The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1498: The victory of the U.S. military

PS: I am extremely grateful to the book friend "xixiqp788" for the one-hundred-thousand-thousand starting currency rewarded yesterday, which made this book's hegemony hegemony, and today I will do ten changes for him.

The seventh watch will be sent first, and there are still three chapters that have not been coded, and the following three watch will be sent later. Are there any rewards and monthly passes?


The Red Police Corps Akula-class submarine is originally a submarine that can follow the aircraft carrier for ocean-going operations. With a displacement of nearly 10,000 tons, it is no less inferior to most of the world's attack nuclear submarines.

In terms of combat effectiveness, even if it faces any nuclear submarine in the world, it is a battle force.

But it also depends on when. At this moment, Seawolf One has just experienced a storm-like attack. The outer shell of the submarine is moderately damaged, and there are not many weapons in the submarine.

Under such circumstances, the disadvantage of a Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarine lies entirely with Seawolf One.

Under such circumstances, Seawolf One did not dare to release the communication device indiscriminately and request support.

"General, do you want to fight?" The captain of Seawolf One next to him asked quietly.

"Temporarily take refuge in the trench ahead, hoping that the other party will not find us, otherwise we will not have any advantage to deal with this nuclear submarine." Chang Weixuan shook his head.

He is obviously at a disadvantage, and there is no need to fight the other side. If at this time, if there is an Acura-class submarine by his side, Chang Weixuan said that he would not let the nuclear submarine in front of him.

It's just that the situation is different, not to mention that their current mission has ended. His main mission now is to take Seawolf One home intact, instead of taking an adventure that does not have any strategic or tactical significance.

Hearing what Chang Weixuan said, everyone in the command center also began to act.

In front of Acura, there is a small natural seabed crack, where the current is very turbulent, and the background noise of the ocean is very large. If you can avoid that place in time, you will have a chance to avoid the other party’s sonar detection. .

The only troublesome thing is that in this way the submarine needs to dive to a depth of nearly 600 meters, fearing that the submarine shell cannot withstand such a huge pressure.

Only at this time, no one refuted Chang Weixuan's order. It was not that they were afraid to refute it, but at this time, everyone believed in the quality of the Sea Wolf One submarine.

While Seawolf One continued to dive, everyone on the boat could hear the sound of the tail shell, the uncomfortable metal twisting and rubbing sound.

Everyone listened nervously, for fear of hearing any news of water ingress. Fortunately, there was no warning of water ingress. Seawolf One dived smoothly to a depth of 600 meters, just between the seabed cracks ahead. , Stopped.

This is also thanks to the dolphin’s sonar detection report. Otherwise, if the Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarine was discovered by the sonar system on the submarine alone, the other party would most likely have spotted them.

The Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarine did not act vigilantly and sailed smoothly in the direction of the Japanese fleet.

However, what people on the Seawolf One didn’t know was that this Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarine was the latest Cheyenne attack nuclear submarine in the Los Angeles class. It was equipped with all the systems and was up-to-date, not inferior to the current state of the art in the United States. Seawolf-class attack nuclear submarine.

It is equipped with the latest sonar kit, full of large active and passive spherical array sonar at the bow, isometric passive array sonar and underwater shooting control system.

The Cheyenne nuclear submarine is also the most powerful of the entire Los Angeles-class nuclear submarine. With a body of 10,000 tons and a speed of up to 30 knots, it completely surpasses the Acura class submarine.

Coupled with the above-mentioned various weapon carrying capabilities, even if it is facing a sound-fighting Acura-class submarine, it still has a great advantage.

One of them is speed alone, and no Acura-class submarine can avoid its pursuit.

This is why Chang Weixuan does not want to face a Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarine at such a time. There are 42 Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarines in active service in the United States. Each of them has undergone modernization and upgrades, and they have very good combat effectiveness. Not bad, there is no need for the officers and soldiers of the entire ship to take risks.

But Chang Weixuan's refusal to fight does not mean that the United States does not want to fight.

When Seawolf One entered the crack, a suspicious submarine signal was also found on the Cheyenne nuclear submarine.

This is the first time a suspicious submarine sonar signal has been discovered in the Indian Ocean after the Cheyenne nuclear submarine went to the Indian Ocean for combat missions.

Combined with the information that the Japanese fleet was ambushed by the Iranian-Syrian Federal Navy submarine and suffered heavy losses, all the US officers and soldiers on the Cheyenne nuclear submarine were a little excited.

Because they came to the submarine force of the Islamic Federation, the other side was able to ambush such a terrible one, killing the Japanese fleet in the Indian Ocean at one time, and the US military was shocked instantly upon hearing this.

On the spot, the news was sent to every submarine near the Japanese fleet using ultra-long wave communication technology. It was determined that there were six Iranian-Syrian federation submarines in this sea area. The US military attacked nuclear submarines were required to complete the other side as much as possible. Annihilate.

This is something that Chang Weixuan didn't know. This Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarine didn't happen by chance. People came here to look for them.

In fact, the Pentagon has once again felt that the situation in the Indian Ocean, like the air force and army battlefield, will gradually lose control.

This time the submarine force of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation appeared, and it was a stunning and perfect attack. The anti-submarine capability absolutely surpassed the two Japanese **** groups of the U.S., they were killed in an instant, leaving only a few thousand ships. Tons of destroyers, how can this not make the US military afraid.

And through the intelligence on the battlefield, it can be determined that eight Iranian-Syrian Federation submarines participated in the attack. Although the Japanese maritime anti-submarine helicopters subsequently destroyed two Iranian-Syrian Federation submarines, six escaped, and six submarines. Not six guns, how can the Pentagon sit still.

The most important thing is that this time the Iraqi-Syrian Federation finally revealed its traces. Since the deeply hidden submarine unit has appeared, it is even more impossible to let the opponent leave.

In order to ensure that the war at sea will continue to suffer more serious losses, this time the Pentagon will never let go of any opportunity to fight back.

Otherwise, the Pentagon will have trouble sleeping and eating, for fear that the tragedy of the Japanese fleet will be repeated on the US fleet in the next second.

At that time, the three armies of the sea, land and air will fail in this war. Even if American citizens can forgive the government, the strong image of the United States in the world will be wiped out.

Therefore, the Navy must preserve the last trace of the U.S. military's face, and don't let supercarriers become a global joke. The world's number one navy must never fail. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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