The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1499: Acura vs Los Angeles

PS: I am extremely grateful to the book friend "xixiqp788" for the one-hundred-thousand-thousand starting currency rewarded yesterday, which made this book's hegemony hegemony, and today I will do ten changes for him.


On the Cheyenne nuclear submarine.

"Confirm the position of the sonar just now and scan the magnetic field."

The sonar signal that had just been discovered then disappeared. Hades, the captain of the Cheyenne nuclear submarine, did not believe that the previous sonar signal was the result of equipment failure.

Even if the equipment is malfunctioning, it must be completely determined whether there are other submarines in the surrounding area.

Otherwise, if you move forward blindly, it is an act of seeking death.

As a global navy, the U.S. Navy has the world's largest ocean database. After all, the U.S. Navy has been fighting for hegemony in the waters of the earth for more than half a century and has the most detailed ocean data in the world.

And in this navy near Diego Garcia Island, the US military has also collected the most trusted data on the Earth’s magnetic field. It only needs to conduct targeted Earth’s magnetic field detection to find out whether there is a submarine.

The answer appeared for a long time. In the comparison of the earth's magnetic field data, a large magnetic field change was immediately found in a place.

"Call up the chart of this area."

Soon a complete chart appeared in front of Hades, and Hades immediately pointed to the crack on the chart and said: "The other party must be hiding in this place, ready to attack."

The combat signal light on the Cheyenne nuclear submarine flashed, and the speed of the nuclear submarine immediately dropped.

The torpedo launch is under intense preparation.

And when the Cheyenne nuclear submarine failed to lower the speed, Chang Weixuan immediately realized that he must have been exposed.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the opponent to suddenly decrease speed.

In his opinion, there is only one reason for the speed of descent, and that is to prepare to attack, otherwise, if the submarine is too close to the attack target, it will also be affected by the explosion.

Aware of this, Chang Weixuan decisively believed in his own judgment and ordered without hesitation: "Leave this place immediately. We have already exposed."

No one on the submarine said the second sentence, the power output was turned on, the propeller began to rotate, and the submarine moved again from the sitting posture.

"Along this gap."

Chang Weixuan knew very well that in the current situation, since he could not avoid the opponent, he could only compete with the opponent.

Otherwise, even if one does not plan to fight, the other party will never let him go, and conventional submarines can never escape nuclear-powered submarines. Faced with the pursuit of nuclear-powered submarines, no conventional submarine can escape with speed.

If the shell of Seawolf No. 1 was not damaged, Chang Weixuan would be willing to take the opponent to a depth of 700 meters and have a good time.

Because he knows very well that the Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarine can not reach the depth of 700 meters at all, only 600 meters early.

At this point, if it wasn't for the injury, Acura would also have the ability to fight in such a deep sea.

When Seawolf One began its operation, two torpedoes were also launched from the Cheyenne nuclear submarine, and they ran directly to the location where Seawolf One was before.

However, as the sonar signal changed, the two torpedoes also immediately made adjustments and directly locked the sonar signal of Seawolf One and chased them.

Just facing the Akula submarine that was walking in the seabed rocky cracks, the two torpedoes were mixed in the sound of the complicated ocean background, losing the direction of the attack.

This is an active sonar-guided torpedo, which has a greater impact in the face of the complex ocean noise environment.

Otherwise, if the torpedo is controlled by the wire guide, there will be no such problem.

The two torpedoes hit the rocks on the bottom of the sea and did not cause any damage to Sea Wolf One.

At this time, Seawolf One did not completely let the opponent attack. After getting rid of the two torpedoes, it immediately launched a counterattack.

The same two active sonar tracking torpedoes were launched, and they went straight to the location of the Cheyenne nuclear submarine.

The sonar equipment on the submarine immediately found the signals of the two torpedoes. On the display of the combat control system, a virtual combat map was immediately formed. The graphics of the two torpedo signs on the virtual map were facing the submarine. near.

"Mobile evasion."

Hudders did not panic at all, and calmly ordered the submarine driver.

When the two torpedoes were about to hit the Cheyenne nuclear submarine, the huge body of the nuclear submarine only slightly turned to the left, and the two torpedoes were close to the submarine, and the submarine avoided the two torpedoes very smoothly.

It is rare in the world to be able to afford such evasion tactics and have the courage to try such an attempt.

It's just that the best way for a submarine to dodge torpedoes underwater is to evade maneuvering, because torpedoes are not depth charges, and the fuze on the torpedo will only detonate after it touches the target.

Instead of setting the depth and detonating it, otherwise, the torpedo would have been detonated the moment it was launched.

As for other explosive fuzes, they are also very suitable for torpedoes. Ranging fuzes and radar waves do not work at all underwater, and wireless detonation is even worse.

As for the sonar fuze, there are such things, whether it is an anti-submarine missile or an anti-submarine torpedo, it is basically an impact fuze.

Otherwise, if it is like an air-to-air missile, or like a bomb, that can have a range-finding radar fuze, the underwater battlefield will probably be countless times more cruel.

It only needs a torpedo with a warhead charge of more than 300 kilograms to explode within 20 meters of the submarine, and that is enough to completely destroy the entire submarine.

The first round of attacks by both sides has failed.

This is nothing for the Cheyenne nuclear submarine, but it is not good news for Seawolf One.

After all, there are only six torpedoes currently carried by Seawolf If the next attack cannot cause Shanghai to the opponent, then Seawolf One will only be able to face and let the opponent. The fate of slaughter.

However, when the other party was vigilant against each other, facing the extremely experienced US military submarine, Chang Weixuan felt that the remaining six torpedoes were really not enough.

The most important thing is that this small seabed gap has come to an end, and Seawolf One has to be completely exposed on the seabed.

At this moment, the Cheyenne nuclear submarine also decisively fired two torpedoes again.

The opponent has already left the seafloor crevice, this time attack is also the most suitable.

The most important thing is that the opponent’s side is the seabed. Even if it can avoid the torpedo once again, but the torpedo hits the seabed and explodes, it can still cause huge damage to the opponent's submarine.

Chang Weixuan naturally knew this. In the gloomy seabed, he decisively asked the submarine to move up and down at the fastest speed.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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