of the attack.

Nearly 30,000 tons of Izumo and Kaga, inherited the name of the aircraft carrier of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. At this moment, they are also facing a huge crisis, just like the fate of Japanese aircraft carriers in the Pacific War of World War II.

The huge body of the Izumo was the first to be attacked. A supersonic anti-ship missile directly penetrated into the island of the quasi-aircraft carrier. The huge impact force knocked the sharp knife out of a huge depression and almost penetrated it. The entire ship island.

The ensuing explosion directly blasted the entire ship island into ruins. Pieces of huge radar boards and debris were thrown into the sea during the explosion. After the huge explosion, the Izumo was left. A burning through-type deck, the ship island on the right disappeared without a trace.

The ship's control system and command system were severely damaged, and the power system and heading were also out of control, as if a person's head had been chopped off and there was nothing left.

The Japanese crew on the through-deck and the damage management department did not have time to extinguish the fire. The second missile came right away. This time it directly hit the rear deck of the Izumo and exploded on the side of the deck. A huge gap with a diameter of nearly five meters just blew up the Izumo's fuel pipeline. A large amount of fuel was sprayed out and was quickly ignited by the explosion flame.

The entire back half of the deck was completely covered by the spreading fire, and many Japanese sailors on the deck were all affected by the fire.

Under such circumstances, even if the Izumo can extinguish the flames, it is still on the verge of being scrapped. Even if it can be pulled back for overhaul, the ship's complete structural strength will have a huge impact.

However, the Izumo did not even have a chance to go back for an overhaul. The two supersonic missiles had already made the entire quasi-aircraft carrier almost impossible.

The Izumo lost control, and it was ruined by the next two torpedoes. The two torpedoes ruthlessly hit the Izumo's right waterline and exploded at a depth of about five meters from the aircraft carrier's waterline.

The 533 mm torpedo tube, with a charge of 375 kg. The power of the underwater explosion increased the power of the explosive by 800 times. When the two torpedoes exploded at the same time, the entire hull of the Izumo directly tilted to the left for nearly 45 Degrees, two large holes opened in the water, each with a diameter of seven or eight meters.

And the location of the explosion was still above the aircraft carrier's watertight cabin. The turbulent sea water poured directly into the hull. Under the violent shaking, along with two huge water columns, the huge Izumo slammed heavily on the sea again. , The entire hull is emitting a huge metal twisting sound.

A large number of Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force sailors, under the huge shaking, like shaking the Lantern Festival, shaking their noses and faces swollen.

But this is not the most tragic. The real tragedy is that the rapidly descending hull has already tilted to the right by nearly sixty or seventy degrees. The fire burning overtime at the tail spreads upward along the inclination of the hull, and the fire is directly from The gap on the side of the deck penetrated and burned in the second and third floor hangars below.

The large amount of weapons and ammunition placed at the back was originally very dangerous to bump into, and was quickly detonated under the fire.

The two huge underwater gaps had not silenced the Izumo, detonating the ammunition in the second and third hangars, and directly exploded the aft deck of the entire quasi-aircraft carrier. A few meters long, more seawater poured in.

At this moment, the fate of the Izumo is just like the candle in the wind. It is certain that the extinguishment is only a matter of time.

The Kaga next to it had no better fate than Izumo. Not only was it hit by three supersonic anti-ship missiles at the same time, but it was also hit by three torpedoes under the waterline.

Nearly 30,000 tons of warships have been completely tilted on the sea. Fortunately, the upper half of the Kaga has not been attacked. Many Japanese naval soldiers have the opportunity to jump out of the sea to The Japanese Self-Defense Force is not the former Imperial Japanese Navy, nor has it been brainwashed by Bushido. It also understands the relationship between warships and personnel. Jumping into the sea to escape is also very normal. It will not coexist and die with warships under Bushido's brainwashing.

However, all Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force soldiers were unable to face the fate of the two most powerful warships being completely sunk.

Those Japanese sailors who escaped by diving were all in tears, watching the Izumo and Kaga that were sinking in front of their eyes.

And these two brand-new quasi-aircraft carriers have not been in service for a few years, and they are the pride of all Japanese sailors. At this moment, this pride is being disintegrated and torn apart, and it is about to become a meaningless seabed. New habitat for living things.

If it were during World War II, everyone might even have a heart to cesarean section.

However, whether it is the Izumo or Kaga, sleeping in this sea area will definitely not be alone, because there are other warships in the double guard group that will immediately go to the seabed to accompany them.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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