The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1536: Hua Meixue's life experience mystery cloud

The huge aerial command platform slowly landed in Xiaoshan International Airport.

Following the guidance of the ground control tower, the huge special plane slowly docked on the apron set up for the Iraq-Syrian Federation special plane.

In order to welcome Cai Ruichen's arrival, the hometown did not send a diplomat casually, but the Foreign Minister Wang Yi personally went to Xiaoshan Airport to greet Cai Ruichen and his party.

This summit covering 95% of the global industry and 75% of the global economy can almost be said to represent the civilization and technology of all mankind.

When Cai Ruichen's special plane arrived, there were already dozens of large and small planes parked in the tarmac of Xiaoshan International Airport, all of which were special planes carried by heads of state.

Cai Ruichen is regarded as the latest foreign head of state to arrive at Xiaoshan Airport. In order to highlight the importance of the Iraqi-Syria Federation and Cai Ruichen, his hometown has specially placed the aprons of the Iraqi-Syria Federation on the edge of Russia and the United States.

Moreover, the level of officials who greeted Cai Ruichen was also the highest.

When Cai Ruichen took Hua Meixue's small hand and walked off the plane and onto the red carpet, he was immediately photographed by countless shots.

The entire periphery of the welcoming team was crowded with reporters, and they all came for Cai Ruichen.

Had it not been for Cai Ruichen to be interviewed at such a time, and there were guards and guards of honor, all reporters would have surrounded Cai Ruichen.

Cai Ruichen's arrival was still invited by the United States-based Group of Eight, and there is news from outside that during the summit, Cai Ruichen will meet with Austria, Bama, Hollande, and Teresa respectively.

Although this news has not been confirmed by any official, it has attracted great attention.

The war between the Iraqi-Syrian Federation and NATO has become the biggest topic during this time. Any topic that has been so important is a foil in the face of this war.

At this moment, the political leaders of the three countries, the United States, Britain and France, who directly participated in this war, will meet with Cai Ruichen, and the meaning behind it will naturally attract special attention.

All reporters are trying to find opportunities to get first-hand information.

After learning that Cai Ruichen's special plane was about to arrive, they all rushed over. Even if Cai Ruichen was just showing Cai Ruichen in front of his camera, it was news that attracted attention.

But this time there is really big news. The rumored girlfriend, who had been speculating by the outside world before, actually walked side by side with Cai Ruichen from the special plane.

I haven't seen the political news yet, and the lace news immediately spread all over the world. Under such an occasion, it also indicates that Cai Ruichen and Hua Meixue will soon be married.

Otherwise, how could Cai Ruichen appear in public with Hua Meixue on such an occasion.

Stepping onto the red carpet, the three Gaia special cars drove slowly over.

After the simple welcome ceremony, Cai Ruichen took Hua Meixue's little hand and got into the special car.

The three bodyguards who accompanied him each drove a special car. During this trip, there were Tanya and Natasha, as well as Idris, Bashar and others.

Under the clearing of the state guest convoy, the special car slowly left the airport.

"Are you nervous?" Cai Ruichen touched the sweat on Hua Meixue's palm and said.

Hua Meixue shook her head and said, "Fortunately, it's just a little uncomfortable."

"You will get used to it soon." Cai Ruichen said.

Hua Meixue said that she was not nervous. It was fake. When she saw a group of reporters on the plane, her heart jumped out of her throat.

If Cai Ruichen had not been holding her hand all the time, she would not have the courage to get out of the plane.

But she also knew very well that Cai Ruichen was helping her adapt to this situation as soon as possible, and at the same time officially announcing the relationship between the two.

The first lady of the future federation, the gold content of this title is no less than the first lady of any country.

The most important thing is that both of them are very young, and the road ahead is very long. They will have a longer time to be active on the international stage.

The special car slowly left the airport and soon entered the bustling city of Hangzhou.

Looking at the tall buildings outside, Cai Ruichen asked Hua Meixue: "This is the city where you grew up. Do you feel familiar when you come back now?"

Hua Meixue shook her head when she heard the words, "Everything here is familiar and unfamiliar."

"When things are done, I will accompany you out for a walk." Cai Ruichen suggested.

Hua Meixue nodded and didn't say anything. From the time the convoy entered the city, she had been looking at the scenery outside the car window slightly in surprise.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen's heart is not at peace. He has another purpose during his trip to Hangzhou, which is to find out the life experience of Hua Meixue.

It's not that Cai Ruichen doesn't believe in Hua Meixue. At this point, Cai Ruichen absolutely believes that Hua Meixue will not harm herself, nor does it pose any threat to herself.

But some things still need to be investigated clearly, and Hua Meixue's life experience is full of mysteries.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, he followed his father to Iraq, saying that he was looking for his mother. However, Cai Ruichen investigated very clearly that the Iraqi customs did not have records of Hua Meixue and any so-called father’s entry.

Besides, Hua Meixue does not have an Iraqi passport except for an ID card from his hometown.

How to get into Iraq is actually not important in Cai Ruichen's view. At that time, wars were constant in Iraq, and it was easy to sneak in.

However, there is one thing that Cai Ruichen has to care about. The father and mother in Hua Meixue's mouth seem to be completely non-existent.

Moreover, the results of the investigation in my hometown are all normal. Among the population in my hometown, there are indeed information about the family of Hua Meixue. Both father and mother have records of entry and exit, as well as photos and names.

All the records of Hua Meixue growing up in Hangzhou exist, and records of school attendance can also be found.

But when I arrived in Iraq, all relevant information Meixue’s parents had no information in Iraq at all, and there was even no sign of the existence of these two individuals in Iraq.

Originally, Cai Ruichen just wanted to help Hua Meixue find his parents, but he has been searching for no results. Coupled with the contradictions between various clues, Cai Ruichen began to really care about the mystery of Hua Meixue.

Just this matter, Cai Ruichen did not tell Hua Meixue, this time when she came to Hangzhou, Cai Ruichen also wanted to take Hua Meixue to the place where she once lived to see if she could make some new discoveries.

As for Hua Meixue's identity, in Cai Ruichen's view, it doesn't really matter, he just wants to figure it out.

After all, if Hua Meixue was a risk factor, there would be nowhere to hide under the base's miniature mind detector, not to mention the general's attitude towards Hua Meixue.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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