The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1541: Indian ambition

The emergence of the Iraq-Syria Federation broke the US Navy’s monopoly on high-tech naval armaments, and even allowed the navy in its home country to develop technology, which in an instant achieved progress comparable to US technology.

This makes the United States naturally very anxious, and some technologies, once popularized, have no value.

The United States is quite clear about this, but the technology of large-scale aircraft carrier nuclear reactors, no matter when, is the most critical core technology.

At this moment, the greedy worms used to seduce India are also ambitious and have huge capital in it.

India’s ambitious naval ambitions can almost be said to be unable to refuse the huge temptation given by the US military.

However, unlike the previous Indian Navy, the current Indian Navy is even more urgent.

The Indian Ocean is regarded by the Indians as the Indian Ocean.

In the past half century, the Indian Navy in the Indian Ocean has almost no rivals to compete.

From the Middle East to Africa, to Southeast Asia and to the front line of Australia, no country’s navy can threaten India’s interests in the Indian Ocean.

Earlier, when the US military leased Diego Garcia Island, it was unhappy with India for a while, but the two sides quickly reached an understanding, and the Indian Navy would also conduct various exercises with the US Navy in the Indian Ocean every year.

But now, the situation is completely different.

As the same big developing country, India has always regarded its neighbors’ hometown as a strategic opponent, and the development of weapons and equipment is all aimed at it.

But the rise of the Iraqi-Syria Federation, especially the navy of the Iraqi-Syria Federation Guard, suddenly rose up overnight, making India suddenly restless.

Up to now, in India's jaw-dropping situation, three heavy aircraft carrier battle groups and three amphibious assault groups have been developed. How can this be tolerated by India.

Since the establishment of India’s independence, it has not received such a huge stimulus. Even the hometown has two large nuclear-powered aircraft carriers at once. With the development speed of the hometown, it will soon be able to get rid of India to the point where no taillights can be seen. .

In the past, the Indian navy allowed its hometown to catch up desperately, which made India always very proud, but now, in just a few years, India has developed completely, and it is no longer able to catch up with the development speed of its home navy.

Faced with two potential strategic opponents, one east and one west, how can India not be anxious.

At this time, India, where does it have any idea to take into account the balance of relations between Russia and the United States, it urgently needs to strengthen its navy in one breath.

At this point, the current Russia cannot help India anyway, so India can only look at the United States.

At this moment when the United States also needs help most, the two countries can be said to hit it off.

This is what Tanya worries about. India, a country with strategic depth, has a strong potential for promotion and development, and its population is about to surpass his hometown to become the world's first.

Once India has received a lot of technical support from the U.S. military, which has led to the rapid rise of India's military, that is definitely not good news for the Red Police Corps.

Even without the United States, the Navy of the Red Police Corps and the Indian Navy, it will be difficult for them to coexist peacefully in the Indian Ocean.

"I already know the news."

Cai Ruichen was not surprised by this news. The United States has always been eye-catching with India. Such cooperation is also normal.

And Cai Ruichen also knows that the cooperation between the two parties is not only in the two technical fields of nuclear reactors and electromagnetic ejection.

"The United States is very likely to help India redesign the second domestically-produced aircraft carrier, and help India improve the hardware and facilities of the Cochin Shipyard, provide India with a large number of skilled workers for aircraft carrier construction, and complete the ambition of India's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier." Cai Ruichen said seriously. .

A strong India is not in the interests of the Red Police Corps in the future, but now, Cai Ruichen has no way to interfere in this kind of cooperation between India and the United States, and even Russia has no way to interfere.

"Once the United States is determined to win over India and is willing to pay a sufficient price, then India's ambitions will inevitably receive comprehensive help. At that time, I am afraid that not only the issue of aircraft carriers, but the entire Indian Navy will benefit from this." Natasha Said.

The United States has always wanted to win over India, but it is seldom willing to give enough benefits to win it. But now, the situation has completely changed. The United States needs a powerful helper who can fully contain the Islamic Federation and its homeland.

The entire global strategy of the United States will inevitably be adjusted as a result, and the technical barriers to allies will most likely be fully opened at that time.

At this moment, although this war has not yet ended, all politicians who have seen far have already seen a war.

The United States can no longer contain the relationship between the Islamic Federation and its homeland by itself. Only by strengthening itself and all its allies can it still retain its place in the future.

The United States itself knows better than anyone else.

Natasha continued to analyze: "The U.S. Congress has secretly approved the secret export of a large number of core military equipment. The Raptor fighter production line has been fully operational. Even the Global Overlord transport aircraft that has just been stopped have restarted production. India will continue to do so. The total price of the purchase of ten aircraft is to re-purchase twenty Globemaster transport aircraft from the United States.

And this time the US Congress will approve a large number of core weapons and equipment technologies including the US Navy, Army, and Air Force. Even the Raptor fighter jets will be exported to all US allies.

Although this news has not spread yet, I believe this is another new signal that the United States is releasing to India. India's interest in Raptor fighters is not a day or two.

The price of the Global Master previously sold to India by the United States was nearly US$500 million, but this time it was reduced to US$250 million and sold to India. The signal to India was also to win India into an ally, because the price was the US The price to sell to allies..."

"If the U.S. really has invested in capital, India will not be able to refuse such a huge temptation." At this point, Cai Ruichen paused and continued: "We forced the United States and India together. Once we rise, this will be the same. inevitable."

India and the United States will go together. Cai Ruichen had expected it, but what he really cares about now is the inner thoughts of Putin and Jing at this moment.

After all, India and the United States are completely together. The biggest loss is not the Islamic Federation and hometown, but Russia, which has always had an irreversible relationship with India.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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