The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1543: Tragedy of great power

PS: Thank you for your concern. All water and electricity in Gorgeous have been restored, but there are still some private affairs. It is expected that the outbreak will start to compensate you tomorrow.


That night, after the dinner with the big boss, Cai Ruichen returned to the room and directly opened the door of his office.

"Mr. Put and Jing are really impatient." Cai Ruichen said when he saw Put and Jing.

"Unlike Mr. Cai, he takes everything indifferently in the face." Put and Jing smiled slightly, and Cai Ruichen shook hands in a friendly manner before sitting down.

Regarding the tacit understanding of the two, Cai Ruichen did not talk about something like the last time he was in the Kremlin. As soon as he sat down, he ran directly to the subject and said:

"It's rare that Putin and Beijing can sit still now. The United States took out their old books to win over India. Don't Mr. Put and Jing worry that the Indian cake will all be taken by the United States?"

When Cai Ruichen talked about India, it surprised Putin and Jing. In his opinion, shouldn't the question we talk about tonight be Turkey?

However, Putong and Jing did not express their doubts, but said: "Thank you for Mr. Cai's kind reminder. In Chinese terms, it is impossible to stop the raining mother and marrying her."

When Putong and Jing said these words, their faces were somewhat helpless.

However, Cai Ruichen did not trust Putin and Beijing so easily. India is Russia's most important cooperating country in the south. At this point, Cai Ruichen absolutely does not believe that Putin and Beijing will allow the United States to win over India in this way.

"Mr. Putin and Mr. Jing joked. The tens of billions of dollars in arms trade revenue a year is still a small matter, but once India is fully invested in the arms of the United States, this is not good news for Russia!" Cai Ruichen said bluntly.

“It’s rare that Mr. Tsai considers Russia’s strategic interests so much. Although I don’t want to see it, India’s constitution has formulated a national policy of never alliance. Since the United States is willing to draw large enough interests to win over India, Russia will do No matter how unwilling to accept it, there is no way."

Putin and Beijing obviously know a lot about the United States to win over India, otherwise they would not say such a thing.

Cai Ruichen only smiled when he heard the words. In fact, he understood Put and Jing's ideas very well.

Fundamentally, Putin and Jing know the Indians too well. Under the political interests of the big powers, there are no allies at all.

Despite the fact that the Iraqi-Syrian Federation is very close to its hometown and Russia, fundamentally, the three forces are guarding each other, and even from the overall national security strategy, they are also in many smaller strategic layouts. Constraints.

The cooperation between Russia and India, the military cooperation between Russia and Vietnam, Russia has lost most of its interests in the Middle East, and the relationship between its hometown and the Syrian Federation, how can Russia not be wary of it.

Now it is only based on the fact that the two sides face a common strategic opponent, so they are walking together tacitly. Once the two sides completely lose the common opponent of NATO, the two sides will turn their faces faster than the book.

The strategic interests of major powers are politically tragedy.

Cai Ruichen naturally understands this, and Putong and Jing, old politicians, are even more discerning.

The United States wins over India. It should be said that Russia should be more anxious than anyone else.

But this time, from the reactions of Putong and Beijing, Cai Ruichen also tried out Russia's fundamental ideas.

That is, Russia will let go of India and let the United States and India cooperate. This is called political balance.

The reason is very simple. The strength of the Iran-Syria Federation has made Russia feel scared.

It is not surprising to have such an idea. After all, Russia is also ambitious, and a careerist will naturally be wary of another powerful careerist.

The relationship here is quite complicated, but it is also very simple to say. Due to the emergence of the Islamic Federation and the re-segmentation of global interests, many countries’ foreign strategies have also undergone fundamental changes.

Although the relationship between the Islamic Federation and Russia is good and there is a lot of cooperation, in terms of the interests of major powers, the two sides still cannot get rid of the fundamentally hostile relationship.

In the future, even if Russia sees the Iran-Syria Federation grow bigger, even if it joins with NATO, Cai Ruichen will not feel strange at all.

The most important thing is that the spies of the Red Police Corps have clearly ascertained that the northern Russian shipbuilding industry is already building a large nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

This new Russian aircraft carrier will have a displacement of more than 80,000 tons, using Russia's own domestic nuclear reactor and electromagnetic ejection technology.

Cai Ruichen is convinced that Russia has such technology, so Russia carried out research and exploration work in this area earlier than his hometown.

The most important thing is that Russia now also urgently needs a strong ocean-going navy to ensure Russia's national security interests and global interests.

If Russia is really determined to contend with the United States on the Indian issue, Cai Ruichen believes that Russia can also offer no less than the conditions that the United States has given India.

But Russia obviously does not intend to do so, and there is an act of allowing the United States to win over India.

Is this also Russia showing good to the United States?

In other words, there has always been a secret communication channel between Russia and the United States. Has the two sides reached a certain consensus in this regard?

If Russia is determined to send troops to Ukraine, and therefore chooses to cede the interests of India to the United States, so that the United States is willing to completely defend its interests in Ukraine, this is entirely possible.

The Americans know best. The Russians are ambitious and have the opportunity to send troops to Ukraine. The Americans are naturally very clear.

Coupled with the existence of the Islamic Federation Once the United States figured it out and secretly contacted Russia, the two sides reached a deal with this exchange of interests, and then some things became complicated.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen had a lot of thoughts flashing in his mind. Although he did not come up with a complete idea, he already had a general idea.

"President Put and Jing can really think about it." Cai Ruichen said with a smile.

"There is no way. The United States is determined to win. Russia really has no capital to compete with the United States on this issue." Putin and Jing said with regret.

The unchanging face of politicians. This is Cai Ruichen's evaluation of Putong and Beijing.

"If this is the case, it is really a pity, but the Indian Ocean may not be calm in the future, and what I hate most is trouble." Cai Ruichen said with a shrug.

Expressing his attitude and giving no time to think, Cai Ruichen immediately changed the subject and said: "For this war, where do President Putin and President Jing think they will go?"

(To be continued.)

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