The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1548: Turkey

The first step with Cai Ruichen's ambition is to control the entire Middle East. This step is now almost complete.

After the realization of the first ambition, Cai Ruichen will immediately begin his second ambition, which will lead his country to formally enter the global political arena.

The most specific goal is to make the land of the Middle East become a bridge between Europe and Asia, and at the same time establish an absolute center of global world finance, technology, and energy.

The Future Technology Group has capital and technology, and the oil and natural gas in the Middle East are sufficient to control the energy distribution in Asia and Europe.

In terms of energy, Iran has the world's second largest natural gas reserve country. Once the natural gas of Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the entire Persian Gulf are added, the federation will become the world's largest natural gas reserve country.

Especially the natural gas under the Persian Gulf. With Iran and Qatar sharing Persian Gulf natural gas, Iran’s natural gas reserves are second only to Russia. Once the entire energy is in the hands of Cai Ruichen, it will be a trump card to counterbalance Europe. .

And once you have full control of the Middle East, you won't worry about any interference from outside forces.

This is why the relationship between Russia and the Federation has always been in an unclear relationship.

Once the two sides break, it will be a disaster for Russia. The same thing is that once Russia and Europe are completely together, Cai Ruichen's strategy of trying to use natural gas to influence Europe will also go bankrupt.

In order to avoid the competitive relationship between the two sides leading to direct profits in Europe, the relationship between Cai Ruichen and Putong and Jing is also in a mutually understood relationship.

Turkey’s latest strategic ambition happened to collide with Cai Ruichen.

Turkey will naturally be able to see that once Cai Ruichen is allowed to obtain the new pattern brought about by Iran, in terms of brand new strategic benefits, Turkey naturally cannot sit back and let Cai Ruichen get Iran.

At the same time, Turkey's new strategy is also worried about the further expansion of Cai Ruichen's power and power. Once Cai Ruichen continues to grow, Turkey's overall strategic ambitions will become a joke.

The United States came here at this time, and Turkey naturally agreed with joy.

Just like Russia's thinking, Turkey saw that the U.S. military was unable to gain an advantage, which made Turkey start to mumble.

The most important thing is that the United States has not shown a decisive attitude, and Turkey needs to weigh the pros and cons even more.

With the powerful military forces of the Islamic Federation, Turkey is not an opponent at all in this area.

Not to mention the air supremacy currently controlled by the Syrian-Israel Federation, even if the Syrian-Israel Federal Guard does not control the air power, the ground forces alone have caused Turkey to be extremely worried.

With only a 600,000 army, Turkey is very clear that quantity is the key to victory in modern warfare only when the equipment and combat capabilities are not much different, but when there is a big difference in quality, quantity can play a role. The effect will become very small.

The Syrian-Israeli Federation sent troops to Iran before dispatching a group army, which has already defeated the U.S. trump card Eighth Army steadily. In the territory of the Syrian-Israel federation, there are still several army groups waiting to be seen, and the combat effectiveness of the second-line army is also very good.

Turkey is a little worried about how effective its own army will be when it encounters the powerful ground forces of the Islamic Federation.

The Turkish military has given answers more than once. The Turkish Army claims to have three to four thousand main battle tanks, but in fact, the number of third-generation main battle tanks is less than 700, which is added by the second-generation main battle tank. The number of main battle tanks with the turrets of the third-generation tanks is less than 1,500, and the rest are all second-generation tanks.

Facing the Syrian Federal Army, there are more than 3,000 advanced third-generation main battle tanks, hundreds of fourth-generation apocalypse tanks, and various advanced combat armored units on the ground. The Turkish Army has absolutely no Advantage.

The army armaments of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard are extremely local. Even the transport trucks are heavily equipped with fire protection. The various flexible armored vehicle weapon modules are simply impossible to defend.

The warrior assault vehicle can maximize the firepower of the infantry. Unmanned aerial vehicles in the sky, unmanned combat equipment on the ground, new individual armored weapons, and various unmanned combat robots can be called the most expensive army in the world.

This gives Turkey the feeling that it is as if free players are knocking on local tyrants. No matter how you look at it, it feels unreliable.

After all, even the once local tyrants like the US army, after hitting the Syrian Federal Army, showed a fighting gap that left Turkey with lingering fears.

Many Turkish officers who went to the battlefield to observe, all told the Turkish Ministry of Defense more than once that the failure of the US military was definitely not accidental, but inevitable.

The equipment gap between the two sides is enough to make soldiers desperate.

The fourth-generation main battle tank of the Apocalypse can be called almost invulnerable. The powerful firepower of the heavy infantry combined with the attack of the infantry and unmanned combat robots is simply the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and the huge war fortress, which is even more freezing.

The Turkish military has not yet played against the Syrian Federal Guard, and its morale has dropped to a freezing point. This also makes the Turkish government start to become weak.

At this time, Turkey also had to make a choice.

At a critical time, Erdogan finally made a decision that the current situation is not suitable for war with the Syrian Federation.

Of course, this news is very bad for Putong and Jing, and for Cai Ruichen, it is not what he wanted to see.

What Cai Ruichen hopes most is that Russia can safely send troops to Ukraine and disrupt the entire Europe.

Cai Ruichen believes that Putong and Jing absolutely have such determination ~ Otherwise, there is no need to make such a strategic arrangement.

The United States also most hopes that Turkey will send troops to attack the Islamic Federation.

In this way, the three most critical countries have the same strategic goals at this moment.

If it is normal, Erdogan will not be able to contend with the will of the United States and Russia, but there are some things that cannot be explained on the surface.

It is as if Russia cannot tell Turkey that you must send troops to the Syrian Federation. In this matter, even if Russia is anxious, it can only say nothing.

Cai Ruichen is the same, he can't ask Turkey to come and beat me.

Therefore, Turkey’s next attitude lies in the United States. Only the United States of the three countries can speak.

But the key point is that Turkish President Erdogan now does not listen to the United States and refuses to send troops to the Islamic Federation.

(To be continued.)

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