The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1525: Cai Ruichen who shocked the world

A piece of bad news sent the entire Pentagon into a dead silence.

"Minister, end the war!"

An almost inaudible voice rushed into Carter's ears. The familiar voice came from Carter's chief think tank.

The only achievement of Aurora’s failure was to send back a laser-scanned photo of the mysterious aircraft of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, and then there was no more news.

The naval fleet is almost in desperate situation at this moment. The Iraqi-Syrian Federation actually has an aircraft carrier battle group, and it has appeared behind the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet without knowing it.

And before that, there was no even the slightest piece of intelligence, and even the satellites in the sky did not find the approaching fleet. This directly destined this naval battle, and NATO will once again end in failure.

But even if the United States wants to end the war at this moment, what about its opponents?

"Let General Gertney preserve the fleet as much as possible..." Carter waved his hand helplessly, Gundam's body seemed to squat like a late old man.

Contrary to the silence of the Pentagon, almost everyone who is watching the live broadcast has all kinds of excitement on their faces.

This naval battle has not yet begun, and the air contest between the two sides can be regarded as a challenge to the eyeball and the worldview of all people.

Cai Ruichen swiftly killed the early warning aircraft of the US military twice, which has already made many people hooked.

But the twelve high-speed aerial targets that appeared next refreshed everyone's worldview.

The plan of the Goddess of Aurora, the US military has always been a highly confidential plan, so it became clear in the live broadcast.

And the whole world obviously underestimated the US Army’s Aurora Project. When these twelve sci-fi fighters showed the ability of laser locking attacks, the whole world was shocked.

Laser weapons, stealth, flying altitudes of more than 30,000 meters, and speeds of up to Mach 8 are super metamorphosis. This is definitely a fighter that can kill all fighters in the world, and even all fighters under development.

And the US military hides so deeply. If it weren't for the Iraqi-Syrian Federation to push the United States to such a point, it would be unclear when this trump card would be revealed.

However, when this air battle where many people sweated for Cai Ruichen ended, Cai Ruichen singled out a series of defeats of twelve Dawn Goddess, which shocked the whole world.

When the data of the Aurora fighter appeared on the display system of the Super MiG, the mouths of the world could no longer close.

At that moment, countless Cai Ruichen fans were squeezing a sweat for him, and many even couldn't help but exclaim, making Cai Ruichen run away.

However, the result was completely beyond everyone's expectations. The other party’s attack was indeed very fierce, and even the warning of being locked on the flight data could be seen. However, Cai Ruichen simply gave the order to interfere, and then he could see that. A picture of twelve goddesses being shot down consecutively.

Different from the excited ordinary audience, all countries who saw this scene were deeply shocked.

Since the emergence of the Super MiG, countries have already felt that the world seems a bit crazy.

When the goddess of the dawn of the US military was officially exposed in front of the world, the reaction of various countries became even stronger.

In the past, everyone just thought that Aurora was just a strategic reconnaissance aircraft. When this so-called strategic reconnaissance aircraft became a strategic fighter, many countries felt a chill behind it.

Just when they all thought that the United States was about to seal the victory, Cai Ruichen's mysterious Super MiG's counterattack was extremely sharp.

This kind of air combat has also completely subverted the world's fighter development pattern. When the whole world still felt that the fourth-generation fighters were too strong, the Iraq-Syrian Federation even had more strategic combat aircraft than the fourth-generation fighters.

All this makes countries around the world feel very unreal.

Is technological development so terrible and fast?

Facing the facts before us, all countries fell silent. The suffocating pressure on people by the US military disappeared in an instant, but the greater pressure came from the Islamic Federation itself.

Cai Ruichen dignified the head of state, personally piloted fighter jets to fly into the air, and in one fell swoop destroyed the trump card of the last hope of the US military.

What if the opponent is yourself?

Thinking of Cai Ruichen's sharp performance in super MiGs, all countries can't help feeling a sense of panic.

With a series of laser attacks, the time to shoot down twelve Aurora goddesses was not even half a minute.

Even if the last Goddess of Dawn broke out at Mach 8 speed in an instant, the Super MiG driven by Cai Ruichen could easily catch up and shoot down the opponent with ease, without the ability to resist at all.

Although the live broadcast screen at this moment has been switched to the screen of the upcoming carrier-based aircraft contest, everything that happened in just a few dozen seconds still remains in everyone's mind.

Whether they like it or not, all countries have urgently felt that it is necessary to innovate air combat equipment, and the air combat mode with the number of wins locked has become a thing of the past forever.

In the face of the Super MiG, all aircraft in the world have only one fate of being slaughtered.

No air force missile can catch up with the Super MiG, and all fighter jets may not even be able to see its shadow.

At this moment, no one feels that it is the luck of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, and will no longer feel that the United States’ failure is just too bad luck. When the Super MiG shows strategic lethality, the world understands it, unless the United States Start a nuclear war, or an all-out war, otherwise it will be impossible to win this war.

No NATO fighter can gain an advantage in this war.

This has deeply stimulated all countries with ambitions to develop a strategic aircraft that can compete with the Super MiG, otherwise everything is nothing.

But in retrospect, all countries understand that this is not easy.

The Goddess of Dawn, who has been tinkering with the United States for decades, was instantly killed. Even in the live broadcast, there was no real appearance of the Super MiG, nor did it know what capabilities it had.

As for waiting for the Iraq-Syrian Federation to disclose the data and performance of the Super MiG, all countries have no hope.

At the same time, all countries in the world understand why the Iraqi-Syrian Federation wanted to broadcast the war and why the camera was given to Cai Ruichen from the beginning.

There is only one real purpose, and that is to shock the world.

Obviously, the Islamic Federation has achieved this ultimate goal.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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