The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1514: Live the Great Battle

On the Super MiG 1, Cai Ruichen activated the autopilot system and flew on the way back to base.

There will be a few hours of blank time in the next, and the fleets of both sides will prepare for a full-scale war in the next time.

In these few hours, Cai Ruichen did not intend to kill the other's early warning aircraft so easily, and the time to attack the early warning aircraft was planned to be when the war between the two sides was about to break out.

Five hours later, the distance between the fleets of both sides will be reduced to one thousand kilometers. Under this distance, the carrier-based aircraft of both sides will have enough time in the air.

When the Super MiG returned, the entire Western media frantically promoted the achievements of the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet.

The damage to the aircraft carrier Baghdad was also the first victory of the coalition forces in this war.

Especially for the US military, it is natural to carry out a lot of publicity. Otherwise, it will be the failure of the future media companies to publicize the US military. Public opinion is really unfavorable for the US military.

The U.S. Navy, which has dominated the world for more than half a century, has finally come up with a satisfactory answer.

It's just that the news reports did not specify the specific losses of the US military.

In fact, when the result of only twelve carrier-based aircraft on the Ford appeared, the US military had only a deep sense of shame.

The U.S. Navy no longer feels that this is a victory. After all, the other aircraft carrier, the USS Baghdad, lost its combat effectiveness, but the corresponding Ford also lost its follow-up combat capability.

After the attack initiated by the U.S. Navy, the two sides actually killed one thousand and killed 800, and from the United States' view, their losses were even greater.

After all, the aircraft carrier USS Baghdad is equipped with non-stealth fighters. In terms of combat effectiveness, it is completely incomparable with the Ford.

The joy of victory at the beginning was completely reversed by the fate of the Lightning fleet. In this battle, the US Navy believed that it was the loser.

But the Pentagon needs a victory too much. Even if it pays a higher price, it also needs to carry out propaganda about victory. This is war, an explanation to the people.

Just like when the U.S. military was fighting on the ground during the Iraq War, it was all propaganda against Iraq’s T-72 main battle tanks. There was no loss. In ground operations, there was no Abrams by the enemy. destroy.

But in fact, the US military lost more than 60 Abrams before and after on the battlefield in Iraq.

Some of the lost tanks were in anti-tank mines and anti-tank missiles. When the US military withdrew from Iraq, the Times reported on this.

Some British reporters even visited Iraq and made statistics on the number of all the Abrams tank wrecks seen on the side of the road. It was published in the military section of the Atlantic Monthly. The actual losses of the US military on the battlefield in Iraq digital.

The various photos are very clear, all taken from the Iraqi battlefield. In each photo, there are the remains of Abrams, and most of them are the separation of the turret and the body.

In this regard, the US military also gave an explanation. Most of these tanks were not directly destroyed, and none of the tanks were actually destroyed directly on the battlefield.

These so-called tank wrecks were all assessed for damage after being attacked, and after it was determined that they could not be repaired and returned to service, they would be destroyed by the US military itself and the main equipment on it would be dismantled.

The American explanation also leaves the outside world speechless. After all, no one has seen what the Americans like to say, and the outside world can't show evidence of opposition.

At this moment, in response to most of the US media propaganda in the world and various public opinions, the future media company immediately responded.

The initial response was very simple. It was to forward a message from the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard Naval Command, confirming that in the Indian Ocean, the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Navy’s Baghdad aircraft carrier was attacked by a US Navy carrier aircraft and lost its combat effectiveness. It shows that the other warships of the dual-carrier battle group are also damaged to varying degrees, but the combat effectiveness is still there.

The statement of the spokesperson of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Navy Department also confirmed the propaganda reports of the US military. However, the news released by the future media company clearly tells the world that the victory or defeat of this naval battle will belong to the world, or two.

The Future Media Company made it clear in the news that through interviews with senior officials of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Navy and the news sent back by the military reporters of the Future Media Company following the fleet sailing, it was confirmed that although the US Navy successfully attacked the Iraqi-Syrian Federal fleet, it was very Regrettably, none of the forty-eight US Lightning carrier-based aircraft carrying out the sneak attack mission can be recovered.

In other words, in this air strike, the US military used 48 Lightning carrier-based aircraft to exchange half of the combat power of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation dual aircraft carrier fighter group.

In the news, Future Media also released a detailed air raid video. The effect of the entire video is no less than that of any Hollywood blockbuster. From the approach of the Lightning fighter jet, the two sides launched air defense and ship attack operations. The process was very exciting.

It’s just that it’s night time, and the images were shot with low-light night vision effects, so some places are still a bit blurry, but the fuselages of Lightning fighters, warships, and missiles are all very clear.

On the screen, although many warships have been attacked, and even two sea scorpions sank directly, but the US Army Lightning fleet is not comfortable. In this five-minute video there is Twenty Lightning fighters were destroyed by Phalanx or air defense missiles.

Then the picture disappeared, and the Future Technology Group also stated in the news that this battle also successfully retained all of the US Lightning fleet.

Moreover, in the news, it also clearly told the world that the current Iraq-Syrian federal naval fleet is approaching the US fleet, and a naval battle will break out in a few hours.

The most important thing is that for this great battle, the future media company will conduct a live broadcast to broadcast this great battle to the world.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately aroused countless curiosity. This is a real battle, and it is a decisive battle between the two navies, which will be broadcast live.

This is not comparable to a local battlefield on the ground. Although live broadcast is risky, it is not difficult.

But this is a modern naval battle. The distance between the two sides is thousands of kilometers, and the air is competing in the sky. How can this be broadcast live?

But what is really interesting is that the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard actually allowed the live broadcast of this big battle. Is it true that there is a belief in victory? (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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