The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1497: Encountered U.S. submarine

PS: I am extremely grateful to the book friend "xixiqp788" for the one-hundred-thousand-thousand starting currency rewarded yesterday, which made this book's hegemony hegemony, and today I will do ten changes for him.


On the Sea Wolf One, Chang Weixuan had no time to ask which submarine exploded underwater, because the anti-submarine missile overhead had already come overhead.

Another decoy bomb was released. This time the decoy bomb was different from before, and it also contained explosives.

At the moment the decoy was released, the Seawolf One’s thrusters immediately stopped, but the submarine continued to dive.

At the same time, on the torpedo tube of the submarine, a large amount of mixed submarine wreckage and some materials were all squeezed into the torpedo tube.

At the moment when the decoy bomb and the anti-submarine missile contacted in the third lesson, the wreckage and materials used to confuse the anti-submarine helicopter were all released into the water at the same time.

The same water column as the explosion just appeared on the water surface. During the explosion, a large number of floating objects also floated on the surface of the sea.

This caused many soldiers of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force who were waiting for rescue on the sea to barely squeeze a smile on their faces.

If at this time, if you were replaced by Western soldiers, no matter where you were concerned about the loss of the fleet, everyone would have chanted, as if revenge.

Fighting is the implicit emotion of the oriental people, and it is not so easy to let go of the inner depression.

The two anti-submarine helicopters on the surface did not continue to listen to the sonar signals from underwater, and then saw various submarine wrecks and floating objects that surfaced, and immediately left here and chased other submarines. .

In Seawolf One, after the third decoy bomb exploded, the hull was damaged again, but somehow it deceived the anti-submarine helicopter in the sky.

But in the entire Sea Wolf One, no one had a smile on their faces, because the explosion just now signaled that a submarine was destroyed.

Soon, the news was sent from the base. The submarine No. 2 was destroyed, and the 78 red police soldiers on Hailang No. 2 were all spared.

Two anti-submarine missiles directly hit the submarine. Such an attack, even if the Typhoon-class ballistic missile nuclear submarine is here, it is difficult to survive.

The positions of Seawolf 2 and No. 1 were not far apart, and they both assumed the most dangerous attack positions. They were spotted by the opponent's anti-submarine helicopter. They did not hide, and they could only say that they were hit.

Chang Weixuan stood up quietly from his seat, took off his military cap, and saluted the direction in which Hailang 2 was destroyed.

This is a respect for heroes. Every Red Police soldier in the Acura submarine is well aware of the danger of this mission, but none of them flinches, just like everyone on Seawolf One did not hesitate. Undertake the most dangerous task.

This is also the eternal spiritual inheritance of the Red Police Corps. The hero's will exists within the spiritual will of every soldier in the Red Police Corps.

What is more gratifying is that there are only four anti-submarine aircraft left in Japan, all of which are locked on No. 1 and No. 2. The other Acura submarines, taking advantage of the four anti-submarine aircraft to lock No. 1 and No. 2, have been Leave to a safer position.

Chang Weixuan, who was prepared for the loss of two ships, was somewhat relieved after receiving the latest information from the base.

In terms of the overall battle situation, half of the strength of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force was destroyed at the price of an Acura submarine. It can only be said that such a price is too worthwhile.

But for every soldier in the Red Police Corps, the loss of any comrade in arms is an extremely painful price.

The war is still going on. For any soldier, only the national justice and national interests should really be concerned. Any personal feelings can only be remembered after the war is over.

After a brief period of grief, all the officers and soldiers on Seawolf One also cheered up again, and finally felt proud of their comrades in arms.

"Report the damage to the submarine."

"The shell structure is moderately damaged, and no water ingress is found on the sensor. The submarine can withstand a depth of no more than 540 meters."

"The weapon system is normal, and there are currently six torpedoes that can fight..."

"The communication system, the avionics system is normal, the sonar system is normal..."

After a loud report came into his mind, Chang Weixuan was relieved. Although Seawolf No.1 currently does not have complete combat effectiveness, it does not mean that it has no combat capability at all. Once it encounters an enemy or is in danger, , Still has the ability to fight or avoid.

This is basically certain. As long as there are no accidents, Seawolf One can return to the port safely.

Because of the next battle with the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet, there will be no Sea Wolf One to Sea Wolf Eight.

In the Indian Ocean, there are also four Acura submarines that maintain complete combat effectiveness, cooperate with two aircraft carrier battle groups, and on the way to follow the Third Fleet, there are also three Acura submarines.

There are seven submarines to assist the three major fleets. In this naval battle, the underwater power will not be too weak.

After all, compared with the attacking nuclear submarine of the US military, the Acura submarine is not much different in terms of displacement or other performance.

Although it is not nuclear-powered, the quasi-nuclear-powered system is actually not too different from nuclear-powered submarines in terms of continuous submarine time and combat functions.

Seawolf One, which was slowly leaving this sea area, did not dare to leave too fast to ensure that the submarine's sonar was separated from the ocean background noise.

On the sea at this moment, the two Japanese **** groups are left with an Akiu-class destroyer and a fast combat support ship provided by the US military to the Japanese none of the remaining ships here can The rescued, supersonic anti-ship missile has the powerful destructive power, and it is deadly to any warship.

Even for a 10,000-ton destroyer like the Atago-class destroyer, a supersonic anti-ship missile may directly sink it. If there are more than two, then there is no chance of rescue.

On the sea at this moment, a large number of Japanese sailors are being rescued one by one, but only two guards of thousands of Japanese soldiers, not even half of them can really survive.

The sudden attack by the submarine caused too many people to directly follow the warship to see Amaterasu. Those who survived are the lucky ones.

Just when all the Japanese sailors were rescued, a Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarine was approaching here upon hearing the news. In front of it, Seawolf One had left here.

Looking at the report displayed on the sonar data, Chang Weixuan's expression is also very exciting, and he really feels helpless every time the house leaks. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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