The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1535: Strategic nuclear deterrence against NATO

PS: The electricity here in Gorgeous is still not restored, I hope it can be faster.


From the beginning of the live broadcast of the intercontinental ballistic missile test launch, Future Media’s live broadcast narration revealed the basic data of this missile to the world.

In particular, the emphasis is on the defense plan of the human beings on Earth, in order to tell the world that one of the purposes of the Islamic Federation in developing this intercontinental missile is also for the safety of human beings and the planet.

The harm of extraterrestrial bodies to the earth has never been truly ruled out. How to defend against the dangers from the universe has been a relatively lively issue in the world in recent years.

China, the United States and Russia are also planning to jointly build an earth defense system, from technology to weapons, and conduct seamless cooperation when necessary to combat all external threats that may threaten the security of the earth and humanity.

This threat may be various meteorites or even comets, or mysterious aliens from the universe.

On the basic issue of human survival, as long as it is not a person with extreme ideas, this is still there.

On the live broadcast of the Future Media Company, the narrator specifically raised this topic in order to tell the world of mankind that on this issue, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation is equally responsible and will strive to provide all help for the safety of mankind and the earth.

This topic has also played down many people's thoughts on the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles in the Iran-Syria Federation. After all, the development of aerospace technology in the Iran-Syria Federation in the past two years is really eye-catching.

Prior to this, the Iran-Syria Federation had related plans, and even before the media disclosed that the future technology group will be armed with a highly lethal weapon that can eliminate all threats from space close to the earth at one time.

When this topic is brought up again, this so-called super weapon will easily attract the attention of the world.

In fact, Cai Ruichen is not doing a show at all. After he thoroughly understood the ability of teleportation, he has been worried about a problem.

In fact, if the earth were to be destroyed, any super weapon in the Red Police Base would be inferior to teleportation.

The reason is very simple, just need to transmit an asteroid of sufficient mass to make it appear within the gravitational range of the earth, and destroy the earth is actually really simple.

Before that, that mysterious enemy had already demonstrated the ability to teleport over time. If this terrible idea really becomes a reality, then it really needs to be prepared.

Regarding this kind of thing that is very likely to happen in the future, Cai Ruichen really does not dare to be paralyzed or careless. Therefore, the super nuclear weapon at the base has always been launched at any time. The target is not the earth, but the boundless outside of the earth. Of the universe.

With the destruction of this super nuclear bomb, unless the other party transmits a satellite with a mass close to the moon, ordinary asteroids will be easily destroyed.

Of course, the outside world does not know this, but at this moment, the whole world has such an idea. You can also downplay the negative impact of the Iranian-Syrian federal nuclear weapons in the world. Why not do it.

The missile lifted off on time. Under the eyes of the whole world, the mobile launch vehicle and the missile with fixed silo deployed in the field were lifted off at the same time.

This is the first time in the history of the development of intercontinental missiles that two intercontinental ballistic missiles were tested at the same time, and the whole process was broadcast live. The flight data of the missiles will also be unreservedly displayed in the eyes of countries around the world.

Such a self-confident performance does not bring about a relaxed feeling to NATO countries, but even greater pressure.

The two test-fired missiles had already flown to the Pacific in just ten minutes, and the missile's three-stage rocket thrusters were all accurately burned out in the atmosphere.

This technology also allows countries to once again see the powerful technology of the Iran-Syria federal launch vehicle.

After all, the launch vehicle wants to withstand the high temperature during launch. When the propeller returns to the atmosphere, it will be automatically burned. This is equivalent to the same material. After the first violent friction with the atmosphere, it must be controlled so that it cannot withstand the next friction. . Wipe, then burned completely.

The cost of this material must not be too high, otherwise it is meaningless, because the only meaning of this approach is to reduce the pollution of the earth from the debris of the launch vehicle, nothing more.

The same is a decoy bomb, and it is also a simulated warhead re-entering the atmosphere.

The mobile-launched V-3 intercontinental ballistic missile is only a single warhead, while the missile launched from a fixed silo carries twelve split-guide analog nuclear warheads at a time.

The one that all the warheads landed last, flew for nearly half an hour, and finally all the warheads landed accurately on the open sea in the middle of the Pacific that had been notified in advance.

During the entire missile launch process, there was no inspection and survey ship, and no radar stations along the way to track it, but the live broadcast images have been closely following.

When the last simulated warhead landed on the sea, the Iran-Syria Federation also officially announced that it had conducted two test firings of intercontinental ballistic missiles this time and achieved complete success. All data on the two missiles have also been collected.

At the same time, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation also notified everyone that after all simulated warheads transmit all flight data, the warheads will completely self-destruct. The power of the explosion is equivalent to one hundred kilograms of explosives. Please do not salvage them.

The two U.S. warships that were going to salvage their warheads immediately stopped. As expected, after half an hour, all the simulated warheads floating on the sea exploded violently.

At this time, the seismic detection device in Turkey detected that a 6.0-magnitude earthquake was detected in the mountains of northern Iraq, with the focal depth being only 1.5 kilometers from the surface.

The Turkish side announced the news at the first time

After Turkey announced the news, the Islamic Federation also announced to the public that an underground nuclear test was conducted in the uninhabited mountains of the northern Iraqi Principality of the Islamic Federation, which caused a magnitude 6.2 earthquake.

This news made the faces of many NATO countries even worse. The nuclear test conducted by the Syrian-Israel Federation was obviously not small. The most important thing is that this nuclear bomb is definitely not a nuclear warhead obtained from Israel, because Israel has a nuclear warhead. , Are of small equivalent, and will not cause an earthquake of more than 4.5 magnitude.

First, the intercontinental ballistic missile test was launched, followed by the underground nuclear test. The meaning of strategic nuclear deterrence was understood by fools.

Then the Iran-Syria Federation announced that it would not conduct any real nuclear tests. It also told the Western world that my nuclear weapons technology has matured and even reached the level of technology that can simulate nuclear tests on a computer. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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