The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1549: Cai Ruichen takes the bargaining chip of the United States

The G20 summit was held on time. Cai Ruichen was like a okay person, only showing up on necessary occasions. The rest of the time, he took Hua Meixue to play in Hangzhou.

This makes many heads of state who want to see him, all can only come back in defeat.

Cai Ruichen is deliberately avoiding these heads of state who want to see him, even Erdogan does not plan to see him.

Cai Ruichen really has no interest in such a president who lacks a global strategic vision and whose chess player has turned into a pawn.

The reason why he fell in love with Bashar at the beginning was because of his ability to stand firm in the game between the United States and Russia.

As for Erdogan, Cai Ruichen didn't even bother to look at him straightly. He really didn't bother to meet this kind of guy who couldn't see the situation but was full of ambitions.

What's more, this matter was completely out of his turn, and he didn't even want to act.

Just let Bashar and the political team led by Idris to contact Erdogan and his party.

If it were not for the purpose of tempting the United States, Cai Ruichen would not even bother to send out the political team, because it would be a waste of time.

But for the outside world, this is naturally impossible. To express the attitude of the Islamic Federation itself, some necessary external signals are still indispensable.

No, the United States quickly received a large amount of relevant intelligence.

News of many secret contacts between the Turkish government and the Islamic Federation immediately reached the ears of nervously sensitive Americans.

Coupled with all kinds of intelligence coming from Turkey, the United States has become more and more worried about Erdogan's attitude at the moment.

However, the most worrying thing for Americans is Cai Ruichen, because Turkey's current attitude is most likely the result of Cai Ruichen's dominance.

Based on this speculation, Austria and Bama did not take any action against Turkey until the summit was about to end. During the summit meeting between the two highest heads of state agreed by the United States and the Islamic Federation, Austria and Bama were Cai Ruichen once again. Sit together face to face.

Before the official meeting between the two government agencies, Cai Ruichen, Austria and Bama also arranged for a secret meeting.

When the two heads of state who were still at war faced each other again, regardless of the mood of Austria and Bama, Cai Ruichen felt proud and relaxed.

With a light handshake, they were also regarded as sympathetic two people, and they were not hypocritical, and sat face to face.

In the entire reception room, there is no second person, monitoring and any security measures.

Here, both of them can speak freely without worrying about what responsibility they will bear.

Of course, as the head of state, no matter what, it is impossible to completely let go.

"Mr. Obama and Bama, I have good news here. The eight million American citizens in Washington will soon be able to completely get rid of the virus in their bodies, completely recover their health, and return to a normal life."

As soon as Cai Ruichen met, he brought a big gift to Austria and Bama. The life and death of eight million people in Washington has always been one of the most important things for the US government.

The lives and deaths of those eight million people are all pinned on the antibody medicament of future biomedical technology. They all rely on this kind of medicament to keep alive, otherwise the eight million people would have all gone to see God by now.

Regarding this matter, no matter what, the United States owes Cai Ruichen a huge favor.

It's just that while Ao and Bama were overjoyed, they also suddenly became puzzled. Cai Ruichen just said this when they met him. What does it mean?

With this threat, or?

At this moment, Austria and Bama couldn't help thinking that Cai Ruichen planned to use this to threaten the United States to compromise.

After all, as a politician, from the very beginning, Austria and Bama placed Cai Ruichen on the same politician positioning, and the issues considered were also from the perspective of a politician.

Cai Ruichen saw through the silent thoughts of Austria and Bama at a glance, and continued: "This antidote is currently undergoing biological safety trials. Once it is completed, clinical trials can be carried out immediately. As long as the drug is confirmed to be normal and safe, it will be ready for investment. Production, to completely rescue the eight million people in Washington. To reassure the world, I also hope that the US government can send a commissioner to participate in the entire trial process of this drug."

"This is no problem, I will make arrangements immediately." Obama and Bama also reacted immediately. At this time, it is not the time to consider other issues. The most important thing is to remove the heart disease of the eight million people in Washington. Things.

What made Austria and Bama puzzled was why Cai Ruichen didn't talk about this matter when the two sides had a team meeting, so that it could be spread throughout the world through the media in the first place.

This will help to help the Islamic Federation to gain a more positive image, especially helping to ease the attitude of American citizens towards the Islamic Federation.

Once news comes out that the Future Technology Group has developed a drug that can save 8 million American citizens, the U.S. government may have to stop the war amid more anti-war voices from American citizens.

At this moment, Austria and Bama's minds were also active, and they immediately considered whether or not to publicize the news in order to quickly end this war.

Just before he thought of anything, he heard Cai Ruichen continue to say: "The current analysis of the virus has not been completely thorough. Whether the effect of this drug in clinical treatment will be the same as the experimental data, these are all to be examined. Therefore, I also hope that the United States can keep this news and wait for the clinical results to come out before announcing the news."

Cai Ruichen’s words also break the thoughts that have just emerged from Austria and Bama. This is also human nature. After all, the drug is still undergoing biological trials and human trials have not started. Once the drug is ineffective, the shame will be Future Technology Group.

When Cai Ruichen made such a request, Austria and Bama had to agree, but this was good news at last.

The only thing that makes Austria and Bama feel weird is why Cai Ruichen is telling this story now. As for the reasons for the United States to participate in drug trials, in the eyes of Austria and Bama, it is completely an excuse.

If this matter is placed here in the United States, the United States will inevitably use this to make a fuss and use it as a bargaining chip secretly to gain more benefits.

Not to mention that the two sides are still in a war relationship. Will Cai Ruichen be so kind?

As soon as he thought of this, Ao and Bama shook their heads firmly. He definitely didn't think that Cai Ruichen was purely for humanitarianism. There must be factors that he did not see.

(To be continued.)

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