The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1540: U.S. bleeding pulls India

Cai Ruichen had just returned to his room, and Natasha and Tan Ya followed closely.

This time the summit, due to the war, has suddenly become very subtle in the relations between countries.

Just as Cai Ruichen was personally invited by the big boss when he took the special plane, all heads of state also took advantage of this opportunity to have more or less contact.

Especially in the three countries of the United States, Britain and France, after arriving in Hangzhou, there was no real leisure time.

Austria and Bama are the busiest. Since this war has been carried out, the United States has fallen into a huge passive state.

However, it involves the most fundamental interests of the United States, and even the fundamental interests that directly depend on survival. It is simply impossible for the United States to completely abandon its interests in the Middle East because of this war.

Once the United States cannot control the oil in the Middle East, it means that the U.S. dollar has lost its most fundamental status. At that time, countries around the world will no longer hold a large amount of U.S. dollars. Once all the U.S. dollars in the hands of all countries flow into the international market, and the U.S. has no assets and ability to recover , The value of that dollar will face a lot of shrinking.

By then, a super financial storm that will far surpass the credit crisis of the year will sweep the world, and the United States itself will be the first to die.

The full outbreak of the US bond crisis is definitely a super financial disaster. There is no doubt about this.

The expansion of the financial industry is just like a balloon, and the global per capita GDP is the real asset that mankind owns.

Once the entire financial industry collapses, all the so-called assets that have expanded will shrink to a very serious point. By then, most of the world's enterprises, real estate, financial securities, and listed companies will face the most serious financial collapse crisis.

This is also why when the credit crisis occurred, many countries still took action and held more foreign exchange in US dollars.

Because the U.S. dollar is the U.S. Treasury bonds, holding U.S. dollars is equivalent to holding U.S. Treasury bonds. Once the U.S. dollar collapses, it is definitely not the United States that will die, but the whole world.

Once the dollar is separated from the oil on which it depends, the entire dollar system will collapse.

From this point of view, it is impossible for the United States to give up control of Middle East oil.

This control is not only to maintain the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia, but also to a large number of American oil companies that own oil fields in the Middle East.

In the Middle East, most of the oil is extracted by foreign oil companies, especially the oil companies in the United States, which account for a large share of the oil extraction in the Middle East countries.

Only the oil extracted by American oil companies is exported in the name of Middle Eastern countries. If you don't pay attention to it, it is difficult to find the relationship.

Once the United States loses control of the Middle East, the oil companies within the United States will not be able to gain a foothold in the Middle East.

The United States cannot bear such a failure. This is not something that Austria and Bama can decide alone, but it involves countless companies, a large number of jobs and the interests of consortia in the United States.

Even Congress has no way to truly stop this war, and this is the reason.

The citizens do not want war, and Congress naturally does not want it, but there is no way. Once the dollar is gone, the entire United States will be gone.

At that time, the United States will face the biggest unemployment crisis since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the entire United States will fall into the most serious turmoil, and there may even be the risk of a civil war.

But the United States is also very clear, or it can be said that the United States has understood a fact at a huge price, that is, the United States has been too hasty to prepare for this war.

The United States was too contemptuous of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation. It is too late to pay attention now.

The United States is unable to launch a full-scale war against the Syrian-Israel Federation. There are many domestic conflicts. The Syrian-Israel Federation is not a country that can be squeezed at will. A full-scale war is not easy.

However, as the so-called skinny camel is bigger than horses, once the United States is really willing to put out its own bargaining chips, there are still too many variables in this war.

Few countries are without ambitions, especially in places full of interests and disputes. A country without ambition cannot survive at all.

As soon as Austria and Bama settled in Hangzhou, he had a secret meeting with Indian Prime Minister Modi.

The meeting time is not short.

Natasha and Tan Ya hurriedly came to Cai Ruichen for this.

Tan Ya said as soon as he saw Cai Ruichen: "Commander, based on current intelligence, the United States is very likely to use the best interests to win over India, including providing India with the nuclear reactor technology of the Nimitz aircraft carrier and the Ford-class aircraft carrier. Electromagnetic ejection technology."

This topic has existed for several years. The second domestically-produced aircraft carrier currently under construction in India is a large nuclear-powered aircraft carrier from the beginning of its design, with a displacement of more than 80,000 tons.

It’s just that when India built the first Vekramatia aircraft carrier, it was already facing many difficulties. Now it is starting to build a large nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. It is almost a fantasy to build a large nuclear-powered aircraft carrier smoothly and form combat effectiveness. Or it's another project similar to the Brilliant Fighter, which will last thirty years.

But this also has to be said, the ambition of the Indian navy, and the ambition of the high level of the Indian government.

When building a new nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, India naturally wants two most critical technologies, one is nuclear power reactor technology, and the other is electromagnetic ejection technology.

These two technologies, electromagnetic ejection technology, have been sold to India by the United States a few years ago.

As for nuclear reactor technology, the United States never talked about it at that time, and it was impossible to export nuclear reactor technology to any country.

There was no doubt about this at the time, even if India could afford the the United States could not let go.

Prior to the Iraq-Syria Federation, the world’s aircraft carriers developed for a hundred years. The only country in the world that has the technology for large-scale aircraft carrier nuclear reactors is the United States, and it has led the world for more than half a century from the beginning.

It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the US Navy is based on this nuclear reactor technology.

This is also difficult for the Soviet Union and even China and Russia to replicate.

It was only the emergence of the Iraqi-Syria Federation that made this technological monopoly and a huge change. The Iraqi-Syria Federation built four large nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in one go and sold two to their hometown.

In this war, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation secretly launched an aircraft carrier battle group, and the hometown also announced that the second fully-made aircraft carrier is also a large nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and will use electromagnetic ejection technology.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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