The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1507: Super MiG enters the war

"Panda, call Sha Yiqi."

In Super Migna, the original system was replaced by Cai Ruichen with the panda he is most familiar with, and he will be able to enter the middle of the Indian Ocean in five minutes. He needs to understand the situation of the fleet at this moment.

The communication was soon established, and Sha Yiqi's slightly tired face appeared in Cai Ruichen's eyes.

"Commander, I was careless..." As soon as the communication was established, Sha Yiqi's voice came over.

"You are not to blame for this matter. Something has happened on the intelligence department. The war is originally fair, and the opponent is not an influential army. It is normal for you to come and go." Cai Ruichen said calmly.

When Sha Yiqi heard this, he did not continue his duties. As for what responsibilities he assumed, he had to wait until the matter was resolved before he came to liquidation.

"The Baghdad has lost its combat effectiveness, but the overall structure is still complete. Damascus has not been attacked. The frigate has lost more than half of its combat effectiveness, barely able to maintain half of the fleet's defensive capabilities." Sha Yiqi briefly introduced the fleet. Case.

For this attack, the Red Police Corps has worked very hard. Except for a sea scorpion, the other warships were only wounded and were not sunk.

Two aircraft carriers, one of which was injured and lost the ability to continue taking off fighter jets, and the other was intact.

But in any case, the Red Police Navy in this naval battle has retreated to the point where it had no advantage from being very passive.

The wounded fleet still has an aircraft carrier available. It is impossible to withstand the four complete aircraft carriers in the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet.

Once it was approached by the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet again, the Red Police Navy would not even have the ability to resist.

Wars are always cruel, and a small intelligence error can often lead to the loss of the war.

For this, Cai Ruichen did not want to blame anyone, nor did he want to hold anyone accountable.

After all, the soldiers of the Red Police Corps are all human beings, not omnipotent gods.

And humans are not fools. Fundamentally speaking, both sides are on the same level.

It's just that the Red Police Corps has always had an advantage in the dark, and it is difficult for others to perceive the development and penetration of the Red Police Corps, and they will repeatedly lose the initiative in the war.

When everything is transparent, the Red Police Corps will also lose a lot of its current advantages.

In this regard, Cai Ruichen also thought very thoroughly. The loss of the Red Police Navy at this moment is not accidental, but an inevitable result.

Even if you did not suffer such losses today, a similar situation will occur in the next war.

It's just that everything seems to be ahead of schedule now. Fortunately, the situation is not so bad that it is completely irreversible.

"Does the fleet's navigation have any impact?" Cai Ruichen asked Sha Yiqi.

"At present, the power systems of all warships have not affected. The injured warships can maintain a complete formation with normal warships." Sha Yiqi knew what Cai Ruichen meant and replied.

"Immediately order the Third Fleet to go south at full speed, and you will lead all the forces in the First and Second Fleet to go north at full speed." Cai Ruichen ordered.

If it was another army, any general standing in the position of Sha Yiqi would think Cai Ruichen was crazy.

At present, people have all the advantages. Under normal circumstances, you should avoid the enemy's edge at this time, and then look for a fighter, instead of rushing to the opponent's attack direction and stepping forward to find death.

However, Sha Yiqi did not think so, but nodded decisively and said, "I promise to complete the task."

"The best result of this naval battle is to lose both..." Cai Ruichen said solemnly.

In fact, this is the best outcome that can be achieved so far. If the First Fleet and Second Fleet continue to go south, there will be nowhere to go.

Whether it is the Cape of Good Hope or close to Australia, it is the traditional sphere of influence of NATO, let alone the Pacific and Atlantic.

When it comes to the Atlantic and Pacific, it is really a dead end.

You can't even get close to Australia and the east coast of Africa. There is no room to go south, and now it is even more impossible to go south.

Therefore, the only chance is to start a decisive battle with the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet in the middle of the Indian Ocean. At present, the Red Police Navy is not without hope.

After all, the Third Fleet is also heading south, and the time it takes to head north can still bring huge losses to NATO's Indian Ocean Fleet.

What's more, in the current NATO Indian Ocean Fleet, the number of Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruisers and Arleigh Burke-class destroyers is only half of normal, and the defensive circle is also smaller than 200 kilometers, which is equivalent to only half of the normal air defense capability.

From this point, the air defense levels of the two sides are actually not much different.

The decisive battle is completely feasible, not to mention there are two Super MiGs. When necessary, Cai Ruichen will call Boris to come to support as soon as possible.

In short, Cai Ruichen will never allow the Red Police Navy to fail. The last result is a tie at sea.

For the Red Police Corps, this is already a victory.

And the dignified global navy can't even defeat the Iraqi-Syrian federal navy that has only been in force for two years. Even if it is tied, it is a huge shame.

Cai Ruichen is also able to accept this result.

In fact, from the beginning of this war, Cai Ruichen was able to take advantage of the powerful performance of the Super MiG to kill the US military fleet, and even bomb the US mainland and the US maritime fleet at any time.

But he did not do this, because war was not a matter of a few people. Although the Red Police Corps is very powerful, it also needs the experience of iron and blood. At the same time, such wars are more acceptable.

If the Iraqi-Syrian Federation wants to rise and its inner ambitions to be displayed, what it needs is not one or two invincible equipment, but the overall military strength, national strength, and national strength.

The most important thing is Cai Ruichen wants to see what extent of combat effectiveness the Red Police Corps can explode when facing the US military during this period.

So far, Cai Ruichen has been extremely satisfied and proud of the performance of the Red Police Corps.

Now, it is also the key to consolidate this kind of phased victory. Everything is based on victory, and any means is normal.

"Where is the lightning cluster now?" Cai Ruichen asked Sha Yiqi, looking at the coordinates where he was about to arrive in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

"The Lightning fleet has retreated, and it will not be too far away from the fleet." Sha Yiqi said.

"I see." Cai Ruichen cut off the communication with Sha Yiqi after speaking, and then ordered Ling Liang of the Supreme Command: "Send me all the locations of the U.S. Indian Ocean tankers."

PS: Today, the WeChat public account will update the eighth chapter of the extravaganza of "Red Alert: Somalia", and two chapters will be updated in the wasteland at night. I was in the hospital all day yesterday, and there was really no time to write the extravaganza, so I will make up today.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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