The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1505: Lightning raid, the death of the Red Police Navy

The First Lady of the Federation, equivalent to the former queen of the world, also represents an image of a country.

Although the first lady is not a politician and will not serve in the government, her words and deeds outside the country represent the etiquette and spirit of the country.

"This foundation is called the Hope Foundation. It is hoped that everyone who needs help, whether it is a child or an adult, can see a bright future." Hua Meixue accepted Cai Ruichen's arrangement and said.

"Get ready, let's set off tomorrow..."

Before Cai Ruichen's words fell, Natasha walked in, her face was full of seriousness. Seeing the two together, there was no joking like before, and said: "Commander, the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet just attacked our Dual aircraft carrier battle group."

When Cai Ruichen heard this, he immediately let go of Hua Meixue, and when he turned to leave the room, he said, "You have a good rest."

After speaking, Cai Ruichen left the room directly, leaving Hua Meixue with a worried look behind him.

"What's the specific situation?" Cai Ruichen asked just after walking out of the room with Natasha.

"The USS Ford took off a wing of Lightning fighters, and with the help of three tankers in a military base in Kenya, Africa, they ran 2,500 kilometers, using the ultra-low altitude and the stealth capabilities of the Lightning fighters. Our fleet launched an attack. The last news came from a minute ago that the US Lightning fighter fleet had already approached the core defensive area of ​​our naval formation..."

Natasha gave a quick introduction to the situation. The maritime air attack organized by the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet completely exceeded the expectations of the Red Police Corps.

The outer distance of the two fleets has exceeded 2,500 kilometers. Under this distance, neither carrier-based aircraft can attack each other.

And even if it is a tanker, it is difficult to completely supply enough fighters to refuel all in the air.

"In Kenya's air base, when did the tanker come?" Cai Ruichen frowned and asked.

If the US military wants to launch such ultra-long-range attacks at sea, it is not enough to rely on the tankers on the aircraft carriers. It must use land-based airports. However, the US air force bases around the Indian Ocean are the main intelligence reconnaissance targets.

However, now, there are actually three tankers in the US military base in Kenya, and there is no information in advance. How does this make Cai Ruichen not confused.

Hearing Cai Ruichen's most critical point, Natasha immediately said: "We are staring at the intelligence personnel at the Kenyan airport, and we have not been able to contact them until now. It is certain that they have been killed."

Cai Ruichen's brow furrowed deeper. The intelligence department of the Red Police Corps had rarely really exposed, and such a direct disappearance had never happened before.

And at such a critical moment, if the spies on the side of the US military base in Kenya do nothing, they will definitely be able to spot the tanker transferred to this airport as soon as possible, and the Navy will also take precautions.

"This matter must be thoroughly investigated, and Xu Jie must be told at the same time to order all spy teams to be particularly vigilant recently. All contact methods used should be stopped and new contact programs should be activated."

Cai Ruichen gave orders and walked into the console with Natasha. Once at the console, he immediately said to the base: "Open the naval ship factual screen projection."

As soon as Cai Ruichen's voice fell, the originally dim console immediately turned into the sea at dusk.

Following the screen, there were piercing air defense sirens. On the boundless sea, over a huge fleet, the sound of intensive guns and missile launches kept coming out.

When Cai Ruichen saw the picture, several warships had already been damaged to varying degrees.

In the fleet, the U.S. Lightning carrier-based fighter jets and their bloated bodies are quickly walking through the barrage of the Gate cannon, looking for opportunities to launch anti-ship missiles.

The goal of these Lightning carrier-based fighters is very clear, that is, the two aircraft carriers in the middle of the fleet.

At this moment, the aircraft carrier is also urgently dispatching Black Hawk carrier-based aircraft to intercept these approaching Lightning fighters.

However, in the face of the fourth-generation fighter, even if the Black Hawk fighter can dominate the three and a half generation fighters, it is still far behind.

Moreover, in the network of its own fleet, it is difficult for the Black Hawk carrier-based fighter to fully exert its combat effectiveness, on the contrary, it dare not be too close to the fleet's own air defense system.

This gave these Lightning fighters a good opportunity, but these Lightning fighters also paid a lot of money.

Judging from the overall picture, there are fewer than thirty Black Hawk fighters left in an alliance.

However, in the fleet, there are also a large number of warships, billowing smoke, and the sides of the two outer Aegis anti-aircraft cruisers have also been blown out with a hole of five or six meters.

If it weren't for these Aegis ships, which are all three-hulled, with super-strike resistance, I am afraid that these two Aegis ships have lost all their combat effectiveness.

Of course, this is also because the US Army’s Trident anti-ship missile is not a supersonic anti-ship missile. In the face of such a three-hull warship, it is difficult to say that one can sink it.

However, when it reaches the inner circle, the situation is completely different. A sea scorpion responsible for the close guard of the aircraft carrier faces an anti-ship missile that is about to hit the aircraft carrier and directly uses its body to block the aircraft carrier and the missile. The result can be imagined, how can a two thousand-ton corvette be able to withstand the huge damage of an anti-ship missile, but for the naval carrier battle group, it would rather lose one ship Corvettes must also avoid direct missile attacks on the aircraft carrier.

The reason why the U.S. aircraft carrier battle group is assigned to the Perry-class frigate in the inner circle of the fleet is to help the aircraft carrier withstand the attack. When necessary, it also uses its own body to block the enemy's missiles.

This is the duty of the inner circle defense corvettes in the aircraft carrier battle group.

The same is true in the Red Police Corps. The responsibility of the corvette is to protect the safety of the aircraft carrier at all costs.

However, the sacrifice of this sea scorpion did not stop all the attacks. Seeing several subsequent anti-ship missiles continue to rush towards the Baghdad aircraft carrier in the middle, Cai Ruichen hit the console seat with a punch and gave the base command Said: "Put on armor and prepare for the Super MiG fighter."

After Cai Ruichen finished speaking, he left the console with his hand and took Natasha into the special elevator on the other side of the console. This elevator went directly to the hangar and ejection take-off device of the Super MiG fighter inside the base. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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