The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1521: Cai Ruichen is live on the war

The dead don't know what they died, the living knows on the spot.

When Cai Ruichen launched an attack on the AWACS, the live broadcast of the war scene was switched to his cockpit.

When the cockpit of the Super MiG appeared in front of the world, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

The cockpit in front of you is really sci-fi. There are no so-called LCD monitors. All the display pictures are projected in the cockpit. However, there are not many things to see from the outside world, because it only shows the flight of this aircraft. Altitude and flying speed.

When Cai Ruichen started to launch an attack, it was also clearly seen on the live broadcast that the three targets appearing on the display were like the images captured by the high-definition camera and then undergoing three-dimensional reconstruction analysis.

The whole process was very fast, and even the location where the attack was locked was broadcast live to the whole world.

It's just that everyone on the live broadcast did not see how this aircraft, which seemed to be invisible to the nose, launched an attack.

The whole process is as if it is on the game screen. Once the location of the attack target is locked, it explodes in the distant night sky.

All three targets were quickly destroyed.

On the display, through the appearance of the target, everyone can clearly see that the three targets are two F-18 Super Hornets and one Hawkeye early warning aircraft.

This scene alone caused countless people's faces to turn over and over again, and many people's faces became extremely ugly.

When Cai Ruichen said "May God bless you not to go to **** when you die", everyone who was watching the live broadcast was shocked.

Because this voice is familiar to many people, Cai Ruichen's face appeared on the screen as soon as the camera was turned.

The whole world was almost silent, and everyone was shocked.

Cai Ruichen, the dignified supreme leader of the Iraq-Syria Federation, actually appeared on the battlefield of the Indian Ocean in a mysterious combat aircraft, and appeared in front of the world when the live broadcast started.

"Oh, my dear, did I hear and vision, I actually saw Cai Ruichen."

"I should also have auditory and visual hallucinations. No matter how I look at it, it looks like a good film from a director.

"Cai Ruichen really appeared on the battlefield. Isn't he worried about his safety?"

"This is an opportunity for the United States. As long as Cai Ruichen is killed, all troubles will be gone."

"What kind of fighter is this? Cai Ruichen actually dared to pilot it for actual combat..."

"This shouldn't be Cai Ruichen, otherwise, how could he appear on the battlefield?"

"I think it should be a political show. You didn't even watch him. You didn't even wear a flight helmet or oxygen mask."


In the live broadcast room of the Future Media Company, countless messages kept swiping the screen. Everyone watching the live broadcast of this war was completely shocked by the sudden appearance of Cai Ruichen.

Most people find it too unbelievable. There are millions of messages per second, and no audience can remain calm.

It's like watching a rugby match when all the audience suddenly discovered that Austria and Bama actually appeared on the field and were colliding with those big guys.

As a national leader, he should not appear on the battlefield either.

At this moment, almost everyone has put this mysterious aircraft aside, even if Cai Ruichen's appearance is only a second or two, it has completely attracted all the focus of attention.

At this moment, in the live broadcast of the Future Media Company, the voice of the narration also appeared: "It has been confirmed that the person who just appeared on the screen is Cai Ruichen, the supreme leader of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, and the fighter he is driving is the Future Technology Group. The crystallization of the most cutting-edge technology belongs to the top military secrets. So far, we have only obtained the code name of this mysterious aircraft from the Supreme Command-Super MiG."

"As for why Super MiG and Cai Ruichen appeared on the battlefield in Super MiG, once there is the latest news, it will be shared with the world as soon as possible."

The narration is very short, but it is definitely not a small sensation.

Sure enough, it is a mysterious aircraft. The most important thing is that Cai Ruichen has really appeared on the battlefield. What the **** is this?

The face of Gertney who knew the news for the first time was quite wonderful.

He even was like ordinary people, wondering if Cai Ruichen was doing a show on purpose.

But reason told him that Cai Ruichen had no need to do this.

The four words Super MiG quickly took root in his mind.

However, as the frontline commander of this naval battle, Gertney also recovered immediately. The command center had just received the news that two early warning aircraft had been destroyed.

This process caused Gertney's brows to frown. The reason is simple. The efficiency of the other party's live broadcast actually exceeds the efficiency of the entire US military command system.

And all the viewers who were watching the live broadcast actually saw the result of the event earlier than the command system.

In this regard, it is false to say that Gertney has no idea, because the command structure and efficiency of the Iraq-Syria Federation will definitely exceed the live broadcast speed of future media companies.

In other words, the command mechanism of the Islamic Federation has completely surpassed the command mechanism established by the United States for decades.

Getney put this thought aside immediately, and just as he was about to give a combat order, the phone next to him rang.

As soon as I picked up the phone, I heard Carter's voice from the other end: "Cai Ruichen is indeed on the mysterious aircraft. We can pay any price, but we must kill Cai Ruichen."

Carter hung up the phone before Gertney could speak, which made Gertney frowned.

However, he quickly eased off. The real opponent of the United States is not so much the Islamic Federation, as it is the Islamic Federation.

But he is even more aware that Cai Ruichen is not actually the enemy of the United States, but the enemy of the US interest groups, because interest groups are extremely eager to get everything Cai Ruichen has, and only when Cai Ruichen is dead can interest groups have a chance.

Therefore, Gertney had an instinctive resistance to this order, but he was even more aware that he had no way to refuse such an order, even if he knew it was an interest group that used the interests of the United States in exchange for their own interests.

"Order the X force to go to the north latitude as soon as possible..." Gertney said a coordinate, and this coordinate is 400 kilometers away from Cai Ruichen's destruction of the first early warning aircraft, and another early warning aircraft is nearby.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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