The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1522: U.S. Army

The sovereign of a country actually drives a fighter jet on the battlefield. Cai Ruichen's move can be described as the only scorpion rake in the history of human modern warfare.

As the saying goes, the wood show in the forest wind will destroy it, let alone Cai Ruichen's noble status, for any opponent, this goal is simply the most dazzling beacon of the battlefield.

Cai Ruichen didn't understand this reason. If he didn't agree with him, he would not be seen on the live broadcast.

And there is no need for him to show his face in the live broadcast. All this is to tell the United States that I am on the battlefield and come to me!

This is a war that has made the United States extremely anxious. When they see Cai Ruichen, the top Americans have almost seen the hope of ending the war, and it will end this war victoriously.

Cai Ruichen also caught this idea from the United States, so he decisively made himself a bait.

What Cai Ruichen miscalculated was that he did not attract most of the US carrier-based aircraft.

The Red Police Navy’s First Fleet’s WARNING aircraft sent a clear message that nearly a hundred carrier-based aircraft dispatched by NATO were still heading in the direction of the fleet and did not change their direction.

After receiving this news, Cai Ruichen just thought that the United States was not fooled.

In fact, Cai Ruichen thought very simple, that is to use herself to attract the attention of most of the NATO fleet's carrier-based aircraft, and then force the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet to take off again a group of carrier-based aircraft to intercept the Black Hawk carrier aircraft of the First Fleet.

And he will also cooperate with Natasha to kill all AWACS around NATO's Indian Ocean Fleet, and provide an excellent opportunity for the third fleet, which has always been a secret march.

The third fleet is coming from the rear of the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet. At this moment, the navies of the two sides are facing each other. The outside world of the third fleet does not know that if a sneak attack is launched, the NATO fleet, which lacks certain air defense ships, will definitely suffer heavy losses.

There was no suspense in the next naval battle.

And once the main force of the remaining carrier-based aircraft in the NATO fleet is still there, no matter where the carrier-based aircraft of the Third Fleet approaches, the air superiority and guarding force of the NATO fleet will be able to fight immediately.

Destroying the AWACS only prevents the AWACS from discovering the third fleet's sneak attack aircraft group in advance. However, once the aircraft group launches an attack, it can only attack the destroyers and frigates in the periphery. Even if it is obtained by then, it will be difficult to continue to attack the NATO aircraft carrier. .

The US military did not make such a choice. In Cai Ruichen's view, he was really lucky.

It's just that after Cai Ruichen used the Super MiG, he has already held the belief that he will win this naval battle. The missiles loaded in the Super MiG's hidden magazine are enough to cause huge trouble to the NATO fleet.

The super MiG’s take-off weight reaches 80 tons, and the nuclear fusion reactor that provides all the power and energy for combat power can give the Super MiG a steady stream of power.

The most important thing is that the Super MiG does not need a fuel tank, nor does it have fuel to evenly split the fighter's load.

Super MiGs can carry a lot of weapons and equipment. Once they are fully displayed, the entire NATO fleet will lose at least one third of its combat effectiveness.

However, Cai Ruichen does not intend to use the Super MiG to take risks unless it is necessary. The reason is very simple. The overall air defense capability of the aircraft carrier fleet is extremely strong, especially the latest Arleigh Burke-class destroyers of the US military, which have medium range. As well as the ability to intercept ballistic missiles at the end, these air defense missiles are also extremely threatening to the Super MiG.

Although Cai Ruichen is full of self-confidence, he is not arrogant. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, not to mention that many drowning people are often watered.

As long as the situation permits, Cai Ruichen will not take risks in person. Of course, if it is necessary to go to the NATO fleet with the performance of the Super MiG and his own driving skills, from his point of view, that’s what happened. .

At this moment, Cai Ruichen did not confirm his inner thoughts. Instead, he dismantled the trick. According to the original plan, another early warning aircraft on the left rear wing of the NATO fleet was quickly killed.

On the other side, Natasha also smoothly cleared the second target.

Over the entire NATO fleet, all four early warning aircraft have been killed.

This is thanks to the super performance and stealth capability of the Super MiG. Otherwise, if it is a conventional fighter, it is almost impossible to kill these four early warning aircraft.

After completing the plan, Natasha learned about the current trends of the US carrier-based aircraft, and asked Cai Ruichen: "A large number of carrier-based aircraft have been assembled over the US fleet, and they have changed. There are also two early warning aircraft in the center of the fleet. Protected..."

Natasha naturally knew Cai Ruichen's plan, and the U.S. military must have discovered the existence of the Super MiG long ago. At this moment, combined with the sea and air forces, they are defending over the fleet in order to guard against the attack of the super fighter.

Faced with this kind of sea-air coordinated air defense lineup, even if two Super MiGs are mounted together, it is quite dangerous.

"The plan changes. Let's assist the Second Carrier Aircraft Wing." Cai Ruichen immediately made a decision.

It's just that at this moment, Cai Ruichen also doesn't understand the use of the US fleet protecting itself like a hedgehog?

The hundreds of carrier-based aircraft that attacked were lonely, and they all lost the help of the AWACS. They faced the Black Hawk carrier-based aircraft of a complete wing of the Second Fleet, as well as their assistance with Natasha. It is said that it will definitely lose.

The U.S. military should not fail to understand this truth. If it really wants to be passively defended, it should also immediately recall the carrier-based aircraft that attacked.

Cai Ruichen does not think that this is a mistake of the US military command organization. It is impossible for the US Navy's command system to have such a command error.

But what I don't understand is why the US military wants to do this.

When Cai Ruichen was puzzled, a warning was suddenly issued on the active microwave radar system of the Super MiG.

On the radar display that turned on automatically, suddenly twelve mysterious flying objects approaching at a speed of nearly Mach seven appeared.

The distance from the Super MiG has been narrowed to within 100 kilometers, and the appearance of these twelve flying objects shocked Cai Ruichen.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen also quickly thought of the strange movements of the NATO fleet. Could this be the killer of the US military?

The U.S. military does not want to deal with itself, but does not want ordinary fighter jets to kill.

At seven times the speed of sound, there were still twelve as soon as they appeared, and they approached themselves in a neat attack formation in the air.

This war seems to be getting more and more interesting. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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