The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1538: The horror of the big boss

At this moment, Japan is being licked by the United States, and they are all considering how this war will continue.

The big boss's consideration is more long-term.

Before meeting Cai Ruichen this time, the big boss asked the Ministry of National Defense to announce the news of the new aircraft carrier in his hometown. Following the launch of the first truly domestically-made aircraft carrier, his hometown has also begun to build a second domestically-made aircraft carrier.

The second truly domestically-made aircraft carrier will have a displacement of 90,000 tons and will use nuclear power and electromagnetic catapult technology.

At the same time, North Industries Group Shen Fei also announced that the new aircraft carrier will use the fourth-generation stealth carrier-based aircraft specially developed by Shen Fei to enhance the combat effectiveness of the new aircraft carriers in the future.

This voice from my hometown is actually not for the United States and the world, but for Cai Ruichen.

As long as it is a person with a little political acumen, it is clear that even if this war ends in this way, the entire NATO will spare no effort to launch various blockades against the Islamic Federation.

The big boss’s move is to support and help Cai Ruichen from the side. The news announced by his hometown is naturally true, and he announced the attributes of the aircraft carrier and carrier-based aircraft in a high-profile manner. It is also to help Cai Ruichen from the side. reduce pressure.

Because of this news, the United States will inevitably be highly nervous and dare not relax its military deployment here in the Far East.

This will make it impossible for the United States to draw more power from the Far East to the Middle East, and it will also help Cai Ruichen to reduce some of the pressure.

This can be regarded as a big boss's return. After all, the maintenance of the relationship requires the efforts of both parties instead of unilateral efforts.

Cai Ruichen can naturally understand the big boss's move. This is also the fundamental reason why he chose to cooperate with his hometown.

With feelings for the hometown, the two sides can also help each other from the perspective of security and strategic interests. There is simply no better cooperation partner than the hometown.

"You have now gained a firm foothold in the Middle East, how do you plan to deal with the Iranian issue?" The second sentence of the big boss's opening went straight to the subject.

If someone else asks this question, Cai Ruichen is naturally the official answer. For the big boss, his answer is very simple: "Iran will be a member of the Federation."

The incomparably simple answer gave the big boss a glimmer of light. He consciously has taken Cai Ruichen's ambition a lot higher, but he never thought that Cai Ruichen's goal from the beginning was actually to annex Iran.

Judging from Cai Ruichen's control over the military and political groups, once Iran joins the federation, it can almost be said that there will be no more Iran as a country.

This point is already very clear from the nature of all member states of the Islamic Federation.

At this point, the big boss admired Cai Ruichen’s skills very much. Whether it was Iraq or Syria at the beginning, even the Jews were obediently citizens in the Syrian Federation. Israel disappeared, and then Lebanon and Palestine joined The Union of Iraq and Syria is still present.

The situation in the Islamic Federation has never experienced any fluctuations. All countries that have joined the Islamic Federation can stabilize the social situation in an instant.

This method can be called magical.

Once Iran joins the Islamic Federation, it is almost foreseeable that the strength of the entire Islamic Federation will be greatly improved, and there will be more possibilities for future development potential.

However, Cai Ruichen's straightforward answer made the big boss suddenly feel a very weird feeling. This feeling made him suddenly feel that the young man with a gentle face in front of him is more like an extremely dangerous poisonous snake.

Could it be that he contributed to this war?

As soon as this idea appeared in the mind of the big boss, it was like a seed that took root and sprouted, and instantly became a towering tree, and it lingered.

Because the big boss knows Cai Ruichen too well, the plan from the beginning has turned the entire Western world around. If the US military dispatch to Iran is the result of Cai Ruichen's plan, then the big boss absolutely believes that Cai Ruichen has such motivation and ability.

The most important thing is that since the outbreak of this war, the initiative shown by the Syrian-Israel Federation, as well as its grasp of the direction of the war, and the deployment of NATO are all too perfect.

It seems to have been preparing for this war a few years ago, guiding the United States step by step into the traps that have been laid out.

If all this is true, the big boss believes that all losses in the United States today will also be logical.

The most important thing is that the big boss believes that it is impossible for Cai Ruichen to tell him all his inner thoughts and plans.

The big boss's eyes flickered, and he was extremely grateful that the terrifying young man in front of him was not an enemy from the beginning.

But for some things, he still asked to prove it, at least to prove his judgment.

"At the beginning, the United States' secret military operations in Iran accidentally discovered Iran's secret nuclear facilities. There is also your credit!" The big boss said tentatively.

"In this world, there are few real coincidences." Cai Ruichen's mouth curled up, and instead of answering directly, he said ambiguously.

When the big boss heard this answer, Cai Ruichen had already admitted this.

This caused the big boss to feel excited for a while, and it was true.

Once this link was confirmed, more terrible ideas appeared in the minds of the big boss.

The intelligence and facts that have been seen and heard, and the aspects related to the Iraqi-Syrian Federation and the United States have all been overturned in the mind of the big boss.

When everything related is connected, even the big boss has a slight look of horror on his face.

Cai Ruichen immediately caught the look of the big boss and said: "There is one thing you can rest assured that my attitude towards my hometown will never change."

Hearing this, the big boss also recovered, and said with emotion: "Even I underestimated you. At this moment, I am extremely relieved, because the struggle in international politics is inherently cruel."

"Human beings are, in the final analysis, life under nature. It seems that they have gotten rid of the original laws of nature, but in fact, human beings themselves have never really gotten rid of the laws."

Cai Ruichen sighed, this is also a summary of his ambitions.

The cruelty of the laws of nature is far more cruel than the natural laws of human existence.

After all, the laws of nature still have vitality for all things, and human beings themselves are more prone to complete self-destruction.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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