The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1544: Russia's game

"I believe Mr. Tsai must hope that the war will move towards peace soon, but NATO estimates that it is difficult to say. How to say this war is also the most tragic failure the US military has faced after World War II. France also suffered huge losses and ended so easily. The war seems to be impossible.

Air force strikes have never defeated any country, and wars have always ended on land. But the strong image of the country must be maintained. The American and French governments cannot accept a failed war, and the American and French people are unwilling to accept this fact. "Pu and Jing said if they pointed out.

Cai Ruichen was mentally prepared for the facialized answer, and he naturally understood Putin and Jing's answer like this.

This war is naturally the best for Russia to fight endlessly. The current war situation is not what Putin and Beijing want to see.

The result of the war that Russia most hopes to see is that NATO is caught in the quagmire of the war in the Middle East. The strength of the Islamic Federation and the strong military advantage shown in local wars also make Russia very worried about whether NATO will not be able to bear this. The internal and external pressure brought about by the huge battle damage suddenly ended this war.

Fortunately, this most undesirable situation has not yet appeared.

However, in Putong and Beijing's view, the invitation to Cai Ruichen at this summit has also added many variables to this war.

This is why Putin and Beijing are so anxious to meet Cai Ruichen, because the Iraqi-Syrian Federation and the United States and plan to hold a meeting between the heads of state during this summit to discuss the future of this war.

Putin and Beijing dislike the rapid progress of war to peace. This is not in the strategic interests of Russia.

The strategic interests of major powers are actually just two words, and that is "security."

Keep yourself safe and make your opponent insecure.

Any interest is of secondary importance in the face of the word security. Only when security is achieved can there be a future.

This is the interest of the great powers, and it is also a constant theme.

From the real concept of a great power to the present, there have been three wars involving the direct participation of great powers in the world, including France in the Napoleonic era, World War I and World War II.

In the eyes of Putin and Beijing, this war can also be called a war between major powers.

The influence of the Islamic Federation in the world is not a big country, not even a world power.

But from the perspective of military strength, the Syrian-Israel Federation can be regarded as a major security strategy power.

Of course, the result of this fact was also told to Putin and Beijing in this war that the powerful military denial capabilities of the Syrian-Israel Federation are enough to enable the I-Syrian Federation to become a global power.

Therefore, Putin and Beijing compared this war to the fourth great power war in human history. The Syrian-Israel federation alone shook the superpower the United States, together with the two world powers of Britain and France, and also mastered the initiative of the war. At the beginning of the war, Putin and Beijing couldn't imagine it.

When the war broke out, Russia analyzed the strength of both sides, and finally came to an inference about the war, that is, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation lost to NATO by sea and air, and the war entered the stage of comprehensive land operations.

Cai Ruichen of the Syrian-Israeli Federation draws NATO coalition forces into this endless war quagmire by virtue of their high reputation and the willfulness of the nation under the perennial wars of the Syrian-Israel Federation.

As far as Russia is relatively familiar with the Islamic Federation, Putin and Beijing are very clear about the industrial capabilities of the Islamic Federation.

The victory of industrial production in any major country cannot be destroyed by air strikes alone.

Even if the United States deploys all its air forces, it cannot destroy all industries in Russia and its homeland. This can be said to be absolute.

Therefore, Russia judges that the United States cannot destroy all the industries of the Islamic Federation. The end result is that the Islamic Federation will be on the battlefield and NATO will suffer heavy losses. This will be a war that is more difficult than any war after World War II. .

At this time, Russia's opportunity came. It was only the result of the war, which was too far from everyone's expectations. The entire deduction was overturned.

And in this war, the Russians were delighted to see that NATO was not as difficult to defeat as they thought.

This allowed Russia to immediately see an opportunity to use force to completely resolve the Ukrainian issue.

But the calm Russia is also very worried that there are too many uncertainties in this war between NATO and the Islamic Federation.

Judging from the normal situation of the war, the war between the United States and the Syrian-Israel Federation can almost be said to be endless, but from the outbreak of the war to the present, all confrontations are limited to the military, not like a normal national war, All-out confrontation from economy to politics to military.

This is just a pure military war, without any economic game in it, and even the network information war, which has been emphasized, has hardly appeared.

Even now, neither the United States nor the Syrian-Israel Federation has shot down even one satellite of the other side.

This kind of war makes Russia a little incomprehensible, because it is not like a war between major powers at all, but more like a negotiated military exercise.

This made Russia unable to understand and began to be cautious.

But one thing is certain. There is no false element in this war. Although the overall pattern of the war between the two sides is weird, there is no water in the battle of life and death on the battlefield.

Japan lost half of its naval power, France's only aircraft carrier battle group was buried in the sea, France and Japan, the whole country is full of grief and indignation.

The United States even ruined two Nimitz aircraft carriers and the most powerful Ford aircraft carrier ~ ~ Army and Air Force losses were as heavy.

This loss completely surpassed any war since World War II.

Under such circumstances, the recent battle between the two sides has become unusually calm. Even NATO also invited Cai Ruichen through the summit, and Austria and Bama wanted to meet Cai Ruichen. This made Putin and Jing have to think about it. Other factors.

Regarding Put and Jing’s caution, Cai Ruichen said simply: “This war cannot be ended so quickly. Some smoke bombs can’t even be seen by a person in the game. If you break it, you break it, otherwise you may ruin your only chance."

Putong and Jing kept weighing the meaning of Cai Ruichen's words in their hearts. At this time, Russia and the Iraq-Syria Federation can be said to be the best partners.

What Cai Ruichen said at this time is impossible to deceive himself. Putin and Jing believe this very firmly.

Could it be said that the United States is really confusing and letting itself think so that it dares not take the crucial step? (To be continued.)

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