The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1539: Russia can't sit still

Hearing what Cai Ruichen said, the big boss was somewhat noncommittal. Instead, setting aside the previous topic, he asked: "Have you ever thought about the possible turbulence in the global interests that might be triggered if the Middle East is completely controlled by you?"

This issue is the most critical issue at present.

The Middle East has the world’s largest oil reserves, and Iran also has the world’s second largest natural gas reserves.

When the Middle East is controlled by Cai Ruichen, the turbulence brought to the world will be no less than an apocalyptic crisis.

This is what the big boss is most worried about.

Especially for the Western world, it is almost unacceptable to redistribute brand-new benefits after World War II.

Cai Ruichen really doesn't have much thoughts about this. In his opinion, as long as the strength is enough, nothing else is a problem.

"Do you think World War III will break out?" Cai Ruichen asked simply.

The big boss shook his head without even thinking, and said: "The third world war is almost impossible to break out."

"If this is the case, what are you worried about? As for what you are worried about, in my opinion, the next ten years will not be the main issue." At this point, Cai Ruichen added in his heart, I am afraid that no one will Care about this problem.

In fact, Cai Ruichen has always cared about enemies lurking in the dark, and that is the opponent that can truly threaten his survival.

As for NATO, Cai Ruichen has always felt that it is just an elite mob on the road to upgrade, far from being at the level of BOSS.

For this kind of mobs, they are all small troubles to be solved sooner or later, and BOSS is the real key.

As for global interests, in Cai Ruichen's view, they are all dispensable.

The development of the base is purely based on energy. With sufficient minerals and resources, there will be a steady stream of development momentum.

The earth at this moment, in Cai Ruichen's eyes, is like a novice village, and the vast universe is the place he needs to conquer.

As Cai Ruichen said to Austria and Bama, his journey is the sea of ​​stars, not a certain planet like dust.

Of course, such ambitions are premature at this moment.

But Cai Ruichen is very clear that all the benefits in this world are not as valuable as the value that can be obtained by developing any planet in the solar system.

Oil resources are naturally indispensable, but they are not absolute.

"What do you think, but other countries don't think so." The big boss reminded.

"I understand what you mean, and thank you for your reminder, but now I can only say that what you are worried about will not happen. The stalls spread by NATO are too big, and the opponent is not the Iraqi-Syrian Federation and the hometown." Cai Ruichen said pointedly.

"You mean Russia?" the big boss asked somewhat unexpectedly.

"Yes, the greed of the Slavs will naturally help me resolve this trouble. When Europe is facing an immediate crisis, it will naturally ignore the existence of the Middle East." Cai Ruichen said with a curled mouth.

"You are talking about Ukraine, Russia will send troops to Ukraine?" When the boss heard this, he immediately thought of the Ukraine crisis in Europe.

According to Cai Ruichen's words, only the crisis in Ukraine can make Europe lack the energy to intervene in the Middle East.

If you want to do this, the crisis in Ukraine can't be a small mess, the only possibility is that Russia will send troops to Ukraine.

"There is nothing impossible in this world. A large number of the elite forces of the US military have all been lost. There are many problems in various European countries. Russia wants to completely solve the problems of Ukraine. At this moment, sending troops to Ukraine is also the best time."

When Cai Ruichen said this, the corner of his mouth curled up and he paused and continued: “The most important thing is that Russia has always been eager to re-occupy a piece of sky on the world stage. Sending troops to Ukraine is the best opportunity to prove its strength. I believe that Russia now has a large number of Politicians are already ready to move."

The big boss shook his head helplessly when he heard the words. This is really not good news for his hometown, but it is not bad news either. It can only be said to be mixed.

At least in the current hometown, with the cooperation with the Iraq-Syria Federation, many things will become extremely simple.

Once Russia sends troops to Ukraine, it will inevitably be a major earthquake for the whole of Europe.

Ukraine cannot be Russia’s opponent, and once Russia’s aggressive steps unfold, it is bound to be impossible for the whole of Europe to stand idly by.

This is a natural confrontation system that has continued from the Cold War. Once Ukraine becomes a country under Russian control again, it will be a tragedy for Europe.

"At that time, what if Putin and Beijing ask you to continue to contain NATO troops in Iran?" The big boss thought a lot and asked.

"This question is actually not important. What I really care about is that NATO is still adding a lot of troops to Turkey. Russia has seen the opportunity and will not owe me a favor." Cai Ruichen pointedly said. .

"It seems that this war will not end soon." said the big boss.

"If it ends like this, how can the United States be willing? Austria and Bama have no way to confess to domestic political groups. As for the current United States, internal opinions have not been unified. It is too early to say peace." Cai Ruichen nodded. Said.

This is the most difficult time for the United States. Whether the United States continues the war or not, it is a big problem.

If it does not fight, the United States will only have to admit defeat. There is no doubt.

At that time, not only will the status of the Union of Iraq and Syria be achieved, the United States, which is a defeated country, will lose even more.

The defeated country cannot only allow the victorious country to claim it and unconditionally agree to all the conditions of the victorious country.

How can the United States admit that it was defeated Therefore, in this war, even if Cai Ruichen hopes for peace again, real peace is difficult to achieve.

However, the real difficulty for the United States is the domestic political power and it is difficult to unify opinions.

This is where Austria and Bama are most entangled. Congress does not have much financial resources, so it is naturally impossible to continue to support this war.

However, it is impossible for interest groups in the United States to end this war in this way.

Otherwise, not only will the country bear the loss of defeat, but the capital invested by interest groups in this war will be completely wasted.

Many of the losses of interest groups are painful, especially the oil interests in the Middle East. Once the United States loses its oil interests in the Middle East, there will be more American oil companies that go bankrupt.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users, please read. )

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