The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1534: Test-fire intercontinental ballistic missile

While the whole world is discussing this naval battle and the direction of this war, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation has thrown out several heavy news one after another.

Test fired two intercontinental ballistic missiles.

One of them is launched from a fixed silo and is a large solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile.

Another is a portable intercontinental ballistic missile launched on a mobile launch vehicle.

Moreover, the two intercontinental missiles will also carry simulated nuclear warheads to simulate breakthroughs in anti-missile systems.

Intercontinental nuclear missiles are definitely not something ordinary countries can afford.

The countries that truly possess intercontinental nuclear missiles in the world are the top five rogues.

Among them, Britain and France, due to economic problems, have long stopped testing and research and development of all intercontinental nuclear missiles. After the development of neutron bombs, they have also reduced nuclear weapons research to a minimum.

In addition, the two countries have a small land area and not many nuclear missiles, most of which are deployed on ballistic missile nuclear submarines.

Because of the narrowness of the country, no matter whether it is a land mobile launch platform or a fixed launch silo, there is no probability of survival.

There are only three nuclear powers in the world. The nuclear power of China, the United States and Russia is the power that truly controls the global political situation.

India is ambitious, but it wants to develop strategic nuclear weapons and is a nuclear weapon with real strategic deterrence. India has been on this road for a long time, and its development speed is very slow.

But even so, in fact, India has tragedy the basic conditions needed by a nuclear power.

The range of the Agni missile has also increased to 6,000 kilometers. From the perspective of India's strategic security, it can be regarded as basically having the capability of strategic nuclear deterrence.

Previously, almost all countries believed that North Korea was most likely to become the seventh country with strategic nuclear deterrence.

However, the development of the Islamic Federation is too overwhelming. The speed has always been developed with the jaw-dropping efficiency of others.

From the incomparably efficient breakthrough of the NATO fleet’s air defense network by the Syrian-Israel Federation, the missiles accurately hit all NATO warships in the Indian Ocean, enough to make the whole world understand that the Syrian-Israel Federation broke through the U.S. military’s anti-missile system so relentlessly, it was enough to lead the world. I am afraid that with all the missile technologies in the world, only Russia has such a strong defense penetration capability.

Nuclear weapons want to have real deterrence. When modern air defense systems are gradually improving, only when they have the ability to truly break nuclear weapons through the enemy’s anti-missile system can they be considered as truly strategic deterrence.

Before the whole world had digested the powerful offensive power of the Islamic Federation in this naval battle, the announcement issued by the spokesperson of the Royal Court of the Islamic Federation immediately set off a stormy sea around the world.

Although this news is brief, it represents no less than a super earthquake.

The first one is the powerful penetration capability of the Iran-Syria Federation. Once the intercontinental missile test is successfully launched, it means that the Iran-Syria Federation will instantly become a global intercontinental strike club.

At the same time, it will also join the global nuclear weapons club. Once the two are combined, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation will be able to enter the ranks of global powers from the strategic nuclear deterrence.

Even if the Iraqi-Syrian Federation has not joined the United Nations at this moment, its influence is close to that of the world's five big rogues. What Cai Ruichen said will also have greater weight.

Once the comprehensive national strength of the Iraq-Syria Federation is perfected and becomes a brand-new superpower, there will be no problems.

As soon as this news came out, the global shock was extremely huge, and the entire Western world was in an uproar.

The reason is very simple. In this war, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation has won one after another and completed the previous strategic plan.

At this time, NATO is very likely to launch a full-scale war retaliation. At this moment, the test firing of intercontinental ballistic missiles has a very clear meaning, and it is to further deter NATO.

In fact, anyone with only a little thinking understands that the Iran-Syria Federation has long been able to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Submarine-launched anti-ship ballistic missiles can be used as submarines. In addition to the aerospace science and technology that the Future Technology Group possesses in the field of space exploration, the development of intercontinental missiles is just a matter of need and need.

Of course, having this technology is another matter, and developing it is another matter.

For a mature intercontinental missile, at least one or two test firings are required before there will be detailed data to follow and a comprehensive understanding of the missile's flight conditions and data.

Moreover, it is impossible to conceal the eyes of the world with the test firing of intercontinental ballistic missiles. Therefore, this is the first time that the Iraqi-Syrian Federation has tested intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Regardless of the country, the testing of intercontinental ballistic missiles is very high-profile. At this time, testing is to maximize the benefits of the necessary process of testing missiles.

The most important thing is that the notification for this test launch does not give any country a chance to do anything ~ Two hours after the notification, it is the time for the start of the test launch.

Moreover, the future media company also carried out a live broadcast of the test firing of the two missiles. Taking advantage of the previous live broadcast, it once again attracted the attention of the world.

Less than half an hour after the live broadcast of the war ended, the live broadcast had already begun. An already constructed silo appeared on the live screen. Engineers in yellow overalls were checking the missile’s systems and hardware in the silo. Perform the final check.

At the same time, the world learned for the first time that the missile codenamed by the Iraq-Syrian Federation is V-3. The missiles launched by fixed silos and vehicle-mounted mobile have the same code names and belong to different types of missiles of the same level.

"The V-3 intercontinental ballistic missile is a strategic weapon specially developed by the future military manufacturing company for intercontinental strikes. Compared with missiles of the same level in the world, it uses a large number of cutting-edge technologies. It can carry a large-tonnage single warhead, or it can be carried at once. Ten to twelve sub-control missile heads. All warheads are capable of individually maneuvering orbiting, individually locking targets, radar/infrared stealth...This level of missiles has three launch modes, and currently only a fixed silo has been completed. Launch mode and vehicle launch mode, submarine-launched missiles will also be developed in the future..."

"The purpose of the development of the V-3 series of missiles is also to look at the target in outer space. The missile can carry a 50 million-ton super hydrogen bomb and destroy all threatening targets within 800,000 kilometers close to the earth. This test launch After that, it will be on standby at all times, aiming at all asteroids, comets and any outer space targets that threaten the Earth in real time..."

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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