The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1506: Micro Nano Armor

In the console, Natasha and Natasha walked into the elevator to the super hangar, and the two were separated.

"Start putting on armor."

The sound of the base came from the elevator. Under the arrows of the two people standing, the small spaces opened one by one, and countless micro-nano robots crawled out of them. These individual micro-nano robots, which are completely invisible to the naked eye, are like drops of water. Molecules gathered together and flowed out of these small voids.

Countless micro-nano robots, covering from under the feet of the two people, quickly flowed to every place on the body, just as if in the blink of an eye, micro-nano robots flowing like mercury soon formed on the two of them. A slightly thin alloy armor.

This is the top individual armor of the base, and there are only less than 20 pieces in the entire base. It is an armor specially worn by superheroes and Cai Ruichen.

This kind of armor has no offensive power at all, and its only function is to increase the body's ability to resist pressure. Of course, it also has a very strong defense.

Putting on this armor can let any person stay hundreds of meters deep under the sea, nothing will happen, and the armor has the ability to extract oxygen directly underwater, that is to say, there is This set of armor, anyone can survive underwater, of course, the premise is that this set of micro-nano armor can always work.

The more advanced things are, the more difficult it is to maintain. If it weren't for driving the Super MiG, Cai Ruichen would not wear this armor to resist the super-high overload at the super MiG's extreme speed.

Such a huge overload, even if the Super MiG cockpit has compressive materials and devices, it still has a great negative impact on the body organs of the living bodies inside.

This kind of overload is often the same at 20G. It is expressed by gravity, which is equivalent to sitting on a seat with 20 times the gravity. For ordinary people, it is directly caused by internal bleeding.

Even Cai Ruichen couldn't bear such a huge overload. Even if he could bear it, his head would be dizzy and he couldn't control the fighter jet at all.

This set of armor allows him to operate the Super MiG without pressure, and can also be used as a combat armor at ordinary times. The powerful micro-nano metal robot can be combined into most of the shapes, and it can also form an extremely sharp sword.

This set of micro-nano armor can be called the final form of human individual armor.

The elevator door opened, and Cai Ruichen and Natasha, who were fully armored, walked towards the Super MiG at the launch point as soon as they got out of the elevator.

In the super hangar in the entire base, there are only three super MiGs and three super-powered electromagnetic ejection devices.

This ejection device is directly connected to the interior of the Future Technology Group building. This ejection line directly passes through the center of the Future Technology Group headquarters building, and then ejects directly into the atmosphere from the secret top hatch opened on the roof. Outside.

Cai Ruichen and Natasha, completely covered by armor, are like robots in science fiction movies, and every inch of their skin is protected by armor.

In the head position, the sight of the two is not obstructed, the air they breathe is extremely fresh, and the built-in communication system maintains clear communication quality at all times.

When the two of them walked into the No. 1 and No. 2 catapults in the hangar, the super MiG numbered No. 1, when Cai Ruichen was 20 meters away from it, the power on the plane was automatically turned on. Below the head position, the abdomen of an airplane with a seat was lowered as a whole, and on the ground, it just happened to allow people to sit directly on it.

The same goes for Natasha, and the cabin door of Natasha's No. 2 plane also opens downward.

The Super MiG does not have a glass canopy similar to that of modern fighter jets. It is covered with seamless super carbon fiber alloy.

The two naturally drove the two into the fighter plane.

The Super MiG, which has a take-off weight of 80 tons, is originally a large aircraft. The flat nose inside is much more spacious than a cab with only one pilot.

Entering the cockpit of Super MiG One, Cai Ruichen heard a familiar voice: "The identity of the driver and passenger is confirmed, all systems of the aircraft are normal, and the number of weapons is twenty-four..."

After a brief introduction to the aircraft's condition, Cai Ruichen pulled up the seat belt and pressed the safety system in the cockpit, which completely opened the last insurance of this super war machine.

"Immediately eject and take off."

In the cabin, Cai Ruichen and Natasha gave the ejection order almost at the same time.

The ejection runways of No. 1 and No. 2 rose slowly, raising the two fighter jets to ninety degrees, just like a missile that was erected just before launch.

At the same time, above the raised ejection runway, the top of the super hangar also opened the two runway doors, which are closely connected with the vertical ejection runway below.

The signal lights on the entire ejection runway light up one by one. The length of the entire ejection runway is 1,200 meters. The force of the ejection can eject an object weighing 100 tons to a height of more than 200,000 meters, and the speed is at At the moment of ejection, it can reach eleven times the speed of sound.

Cai Ruichen, who was ready, also saw a glimmer of stars at the end of the ejection runway, which was a sign that the ejection take-off channel was opened on the top of the headquarters building of the Future Technology Group.

For a long time, the ban on flying in the future science and technology building is not only to ensure the safety of the building, but also to allow the Super MiG to take off and land at any time.

The ejection countdown on the canopy is only three seconds.

At the beginning of the countdown Cai Ruichen and Natasha turned on the power output of the reactor at the same time, and the pedal to control the output power was also guessed to the bottom.

The three-second countdown has just returned to zero, and the two Super MiGs have been ejected into the night sky in the blink of an eye.

The time to leave the base and pass through the future science and technology building is less than 0.1 second, which is directly penetrated into the air of tens of thousands of meters.

At this time, the power output of the two Super MiGs also broke out completely.

On the fish-mouth-shaped tail spout, a little blue light bursts out a huge propulsion force, which will continue to maintain the speed of the original decline at Mach 11, so that the super MiG can quickly get rid of the gravity of the earth.

Passing through the layers of the atmosphere, two Super MiGs had already broken through the atmosphere in less than a minute.

At this time, Cai Ruichen also began to control the flight direction of the Super MiG, stopped the power output of the reactor, and used the gravity of the earth to fly toward the middle of the Indian Ocean like a low-Earth orbit satellite.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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