The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1526: Submarine-launched ballistic missile strikes

When the world is full of hot words about Super MiGs, Cai Ruichen has already joined Natasha.

The two Super MiGs did not participate in the next battle, because the Red Police Navy has launched a full-scale attack on the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet.

In order to avoid being accidentally injured, Super MiGs only serve as the most intuitive shooting tool for live broadcasts not far from the NATO fleet.

When the third fleet also showed its fangs, the front-line commander of the three fleets, Sha Yiqi, also issued the final attack order.

"Order the Acura submarine force to launch anti-ship ballistic missiles at the target aircraft carrier three minutes later."

War has never been static, nor is war a traditional knightly duel, nor has it ever been a battle against a king against a king.

In the face of the enemy’s huge forces, any attack that can attack the opponent and cause the opponent to lose combat effectiveness or directly defeat the opponent is the best means.

Sha Yiqi never thought of letting the carrier-based aircraft attack the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet, and the task of attacking the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet has always been placed on the head of the Acura submarine force.

At this moment, in the combat center of the command ship, eight Acura submarines have formed an underwater encirclement of the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet underwater, and the whole process is silent.

Every submarine is in the waters more than two thousand kilometers away from the target.

The Acura submarine has three major killing intents, one is the traditional torpedo of the submarine, and the other is the supersonic missile launched by the submarine.

But the really powerful offensive power comes from submarine-launched anti-ship ballistic missiles.

Although shore-based anti-ship ballistic missiles have great lethality on the fleet, once a war breaks out, these land-based anti-ship ballistic missiles are actually very difficult to exert their destructive power.

The opponent is not a fool, and the chance of an anti-ship ballistic missile attack is almost zero. The real meaning of anti-ship ballistic missiles is deterrence and rejection.

It is best not to deter the enemy fleet from close to our coastal line. Once the opponent approaches, it will have the ability to resist and strike the opponent close to the coastal line.

The deterrence effect is far greater than the actual meaning of war. This is the fundamental status quo of land-based anti-ship ballistic missiles.

If you really want to destroy the enemy through an anti-ship ballistic missile attack, the best way is to use a sea-based anti-ship ballistic missile launcher.

Launch anti-ship ballistic missiles from surface warships or submarines, and launch an attack within a certain distance of the opponent.

This idea is very good, and it is also the most practical way of naval warfare, but there are many problems. After all, anti-ship ballistic missiles require a lot of systems and satellites to cooperate, and this problem must be solved at sea.

Another problem is the price-performance issue. The cost of an anti-ship ballistic missile is at least tens of millions of dollars. Such an expensive missile can be played by several countries. Even the United States is difficult to play. Have to transfer such expensive equipment.

However, these practical difficulties are not difficult at all for Cai Ruichen.

For this anti-ship ballistic missile strike mission with a submarine as the launch platform, the headquarters is located in the base.

As the commander of the Missile Corps of the Red Police Corps, Lieutenant General Yi Minhao also assumed the responsibility of directing this attack.

At this moment, in the command center of the missile force, a large number of missile troops and elites of the air defense arms are intensively performing the final ballistic calculation.

The countdown to the three-minute attack has begun. The submarine is only responsible for launching missiles, and everything else has nothing to do with the submarine.

"The error is three kilometers."

"Begin and finally analyze the position of the destroyers of the target fleet and formulate the best targets for the first round."

"The first round of attack target is determined, enter the attack number, destroyer 1, destroyer 2, destroyer 3..."

"The target command data has been entered into the missile system, and finally the first round of target information is confirmed."

"The information confirms that the missile data is normal, the missile intelligent strike system is operating, and the graphic comparison and error range are being calculated and evaluated by themselves."


"Begin to analyze the target in the second round, and set the attack time and target orientation for the second round."

"The target of the second round of attack is determined. The primary target is the USS Ford, and the secondary targets are the USS Lincoln, USS Kennedy, and USS Charles de Gaulle. The error distance is five kilometers..."


The final countdown is over. At the moment when the missile is about to be launched, information about the target is being quickly entered into the missile's computer.

The position of the target changes in real time, and the missile cannot confirm the target and position of the attack after it is launched.

Yi Minhao calmly looked at the simulated map in front of him. If the two rounds of missile strikes went well, they could ruin more than half of the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet.

This is the most optimistic estimate, because crack generators in the Indian Ocean cannot help cover the whereabouts of missiles, nor can they cover the infrared signals of missiles.

Therefore, once the missile is launched, the US military will be able to determine the location of the missile at the first time, and the fleet will have enough time to prepare for interception, or to make rapid maneuvers, to leave the target area of ​​missile ballistic strikes.

And ballistic missiles wanting to hit small destroyers or aircraft carriers at sea are no less than using cannons to hit mosquitoes.

Therefore, Yi Minhao never expected that his two rounds of missile strikes would be able to completely wipe out the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet.

After all, warships can move quickly, and the flight of ballistic missiles does not arrive in an instant. It takes at least ten minutes.

In addition, it is impossible to calculate how the fleet moves or in which direction it moves.

The so-called error probability also appeared.

If it is launched from the Isy-Syrian Federation homeland with a crack generator for cover, the response time of the fleet will be reduced by half, and defense will be very difficult.

But the submarine was launched at night again, and the bright tail flames and red signals would be detected and locked by the US military satellites.

Yi Minhao faintly commanded: "The first round of attacks will start with the countdown, and the second round will start after three minutes of the first round of missile launch."

At the same time, all eight Akula submarines in the Indian Ocean received orders to launch.

All the missile launching tubes have been filled with water. The whole process is here. The captain and deputy captain in the submarine place their fingers on the edge of the launch button and watch the countdown on the screen.

In front of their eyes, three lights were lit, indicating that three missiles were ready for launch.

With the countdown cleared, all submarine captains all pressed the launch button at the same time.

The calm sea was instantly broken. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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