The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1524: Aurora VS Super MiG

Aurora, the goddess of the aurora, is the goddess in charge of the northern lights in Norse mythology. The northern lights are a beautiful gift from nature to mankind. Aurora is a goddess full of hope and expectation.

In the US military, Aurora is the last line of defense.

Once this line of defense is broken, it means that the US military will lose the war guarantee of air supremacy.

At the moment, the Aurora Squadron did not disappoint the Pentagon.

Originally, the Pentagon was also very worried. When Aurora squadron arrived at the target area and could not find the enemy's trail, it was really embarrassing.

Failing to find the target is equivalent to not finding the target of the attack. At night, it is the endless airspace, and it can only return in anguish.

Fortunately, the 30-year research and development of the US military did not disappoint in the end. The combination of a large number of anti-stealth detection equipment immediately locked the position of the Super MiG.

And through the data fed back by the surveillance equipment, it can also be determined that the opponent is an aircraft with super stealth capabilities.

This is also fully in line with the characteristics of the target.

However, it was the same thing to discover. When Aurora Squadron saw the target suddenly climb at an extremely fast speed, the twelve secret ace pilots of the US military all watched in horror at the other side flying above their heads.

An altitude of 50,000 meters is equivalent to fifty kilometers. This altitude is basically what fighter jets can hit casually.

The most important thing is that the target's climbing speed is extremely astonishing. It can climb to a height of 50,000 meters at nearly five times the speed of sound at an almost vertical angle, which is impossible even for the goddess of dawn.

Only 50,000 meters, this height is not very good, at least this height, can not escape Aurora's attack range.

And the more you fight at high altitude, the more advantageous Aurora is.

Because Aurora’s only weapon is the laser transmitter located at the nose, the closer it is to the ground, the air and dust will greatly reduce the laser weapon.

The thinner the air, the more powerful the laser weapon can be.

The best stage for laser weapons is in outer space, where there is no air and dust. It is the most ideal, which can keep the lethality of laser weapons at a stable and highest lethality.

Of course, this is also true for laser weapons on the Super MiG. In the atmosphere, air humidity and dust particles will greatly weaken the lethality of laser weapons.

If in the foggy weather, the attack power of laser weapons will even be infinitely weakened, and it is very likely that even one percent of the lethality will not be reached.

Like these goddesses of dawn, Cai Ruichen actually likes to fight at high altitude.

The reason is simple. The attack distance of the Super MiG’s laser weapon is actually determined by the height.

At ultra-low altitudes and on the surface of the ocean filled with a large number of water molecules, the laser weapon of the Super MiG’s attack range is best within 20 kilometers.

But above the stratosphere, the attack distance will be much longer, but the data is not constant, it still depends on the air environment.

Therefore, laser weapons, no matter how advanced they are, are actually unstable.

The distance between the two sides is also in a tacit approach at this moment.

This made Cai Ruichen feel very interesting. The other party had no intention to use missiles until now. He clearly found himself, but he just approached quickly.

This coincides with his own tactics. Obviously, the opponent must also be equipped with laser weapons.

After all, the US military also has a precedent for equipping laser weapons on airplanes, and the size of the opponent's fighter jets is no problem at all.

However, Cai Ruichen has sufficient confidence in the Super MiG. Even if the current Super MiG does not have a powerful defense system such as a protective shield, it cannot be easily locked by the opponent.

Therefore, even knowing that the opponent was twelve, Cai Ruichen still dared to approach alone.

When the distance between the two parties was narrowed to 50 kilometers, before the Super MiG could start, the laser weapon fairings of the twelve Aurora noses opened, revealing a slightly concave prism inside.

On the Super MiG, Cai Ruichen received twelve locked warnings at once.

Laser weapons have the ability to attack at the speed of light. Once locked, there is no need to calculate the advance amount, and once they attack, they can reach the target directly.

However, laser lock also requires target guidance. Even if it is a Super MiG, facing twelve laser locks, once it is attacked, it will not end well.

"Turn on infrared interference."

A few simple words just came out of Cai Ruichen's mouth, and the original warning suddenly stopped.

The twelve Aurora that had just locked the target were about to press the attack button, but they were all found in horror that the originally locked target had disappeared from the radar and laser sighting system.

When the opponent appeared on the radar again, it was already less than thirty kilometers away from them.

Before they could lock the target again, an Aurora in the fleet suddenly exploded.

One of the twelve Aurora was destroyed, and the other eleven Aurora, suddenly scattered like birds and beasts, began to maneuver randomly.

Just when they tried to lock each other again, another Aurora was destroyed, the whole process, and there was no time to breathe.

This is the horror of laser weapons. This is not a science fiction movie. Laser beams are invisible in reality.

And once you see yourself being irradiated by a laser weapon, or something is irradiated by a laser weapon, everything is too late.

In the Pentagon, all the people in the Pentagon watched the display signal on the screen with bated breath. Two Aurora were destroyed. On the display signal of, the indicator lights of the two stations went out.

This makes everyone a little worried.

It's one thing to be able to see the other party. What you really want is to destroy the other party. Everything is taken for granted.

But at this moment, there are still people who feel that they have a chance, but then, when the lights representing the signals of the Aurora system go out one by one.

In the entire Pentagon, almost all fell into a dead silence.

Carter was very unwilling and asked: "Has the satellite been discovered?"

The answer to him was that in the silent command center, there were staff members shaking their heads.

At this moment, a staff officer suddenly exclaimed: "Behind the NATO fleet, there have been a large number of Iraq-Syrian Federation carrier-based aircraft, oh god, when will the Islamic-Syrian Federation Navy have another aircraft carrier battle group in the Indian Ocean... "

Everyone in the Pentagon Command Center changed sharply again. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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