The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1523: Radar lock on Super MiG

Twelve targets, flying at an altitude of more than 30,000 meters, at a speed of Mach 7, attacking formations...

These data appeared in Cai Ruichen's mind, and his originally calm heart began to get excited.

Cai Ruichen has never been a safe commander. From the first contact with the base and the experience in the virtual reality world, these are all his requirements for himself. In fact, if he does not like it, he Why persist every day.

From beginning to end, Cai Ruichen was an active person, who liked excitement and proving his strength.

The emergence of these twelve targets, no matter what secret weapons and equipment the US military uses, are already secondary.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen has only one thought, and that is to let the other party take a look at him, how powerful he is.

"Commander, I'm here." Natasha's slightly anxious voice heard in her ears.

"Leave it to me, don't intervene." Cai Ruichen has never been so excited before, driving an elite Black Hawk fighter, he has long felt that it is not enough.

The Death Valley of the simulated training ground, in his opinion, is not even a bit challenging. At this moment, it is hard to come up with several commendable opponents. His addiction has been hooked up. How can Natasha interfere.

The most important thing is that Cai Ruichen also wants to see, what is the level of secret weapons used by the US military?

"The commander, be careful, I'll help you take the battle." Natasha did not persuade Cai Ruichen on the grounds of safety. She was too aware of Cai Ruichen's strength, and of course, his temper and character.

"Okay." Cai Ruichen will naturally not refuse Natasha's request for a sweeping formation. After all, the opponent is an aircraft that can enter the Mach 7 flight, which is definitely a big deal.

And this quickly reminded Cai Ruichen that the United States has always been classified as a highly classified Aurora plan, but Cai Ruichen did not think that the United States would send twelve strategic reconnaissance planes to die.

What's more, if there were reconnaissance planes on the opposite side, it would be impossible to dispatch twelve at once.

In his opinion, this is most likely part of the US Army's Aurora plan, just like the original B-2 or F-117.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen was also very grateful. Fortunately, Boris was drawn, and the Super MiG appeared ahead of time. Otherwise, if this war broke out, it would be really bad.

Putting away his emotions, Cai Ruichen looked at the twelve targets that were approaching fast, and ordered the airborne auxiliary intelligent system Panda: "Analyze the target plane perspective."

Microwave scanning radar has an advanced place, that is, it can scan the opponent's body structure and the entire body shape and size in detail, and then display it on the system, and perform related structure and weakness analysis.

As soon as the words fell, another projection screen appeared on the radar projection screen in front of me, and it immediately displayed a super science fiction graphic.

The plane of this mysterious aircraft is a huge triangular lift body with a sweep angle of 75 degrees.

On the side is a huge streamlined body shaped like an eagle's beak. The two combined cycle engines extend backwards along the length of the aircraft on the abdomen and are closely integrated with the three angle wings, forming a huge oblique curved surface at the front and bottom of the fuselage.

Cai Ruichen just took a look and understood that this design is mainly designed for the intake of the combined cycle engine. Although this design will undoubtedly produce considerable resistance, it is conducive to the compression of the gas before it enters the intake duct and can Lead exhaust gas to expand.

Moreover, because the gas is pressurized at the bottom of the aircraft, the aircraft can obtain the maximum lift. This is what traditional airplanes do not have. And its unique wing body fusion can store a large amount of fuel and reduce friction.

Its unique three-corner itself is a lift surface, which is more advantageous for subsonic, transonic and hypersonic flight. Moreover, its sharp swept front edge can also increase the vortex lift of the aircraft like a side wing.

On the trailing edge of the three-corner body, there are two full-moving double vertical tails with a smaller area to stabilize and control the aircraft.

According to the data scanned by microwave radar, this mysterious aircraft has a total length of 32 meters and a height of 7 meters. The estimated maximum take-off weight has reached more than 80 tons.

Judging from the size of the aircraft, this is a fighter jet similar to the Super MiG, and the fuselage has a streamlined layout. The two have a lot in common and are quite similar.

However, the biggest difference between the two parties is that the Super MiG is powered by a nuclear fusion reactor, and the propulsion method used does not require small fuel at all.

The other party is obviously a conventionally powered aircraft. In terms of data analysis, combined with the base’s database data, it is inferred that the power of this aircraft is an aero engine that uses pulses as explosive power.

This kind of engine can explode powerful propulsion in a short time and maintain the speed of sound more than six times, there is absolutely no problem.

But if the total takeoff weight reaches 80 tons, it proves that there is enough fuel to meet the needs of the engine.

The other party can fly to the middle of the Indian Ocean, spanning thousands of kilometers, and there is absolutely no problem.

It's just that Cai Ruichen is very suspicious that if the other party uses this kind of engine, it will consume a lot of fuel, and is there still enough tonnage to load weapons and equipment?

Of course, no matter what, since the opponent is already close, there is no reason to greet him badly.

However, what surprised Cai Ruichen the most was that the opponent seemed to have discovered his position, and the direction he came was extremely accurate, and the fleet even slowly separated, quite a bit to be surrounded.

Regarding this, Cai Ruichen did not Pulling the nose, the Super MiG plunged directly into the night sky.

The power output slowly turned on, and the altitude information displayed on the altitude data sheet was jumping fast.

The speed of the Super MiG is also climbing, increasing to a high speed of Mach 5, and directly rushing to an altitude of 50,000 meters, reaching the top of the stratosphere.

At this moment, in the Aurora squadron of the Aurora Project, almost all eyes are on the target signal on the radar sensor system of the cab.

As Cai Ruichen had expected, the Aurora fighter plane had vaguely discovered its existence when it was close to the Super MiG for nearly 80 kilometers.

This is due to the large number of advanced detection equipment that the Aurora has originally equipped with. These detection equipment are the crystallization of the most advanced technology of the US military and have strong anti-stealth capabilities.

The reason is very simple. Their emergence is to deal with stealth fighters in Russia and their hometown. The investment in detection and reconnaissance equipment for stealth aircraft does not count the cost.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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