The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1547: Turkish ambition

The game of the world's great powers has never been about fighting and killing, nor is it about doing whatever you want.

Even in the United States, it is impossible for every step of its strategic deployment to proceed in the best interests of its own country.

Any country that is eligible to participate in the global political game must exchange political chips.

The only difference is that superpowers have always used the interests of a small country as a bargaining chip to exchange interests with another superpower. This is global politics, a small country tragedy that can never be shaken off.

Putin and Beijing are definitely masters of strategy, which is worthy of the name.

Russia’s core interests lie in Ukraine, but Putin and Beijing have a way to play a bargaining chip in the Middle East as a condition of exchange with the United States.

This is the most brilliant place for Putin and Beijing, and Putin and Beijing were able to kill two birds with one stone back then, and they also placed Turkey together.

And Turkey is the biggest loser in this Middle Eastern political game in several years.

It can be said that Erdogan has always thought that he is the player of this game, but the result completely shows that he is just a small piece of Qipanshan.

When Erdogan understood it, Turkey had fallen into a lot of passivity.

At this time, the rise of Cai Ruichen and the settlement of the Syrian issue made Turkey’s passiveness instantly resolved.

Turkey has only one core strategic interest, and that is the issue of Kurds in the Southeast.

But the way that Putin and Beijing retaliated against Turkey was to work with the United States to support the Kurds in northern Syria to establish an autonomous region. This will have a huge centrifugal force on the Kurds in southeastern Turkey, and even the Kurdish autonomous region in Syria may establish an independent state. By then, Turkey Civil war is bound to break out in the territory.

This is the point that the Turkish government is most worried about. At that time, Turkey also tried to pull Iraq and Iran into an alliance.

Because the Kurdish problem is an issue of the common interests of Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and Iran.

Tens of millions of Kurds live in the southeastern part of Turkey, the northern part of Syria and Iraq, and the western part of Iran. Once the Kurds in a region establish an independent state, the effect will be no less than that of the Jewish state.

However, due to the rise of Cai Ruichen, it was also an exchange of interests that allowed the United States and Russia to give up their intervention in Syria at the same time and send troops to strongly unify Syria. This allowed Turkey's core interest crisis to be resolved in an instant.

This is why, after the establishment of the Islamic Federation, the relationship between Turkey and the Islamic Federation began to continue to heat up.

Because as long as there is a strong rule of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, the Kurds will not be able to jump.

After the United States promised a lot of benefits, a large number of high-level Turkish government officials were naturally quite moved.

This involves the issue of natural gas and oil pipelines.

Europe has always wanted to obtain natural gas from the Middle East to get rid of Russia's control of natural gas. It has tried to lay pipelines from Turkmenistan, through the Caspian Sea, Caucasus, and into Europe through Turkey.

It also tried to transport natural gas from Qatar and Saudi Arabia through Syria and Turkey to the European mainland.

Qatar and Saudi Arabia naturally hope to be able to send natural gas to Europe, because that represents countless money.

This is why the countries headed by Saudi Arabia must resolutely crack down on the economic aspects of the Assad regime in Syria.

Because of the relationship between Syria and Russia at the time, the proposal to build a natural gas pipeline from Syria was firmly rejected.

The natural gas pipeline from Iran to Europe will pass through Iraq and Turkey.

In other words, no matter how Europe wants to obtain natural gas from the Middle East, Turkey's geographic location has become the most critical point.

Since Putin and Beijing took office, they have paid close attention to Turkey's strategic advantage across Europe and Asia. Therefore, Russia has been trying to develop good diplomatic relations with Turkey.

It doesn't matter if Turkey joins NATO. Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet. Putting their teeth and Beijing can endure it.

For the benefit of the overall grand strategy, otherwise, with the violent tempers of Putong and Beijing, Turkey and Russia have long been at war.

Of course, once the strategic masters of Putong and Beijing have a chance, they will inevitably retaliate.

The opportunity came soon, that was when the Kurds on the Syrian issue, when Russia proposed a federal system, and with the support of the United States, Turkey was suddenly crippled.

The Turkish Prime Minister was forced to resign and step down, and then immediately made a series of strategic adjustments.

When the Islamic Federation was established, Turkey also realized that it had made a big mistake in its strategy, or that the new Turkish national strategy was correct but the way it was implemented was wrong.

Turkey, which once firmly attacked the Assad regime, immediately changed its words and expressed its willingness to repair with Syria and restore the relationship between the two sides. At the same time, Turkey has once again been with Russia from that time.

In the face of the country's supreme strategic interests, Putin and Beijing also let go of the hatred that a fighter jet was shot down, and the two sides once again repaired their relationship.

Fundamentally speaking, Cai Ruichen is also seemingly unintentional, but in fact, he intends to help Turkey and help Turkey get rid of the fundamental domestic crisis, prompting Turkey to fall to Russia again.

The original intention of this purpose is to continue to divide the relationship between Turkey and NATO, and to cut off the tentacles of NATO by their side.

And this time the United States asked Turkey to send troops and made a huge promise to Turkey. This promise was to help Turkey implement the new Ottoman strategy.

The so-called new Ottoman strategy is Turkey's ambition to control the original Ottoman Turkish Empire. The formulation of this strategy completely negates Turkey's decades-long attempt to join Europe.

In the past development of Turkey, only when Turkey joined Europe could it enjoy the rapid economic development in Europe, which would be conducive to the future development of Turkey. If you have more contacts with rich people, you will naturally become richer.

But now, this kind of thinking has changed. The new Ottoman strategy is Turkey's attempt to build a global center, a new world center standing between Europe and Asia.

It has to be said that this strategic adjustment of Turkey has just reached Cai Ruichen's heart, but when two same careerists meet, they are tit-for-tat enemies. There is no second possibility at all.

(To be continued.)

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