The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1495: Destroy the Japanese fleet

PS: I am extremely grateful to the book friend "xixiqp788" for the one-hundred-thousand-thousand starting currency rewarded yesterday, which made this book's hegemony hegemony, and today I will do ten changes for him.


The fate of Izumo and Kaga is only the beginning of the fate of the entire Shuang guard team.

The powerful attack power of the eight Akula-class submarines burst out in a short moment.

Hundreds of supersonic anti-ship missiles appeared at the same time, covering more than a dozen Japanese warships on the entire sea area. For the entire Japanese fleet, this is really an indelible nightmare.

The most frightening thing is that in the cracks of the supersonic anti-ship missile attack, there are a large number of smart torpedoes, either directly tracking the sonar signal of the warship, or directly targeting the nearest warship. For a time, the entire Japanese fleet is full of explosions. sound.

When both the Izumo and Kaga were hit by missiles, the two Atago-class destroyers not far away were not spared either.

Although the phalanx system on the fast-reacting destroyer Atago was already operational, the missile launch position was only one kilometer away from the warship, and the response was too fast.

At this moment, the Japanese fleet has also tasted the taste of the US fleet bearing the supersonic anti-ship missiles. Such a taste is really uncomfortable.

The fate of other warships is exactly the same, almost no one can avoid missiles that are close at hand.

All of this is the result of careful arrangement, and the position of each submarine is in the middle of a formation that the other side cannot avoid.

The farthest distance from each warship is only five kilometers. Such a intensive attack, even if the Red Police Corps and Navy were here, would only be the result of the entire army being wiped out.

Not only the surface fleet suffered, but the anti-submarine helicopters flying around the fleet were almost all locked by underwater-launched anti-aircraft missiles.

In the case of submarine-launched air defense missiles, this technology is the latest, and so far, there is no country in the world that truly masters this technology.

Because the biggest problem with submarine-launched air defense missiles is that the submarine cannot guide the air defense missiles. The submarine is underwater, and the submarine flying in the sky cannot be observed.

Therefore, it is necessary to submarine-launched air defense missiles to be able to search for the target in the sky for the first time, and then lock the attack.

The whole process needs to be completed between electric light and flint, but such a missile, no matter how fast it is, it is difficult to effectively attack the supersonic fixed-wing fighter in the sky.

However, it is used to attack those anti-submarine helicopters and anti-submarine patrol aircraft, the effect is not bad, and the hit rate can exceed 70%.

Submarines carry anti-aircraft missiles, which are available in many countries, but most of them require snorkeling to ensure that the submarine's radar can search for airspace and lock targets before launching anti-aircraft missiles.

But once the submarine floats to the surface, the risk factor will increase to an extremely dangerous level. If the opposite is just an anti-submarine aircraft, and the anti-aircraft missile can directly kill the other, it is okay.

If the opponent has more than two anti-submarine aircraft, the fate of the submarine is worrying.

However, there are not many submarine-launched air defense missiles carried by the underwater wolves. The air defense missiles launched have only shot down less than half of the anti-submarine helicopters above the Japanese fleet.

At this moment, almost all Japanese anti-submarine helicopters have gone crazy.

This is also human nature. If you see the warships below all sinking in flames, no one can calm down.

Every anti-submarine helicopter flew towards the nearest submarine, without even releasing the sonar buoy, facing the water surface where the missile appeared, there were two intelligent depth charges.

As soon as the falling depth water bomb entered the seabed, the sonar system on it was immediately opened, directly locking the Acura submarine leaving the battlefield.

Of course, this lock-in does not mean that smart anti-submarine bombs have their own power to catch up, but to determine the depth of the target and then activate the explosive fuze at an appropriate depth.

The power of the two depth charges made the Acura submarine, which was nearly two hundred meters apart, shaken violently.

Depth-water bombs with hundreds of kilograms of charge have great power to explode underwater, especially for underwater submarines, which are very lethal.

However, such an attack, for the Acura submarine with a double hull, can only be said to be like the occasional shaking of a roller coaster, and the posture of the submarine's departure has not been affected in any way.

Seawolf One is more serious because it is in the middle of the Japanese fleet, and this place is also the most dangerous.

The explosion on the sea had already had a huge impact on the submarine. When two depth bombs came down, the submarine was shaking violently from side to side like a cradle.

This is also the price that must be faced in an ambush attack. Chang Weixuan had anticipated this situation from the beginning.

After all, it is impossible for underwater submarine-launched anti-aircraft missiles to kill all Japanese anti-submarine helicopters in one go. Therefore, after an attack on the exposed submarine, it will inevitably face crazy attacks from these anti-submarine aircraft.

However, in order to be able to severely damage the Japanese fleet, Chang Weixuan had no better choice. The safest way was to let the submarine lie in the center of the fleet's advancement, and then launch an unexpected attack to destroy the Japanese fleet directly from the inside.

Otherwise, it's just a submarine launching an attack on the periphery of the fleet. When the launched supersonic anti-ship missile arrives, people have enough time to defend, let alone torpedoes.

Such an attack, unless the number of submarines is doubled, it is impossible to completely destroy the entire Japanese fleet.

Risk means gain. There is an opportunity for the entire Japanese fleet to take the corresponding risks.

This risk is the amount of anti-potential surviving, enough to destroy one or two Acura Weixuan also marked this problem in his submission of the operation report, clearly pointing out that such a tactic is extremely It may cause the loss of one or two Akula submarines.

However, Sha Yiqi still agreed. In this naval battle, the situation faced by the Red Police and Navy was already very cruel. If such losses cannot be accepted, then this naval battle is not necessary at all.

If the loss of two submarines can be exchanged for the entire Japanese **** group, the Red Police Navy will also make a lot of money in this transaction.

The necessary sacrifices can only be said to be inevitable. As a military chief, from Zhang Ti's tactical considerations, he can only say that everything depends on luck to control the fate of soldiers.

Maybe, in the end, all the Acura submarines can leave smoothly.

Of course, this is just a very beautiful idea, and Chang Weixuan, as the commander of the underwater wolf pack, also deliberately put himself in the most dangerous position, and Seawolf One undertakes the task of attacking the Japanese Izumo and Kaga. , And naturally have to bear the greatest risk.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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