The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1513: Abandoned Lightning

"General, all the nearby tankers are too late."

The correspondent whispered when he saw that all the big guys were discussing what had shot down the twelve lightning tankers.

This sentence pulled everyone to the really important event at this moment. At this moment, Gertney was not angry, but said with a bit of pain: "Let the nearest submarine pass."

Everyone in the LaSalle fell silent after hearing Gertney's words. Although there was no clear order to make the Lightning fleet give up, this sentence has directly announced the fate of the Lightning fleet.

If the Lightning fighter on the Ford was a model that could take off and land vertically, there would be no such situation. Just find an island and land a few even if it is difficult.

However, the Lightning carrier-based aircraft on the Ford is not a vertical short take-off and landing model purchased by the United Kingdom. It requires a catapult to take off the aircraft carrier that blocks the ship or a normal airport.

The aviation fuel ran out, and the endless sea was all around. To meet the fate of the lightning fleet was that the pilots escaped, the plane exploded, and then let the submarine salvage the pilot back.

Letting the submarine dispatch is equivalent to announcing that all Lightning carrier-based pilots are ready to escape and explode the plane.

The Lightning Fighter Project, which is known as the most expensive fighter project in history, has just been born, and is facing real battles.

On the Israeli battlefield, twelve Lightning fighters were silently killed.

On the battlefield of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation air strikes, it is absolutely another shame that the fourth-generation US fighters cannot erase.

This has already caused many countries that originally wanted to buy Lightning fighters to show expressions of not much interest.

After all, the Lightning fighters appeared now, except for three months of arrogance on the Iranian battlefield, they have always been beaten when they encountered the Iran-Syria Federation.

What's more, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation does not have a so-called fourth-generation fighter jet, and the fourth-generation fighter jets of the U.S. military continue to buckle and sink into the sand, and their reputation at home and abroad has plummeted. Soaring, the international community is even beginning to re-understand the strength of the US military.

Under such circumstances, I finally used the Lightning carrier-based aircraft on the Ford aircraft carrier to save my face, but I did not expect that such a change would occur in the future.

The Lightning carrier-based aircraft that hit the Ford, that is, seventy-two, plus twelve partner tankers, and the entire Lightning fleet that cannot return, there are still twelve lightning fighters left on the Ford. .

With four aircraft carriers in the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet, two Nimitz, one Ford and one Charles de Gaulle from France, it can almost be announced at this moment that the most powerful Ford has lost its combat effectiveness.

Especially in front of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Navy, the twelve Lightning fighter jets could not make a big storm.

In this battle, the entire United States has consciously placed the Syrian Federation on an equal basis with itself. If it is to deal with ordinary third world countries, twelve Lightning carrier-based aircraft can destroy a country’s defense system. Up.

But facing a strong opponent like the Syrian Federation, even one hundred and twenty aircraft are not enough.

In the face of such a powerful opponent, the Ford can already withdraw from the battle, and its strength has not played a critical role in this war.

However, at this time, it is naturally impossible for the Ford to withdraw. In Guertney's view, the twelve Lightning fighters are more combative than the F-18 Super Hornet of an alliance, and they must not be wasted.

The most important thing is that the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Navy also has an aircraft carrier that has lost its combat effectiveness. There is still one aircraft carrier left to use. There is no need to worry about anything.

What really worries Gertney is that what has shot down the twelve Lightning tankers, if you don't figure it out, I'm afraid that there will be not enough fighters to take off.

This information was also posted on the confidential cover and sent directly to the Pentagon. This is extremely critical war information.

Otherwise, the entire sky is dangerous for US fighter jets.

However, for the abandoned Lightning fleet, these have nothing to do with them.

When the pilots of each Lightning carrier aircraft received the order, they were very unwilling to use the last fuel to fly towards the nearest submarine position.

The brand-new Lightning fighter, the youngest one, has not even flown for twenty hours after it is officially installed. Now it is about to manually explode these extremely expensive fighters. Anyone will be reluctant to bear it.

What's more, there was no need for these more than 20 Lightning carrier-based aircraft to explode and destroy in this way.

However, they didn't know that even if they didn't explode and had enough fuel, they still couldn't get back.

Ascending above their heads, another Super MiG piloted by Natasha has been monitoring their flight. Once there is any turnaround, they will be ruthlessly destroyed.

But there is no need now, Natasha adjusted the holographic camera to always focus on the body of the lightning cluster.

The lightning fleet, which continued to drop in altitude, soon couldn't hold on. The pilots of the lightning carrier-based aircraft could not help but after kissing their beloved car goodbye, they all ejected and escaped, and then watched taxiing out from a distance. Fighter, self-destructive.

Many U.S. carrier-based aircraft pilots also shed tears. Such an expensive fighter, yet so advanced, was destroyed by one can bear it.

At this time, the Super MiG driven by Cai Ruichen came here, just to see the scene of the lightning fleet exploding.

To defeat the aircraft carrier battle group, sometimes it is not necessary to sink the aircraft carrier. It is only necessary to make the aircraft carrier not have a carrier-based aircraft to take off, which is equivalent to destroying the combat effectiveness of the aircraft carrier battle group.

It's just that since the modern war, the difficulty of destroying all the carrier-based aircraft of an aircraft carrier fighter is more difficult than the difficulty of destroying the aircraft carrier battle group itself, and the price to be paid is even greater.

Cai Ruichen did not choose to attack the NATO fleet, but first killed the enemy's most powerful stealth carrier-based aircraft, and fundamentally continued to weaken the combat capability of the US aircraft carrier.

In the next battle, he will not directly attack the US fleet, but will leave the decisive battle to the Red Police Navy. At best, he and Natasha will continue to take on the task of fighting the autumn wind.

When this great battle came, his eyes were already on all the early warning aircrafts outside the US fleet.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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