The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1537: My hometown owes Cai Ruichen's favor to Tianda

When he came to the hotel where he was staying, Cai Ruichen could only put aside Hua Meixue's affairs first. There were too many things that he needed to personally ask.

The first national leader to meet Cai Ruichen is naturally the big boss.

This was the second official meeting between the two, but it was only more than a year apart. The meeting between the two seemed to have gone through the vicissitudes of life, and there was quite a feeling of loneliness.

The big boss has the strongest feeling for this. When Cai Ruichen came over, he was just an entrepreneur and the world's top scientific and technological scholar.

But now, the two can truly sit on an equal footing, regardless of their identity or strength, they are all at the same level.

Looking at Cai Ruichen's youthful face, which seemed to be unchanging from time to time, the big boss felt that the back wave of the Yangtze River pushed the front wave and the front wave was shot to death on the beach.

When the two met, no outsiders were present, and the outside world did not know about the meeting.

There is no politeness, nor any hypocrisy, but the atmosphere is immediately depressing.

When the big boss saw Cai Ruichen, he didn't know what to say for a while, and Cai Ruichen patiently waited for the big boss to organize the language.

This quiet atmosphere didn't last long, and the big boss had already spoken.

"More than a year ago, I remember that when I first met, you said that an earth-shattering event would happen. I thought it was just a war against Israel. It turned out that I still underestimated you." After organizing the language, he said with emotion.

In fact, the big boss also misunderstood. The big thing Cai Ruichen said at the beginning was to do something against Israel.

As for this misunderstanding, Cai Ruichen does not intend to explain, because even if it is an explanation, it will not have any effect.

"There is no way, that part of the Middle East involves global interests. Every step I take is to walk a tightrope above the abyss. Any mistake will be the end of a dead place." Cai Ruichen said lightly.

The Middle East involves the fundamental interests of the powers of the world. Cai Ruichen's words are not aimless. If he hadn't made various plans from the beginning, he would not be able to grow to where he is now.

In the beginning, the cooperation with my hometown was also sneaky.

Otherwise, once the high-profile cooperation with his hometown from the beginning, the entire Western world would have already started to get rid of him.

This is also the reason why the big boss is optimistic about Cai Ruichen. Being in the game, he can see the overall situation. This ability makes the big boss feel at ease to cooperate with Cai Ruichen.

At this moment, the heavy bets placed on Cai Ruichen have received the most tangible returns, and they have also received many unexpected returns.

Just like this war, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force lost more than half of its strength. The USS Ford, which was originally planned to be deployed in Japan, sank into the cold Indian Ocean. It also lost two Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, large and small. There are nearly thirty warships.

Japan's loss directly hit the strength of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force 30 years ago, and this caused a wailing sound throughout Japan.

The most direct benefit to my hometown is that Japan will not have the strength to stand up for several years.

At this time, Japan can only curl up at home and lick the wounds, where there is still the ability to compete with the hometown.

Especially after the two aircraft carriers in their hometown gradually became capable of actual combat, their strengths increased and decreased, and it was not a slight blow to Japan's security situation and political environment.

Moreover, the first real domestically-made aircraft carrier in my hometown will soon be delivered to the navy. At that time, the Chinese navy will also have four aircraft carrier battle groups.

This is only below the United States in terms of naval power in the Pacific and the world.

The United States has many global interests, and it is impossible to deploy all four aircraft carrier battle groups in the Pacific.

Now, including the loss of the three aircraft carrier battle groups, there are only eight aircraft carriers left, and the strength has fallen by one third.

In the Far East, Japan has also lost its biggest assistant. The United States’ strategy to contain its hometown is almost dead.

Moreover, in terms of air power, a large number of fourth-generation fighters in the United States were all shot down in this war, and the number of fourth-generation fighters now owned by the United States is about to be caught up by the hometown.

Air superiority is almost no more.

Under such circumstances, the United States still wants to contain the rise of its hometown, which is almost impossible.

What's more, in this place in the Middle East, there is also the rapid rise of the Syrian-Israel Federation, and compared to home, the rise of the Syrian-Israel Federation is truly fatal to the United States.

Beginning in the 1980s, among American political voices, there have been clear voices stating that once the hometown rises, it will be America’s most important opponent in the future.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the rapid development of the homeland also made the United States truly realize this.

But now, the rise of the Iraq-Syria Federation is even more unprepared. This war has directly fought the United States without being able to find things, north, or west.

Two opponents suddenly appeared, and in Europe, there was another Russia.

In the recent United States, it can be said that Wang Xiaoer's Chinese New Year has fallen too sharply, as if falling into the abyss.

But for my hometown, this is an excellent opportunity.

Japan has been weakened and America's power has declined. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

In this regard, the big boss is also very grateful to Cai Ruichen from the bottom of his heart.

At the time when he boldly chose to cooperate with Cai Ruichen, the big boss never thought that the benefits would come so quickly.

In terms of the overall national security strategy, Cai Ruichen's help to his hometown can be described as a great benefactor.

Breaking away from the shackles of the United States, your hometown can now soar into the This kind of kindness can not be explained clearly in a few words.

Therefore, the current big boss' attitude towards Cai Ruichen is also quite complicated.

Because only he knows Cai Ruichen's many inner thoughts.

From the very beginning when Li Nan was asked to contact Cai Ruichen, Cai Ruichen had clearly pointed out the bright prospects of the future cooperation between the two parties during their third telephone exchange.

Moreover, the big boss is the only one who knows that Cai Ruichen's ambition from the beginning is also the first to know that the original Iraq was completely under Cai Ruichen's control.

Otherwise, the big boss would not make a decisive decision to send troops when necessary under a call from Cai Ruichen.

It is undeniable that the big boss feels that the entire hometown owes Cai Ruichen an incomparably huge favor, and it may even be an adult favor that even the entire hometown cannot afford. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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