The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1546: Key Turkey

The foundation of the United States' global hegemony, from a simple point of view, is the global dollar hegemony.

But it is clear that the hegemony of the US dollar is completely supported by the strong strength of the US military.

Now the myth of the invincibility of the U.S. military has been broken, and the U.S. military cannot restore the lost strong image in a short time.

Although the Islamic Federation did not take the opportunity to expand the war, it launched a new round of offensive against US military bases in Europe, Africa, and Pakistan.

But the situation of the U.S. military at this moment, behind the one-sided collapse, hides an even greater crisis.

This kind of crisis has seriously affected the most basic survival status of the US military.

This kind of crisis cannot be resolved by defeating the Islamic and Syrian Confederation in a full-scale war. Even once a full-scale war breaks out, this kind of crisis will further escalate and eventually evolve into the complete collapse of the US military's global strategy.

As the leader of the world, the US military has actually understood a truth better in its operations over the years. The more glamorous the appearance, the higher the status and the envy of countless people, the more calculations are needed.

Because behind these countless envy, ambitions are hidden. Once the United States makes a mistake, the loss will be incalculable.

The European Union, Russia, and my hometown are actually the most threatening potential opponents of the United States. Although the current Iran-Syria Federation has a strong military strength, Obama also sees it thoroughly.

The current political influence of the Islamic Federation is far from being a threat to the global strategy of the US military.

The places that really make Obama feel dangerous are his hometown Russia and the European Union.

These three are what Obama is most vigilant about at the moment. In this summit, the strong image of the United States has collapsed, and many ambitions and actions will inevitably follow.

The Iraqi-Syrian Federation can defeat the US military, but it cannot defeat the global interests of the US military, and these dark hands are the biggest threat to destroy the United States.

In Obama’s view, this event cannot continue anyway, otherwise the entire United States will fall into an unprecedented crisis. He does not want to become the president who made the United States completely depressed.

But the topic is back, if it can really end so quickly, he doesn't need to be so troubled.

Fortunately, this time when he came to China, Obama also made a decision. Once things really happen to bring the United States on the verge of a real strategic crisis, he will start the process as soon as possible to completely stop this war.

For Russia, Obama also made a series of deployments.

How can Obama not feel Putin's ambitions for Ukraine?

Since the Syrian Federation joined the war, Obama has also been paying close attention to Russia's actions, especially after Russia captured Ukrainian special forces a few days ago, he became more vigilant.

Prior to Putin's arrival, he made a surprise inspection of the Western Military District, and Obama naturally received a deliberate signal from Putin that Russia is about to use force against Ukraine.

This signal is not the guesswork of Obama and American think tanks, but the intelligence personnel lurking in Russia clearly know that Russia is secretly preparing for a blitz war against Ukraine.

The United States does not know what tactics Russia has formulated, but one thing is certain for the United States. When the powerful image of the United States collapsed, Russia attacked Ukraine. The main purpose was to solve the Ukrainian problem, but there was another purpose. , That is to establish a strong image of Russia.

There is no need to think about it. Obama also knows that Russia will send troops to Ukraine at all. It must be a force of thunder. It will take the initiative in the war and calm the situation in Ukraine with lightning speed.

When the time comes, the images of Russia and the United States will be ebb and flow.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Putin has begun to grasp the overall situation of Russia, and Russia has tried to restore its influence during the Soviet era.

And it is able to confront the United States in a balanced way in the direction of Europe and the Pacific, instead of being surrounded by NATO to the doorstep.

Urgently changing this situation, Russia needs a strong victory to stabilize its position in the world and even further enhance its international influence.

The problem of Ukraine, when necessary, the United States can completely abandon it, because this move has already been exchanged with the problems of the Kurds in the Middle East during the game with Russia.

The core of the problem is not Ukraine, but Russia's ambitions. The problem that ultimately surrounds the whole thing is Turkey, which seems to be unrelated.

From the beginning and the end of this incident, Ukraine was only the fuse, but whether it will explode, but it is holding the torch Turkey at this moment.

Erdogan’s recent performance has greatly disappointed the United States. The many secret meetings with Russia, and even his personal meeting with Putin in Hangzhou, gave Obama a very bad feeling.

The most important thing is that Erdogan's attitude towards sending troops to the Syrian Federation has recently begun to become ambiguous.

What's more, there have been more than one piece of intelligence from Turkey indicating that the Erdogan government has secretly contacted the top leaders of the Islamic and Syrian federation more than once, and there are even internal intelligence indicating that Turkey is very likely to be determined to withdraw from NATO.

This news made Obama a little fidgety, and Turkey is now the key to this life-and-death game.

The contact between Russia and Obama is not worried at all, because Obama understands very well that Russia’s purpose is also for Turkey to participate in the war, so as to contain NATO’s more energy in the Middle East.

However, this problem became serious when Turkey contacted the Islamic Federation.

At the same time, Obama is also very worried that Cai Ruichen's contact with Putin will change some of the secret agreements between the United States and Russia.

In the face of better national interests, any agreement is just a piece of waste paper, let alone a secret agreement without written records.

Now, Obama is worried that Turkey will really make a decision to sell the interests of the United States, because as a neighbor of the Islamic Federation, Turkey and the Islamic Federation have too many ties, and even the Islamic Federation has helped Turkey solve the Kurdish problem. The old problem.

Is the Turkish government really determined to go to war with the Syrian Federation?

This question is not the key now. The real key is, what new choice will Turkey make to leave NATO and integrate into the Middle East? Or continue to stay in Europe and NATO and send troops to war against the Syrian Federation?

(To be continued.)

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