The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1520: Destroy the Hawkeye early warning aircraft

Cai Ruichen, who set off again, did not know that the US highly classified Aurora plan had already been dispatched.

At this moment, the Super MiG piloted by him and Natasha is flying towards NATO's Indian Ocean Fleet as planned.

Their goal is naturally the early warning aircraft in the airspace around the fleet. As long as the early warning aircraft is killed, it is impossible to spot the approaching Black Hawk carrier aircraft in advance by relying on the radar on the fleet.

Time passed by one minute, and the two Super MiGs that reentered the atmosphere separated directly over the middle of the Indian Ocean.

One left and one right flew towards the early warning aircraft in the distance.

Cai Ruichen sat steadily in the cockpit, the nano armor on his body receded from his face, but still completely protected his entire body below his neck.

Super MiG has extremely powerful power, high maneuverability and agility. Any acceleration is several times the speed of sound, which makes the people in the cab need to withstand a huge overload.

A huge overload will cause the blood in the human body to rush to the head, even Cai Ruichen is no exception, so when carrying out a large overload maneuver, it is necessary to control the blood in the body to avoid a large amount of upward rush.

The human body is uncontrollable, it can only be controlled by external force. Like the flight suits on supersonic aircraft pilots in various countries, the nano armor will also tightly restrain the lower body and limbs when carrying out large overloads. , Use pressure to lock the blood flowing in the blood vessels to avoid excessive blood pressure.

Otherwise, the driver will easily become dizzy or have brief symptoms of blindness, and Cai Ruichen is no exception.

Nano armor can regulate the blood flow rate inside the human body. When a wound occurs, it can even compress nearby blood vessels to reduce blood outflow.

In fact, even if the ultra-nano armor covers the whole body, the people in it will not feel any uncomfortable feelings. The five senses of the human body are the same as when they are not worn.

It's just that Cai Ruichen doesn't like this faint feeling of restraint, even if the body doesn't feel it, but he still feels a little weird in his heart.

The Super MiG flew along the direction of the received radar signal, but the Super MiG's airborne radar did not turn on.

Not far away is the US Army’s Hawkeye early warning aircraft. Active radar waves cannot conceal the opponent’s detection sensors. Moreover, the Super MiG does not need to rely on radar to locate the target.

On the Hawkeye early warning aircraft not far in front of Cai Ruichen, none of the detection equipment on it found the approaching Super MiG.

The two F-18 Super Hornet carrier-based aircraft next to the early warning aircraft did not find any danger of approaching.

When the three targets all appeared on the laser sight, Cai Ruichen glanced at the time, and then opened the safety device of the laser weapon system without hesitation.

The height of the Super MiG slowly dropped, just keeping it diagonally below the three targets.

On the laser weapon system attack monitor in the cockpit, laser scans of three targets immediately appeared.

There is no need to control Cai Ruichen. The weapon system has directly locked two F-18 Super Hornet carrier-based aircraft with certain threat capabilities.

When the first F-18 Super Hornet was locked, the laser weapon system was directly locked on the missile at the Hornet's plug-in point.

Compared with the heavy body of a fighter, the shell of the missile is much thinner, and if the missile at the plug-in point is detonated, the Hornet is naturally destroyed.

The whole process was the weapon system's own judgment. After determining the location of the attack, Cai Ruichen also gently pressed the attack button.

A laser beam that can not be seen even in the dark, shines out from the laser transmitter on the top of the Super MiG.

The intensity of light can melt and penetrate a centimeter of titanium alloy steel in an instant.

A red dot suddenly appeared on one of the Sidewinder missiles in the F-18 Super Hornet plug-in point, and at the moment this dot appeared, the missile exploded without warning.

The tremendous power of the missile explosion covered the entire fighter plane and detonated other missiles and fuel tanks on the fighter plane.

In the calm night sky, a strong flame exploded, and the pilot of another F-18 Super Hornet nearby looked at the wingman that suddenly exploded with horror. He hadn't waited for his head to react. Coming over, the consciousness in his mind instantly went blank.

At the moment he saw the flames of the explosion, the laser weapon had already locked another F-18 Super Hornet, and in the next second, another F-18 Super Hornet exploded immediately.

The time between the explosions of the two F-18 Super Hornets was less than two seconds, leaving no time for others to think.

On the AWACS, the two shielding fighters suddenly exploded, causing the AWACS to explode all of a sudden.

The command captain didn't have time to think, and quickly pressed the emergency communication button, and an emergency message was sent out immediately.

This is a prepared plan. All early-warning aircraft and fighter jets have established emergency communications. Once they encounter an inexplicable attack, they will send this message out as soon as possible.

The moment the Hawkeye early warning aircraft launched the news, the Super MiG’s attack had already locked it.

The attack point is locked at the position where the entire wing of the aircraft is close to the cabin. The powerful thermal energy is locked at one point, and the entire wing is directly cut into a huge crack. Under the huge air resistance of the aircraft, the entire wing is cracked. Open, torn directly from the fuselage.

The Hawkeye early warning aircraft lost its balance instantly, and the entire fuselage began to roll irregularly in the sky. Where the wings were cut open, the high temperature encountered the oil pipeline, and the fire ignited immediately, and under the high-speed air current, the flames It's rising in the wind. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The eagle-eye early warning aircraft that rolled and fell quickly burst into flames and billowing smoke. It hadn't been long before it fell. The fuel tank inside the aircraft was exploded by flames, and a huge firework flashed in the sky.

"May God bless you not to go to **** after you die." Cai Ruichen muttered, and immediately turned her head and flew towards another early warning aircraft.

At the same time, Natasha on the other side destroyed another early warning aircraft on the right wing of the fleet.

The whole process went very smoothly, and it can be said to be effortless.

Like Cai Ruichen, Natasha, who completed the attack, flew towards the position of another early warning aircraft.

This is probably also a precedent in the history of mankind's air combat, where the first air combat has not yet started, and the early warning aircraft of one party was killed by a sneak attack.

Even the early warning aircraft didn't even know what it was that attacked him, the whole process came too suddenly.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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