The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1496: Anti-submarine aircraft's crazy revenge

PS: I am extremely grateful to the book friend "xixiqp788" for the one-hundred-thousand-thousand starting currency rewarded yesterday, which made this book's hegemony hegemony, and today I will do ten changes for him.


In the command center of Seawolf One, Chang Weixuan watched the two depth charges falling from the sea again, and once again held the handrail on the side with his hands.

Under the explosion of the depth charge, if you can't stabilize your body, the submarine will sometimes lose its teeth under the violent vibration.

In the augmented reality picture, the two depth bombs are also chasing down at a faster speed as they accompany the submarine's rapid dive.

Fortunately, the two depth charges that came down again were more than one hundred and fifty meters away from the submarine.

Otherwise, the submarine would be dangerous if it fell directly above the submarine.

The huge explosion power in the water lifted a high water column on the sea, and the submarine shook violently together, but compared to the previous one, this time it shook much less.

However, for Seawolf One, the security alert has not been lifted, but it will be more dangerous next.

From the two underwater bomb attacks, everyone on the submarine knew that there was more than one anti-submarine helicopter on the water.

In fact, the same was true. When the first anti-submarine helicopter dropped two depth-water bombs, another anti-submarine helicopter also came over. Regardless of the rescue of a large number of Japanese sailors who fell into the water, two depth-water bombs were also dropped.

Japan’s maritime anti-submarine helicopters now probably have only one idea, and that is to avenge the fleet, and definitely not let the other side leave ceremoniously.

Otherwise, there is really no place to put the face of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force this time around.

It was only two attacks that obviously did not work. The opponent's submarine was not forced to float up, and no floating objects appeared from the water. It also showed that the submarine below was not destroyed during the attack, or even suffered. What hurts.

Otherwise, if the hull of the submarine is damaged, it can only choose to float up urgently.

Instead of dropping depth charges, several sonar buoys were quickly dropped.

Even if the two deep bombs did not attack the other party's vitals, they could greatly deter the submarine under the water. At this time, the other party must leave at full speed.

The noise of a submarine depends on the speed of the submarine. If it is too fast, the noise will inevitably be loud.

The dropped sonar buoy did indeed quickly lock the position of the submarine below.

The weapons and equipment of the Red Police Corps have never been invincible. Any weapon and equipment also has targeted weapons and equipment that it is afraid of.

In the context of modern naval warfare, the most feared by submarines is not anti-submarine warships, but anti-submarine helicopters.

The helicopter is fast, and can also quickly deploy sonar buoys, and can directly drop anti-submarine missiles or anti-submarine torpedoes.

No matter how fast the submarine is, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to escape the pursuit of anti-submarine helicopters.

Although the two sides have not met at this moment, the hatred is unforgettable.

After the two Japanese anti-submarine helicopters locked the position of the underwater submarine, they made a killing move.

Two anti-submarine missiles were quickly thrown from the helicopter into the sea.

The active sonar on the anti-submarine missile also directly locks the sonar signal sent by the underwater submarine.

At this moment, on the Sea Wolf No. 1 submarine, two anti-submarine missiles that were quickly enveloping were also immediately discovered.

At the moment, the submarine only dived to a depth of less than three hundred meters.

At this distance, once the submarine is exposed and is still locked by two anti-submarine missiles, it can almost be said that it is about to be killed.

But in this world, nothing is absolute, no matter how powerful a spear is, there is a shield to defeat it.

When the two anti-submarine missiles quickly approached the submarine, the two missile launch tubes on the back of the submarine opened, and two decoy devices with propellers swam out of it.

The noise level of the propellers of these two decoy devices is the same as that of Seawolf One, which can also be said to be the decoy bombs on the submarine.

Anti-submarine weapons use sonar to lock their targets, so when these two targets appeared with the same sonar signal from the Seawolf One, they almost made the two anti-submarine missiles confused.

However, advanced anti-submarine missiles can still firmly lock the initial target, and the two decoys seem to have no effect.

But next, the two decoy shells went directly in the direction of the two anti-submarine missiles.

When the two sides were about to make contact, the two anti-submarine missiles also immediately changed their locked targets.

Although the released decoy successfully attracted two anti-submarine missiles to attack the decoy bomb, the crisis of Sea Wolf One did not pass.

Because of the location of the two anti-submarine missiles, they are still too close to the submarine.

The huge explosion stirred the entire bottom of the sea. With the tremendous power of the explosion, the entire submarine was like a magnitude twelve earthquake, as if the entire submarine was rolling and shaking.

When the shaking of the submarine stopped, the central intelligent system of the submarine had issued a battle damage report, and the outer shell of the submarine was damaged.

Chang Weixuan was relieved when he saw only the yellow warning. The yellow warning indicated that although the submarine's enclosure had received a strong impact, causing structural instability, it had not yet reached the level of flooding.

However, it will have a slight impact on the next dive depth. The central intelligent computer has given a current allowable dive depth, which has dropped from the original 720 meters to a depth of only 600 meters.

The shell is damaged, and the water pressure of 720 meters becomes very dangerous.

At this moment, it is not easy to be able to dive to 600 meters, otherwise, I am afraid that even three or four hundred meters is enough.

However, the crisis at this moment did not pass The two anti-submarine helicopters on the sea naturally found two identical sonar signals when the decoy bomb appeared, and immediately launched another anti-submarine missile.

The people on the submarine below are not given any chance to breathe.

Chang Weixuan finally recovered from the violent shaking, and immediately saw another anti-submarine missile chasing down.

"Damn it, Little Japan really has two brushes."

Chang Weixuan also has to admit that the Japanese anti-submarine technology is also expected. If other countries have anti-submarine potential, they may not be able to make a second round of attacks so quickly.

"Release the decoy bomb again, stop emergency after the explosion, release the confusion..."

Chang Weixuan was about to give instructions the first time, but before he could finish his words, the entire bottom of the sea trembled once again, which made Chang Weixuan's face suddenly ugly.

And on the sea at this moment, a spacious water column sputtered from the water surface, accompanied by the rising water column, and a large number of submarine wreckage... (to be continued.) New website

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