The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1550: Raise Austria, Pakistan, Horse

Cai Ruichen took out this bargaining chip from the beginning, naturally he had his own ideas.

In fact, for the virus that spread from the Washington attack, the radiation engineers of the Red Police Corps have developed disinfectants that can completely clear all the viruses in the human body.

It's just that there is no way to remove the remaining viruses in the air, and there is no problem in saving those 8 million people completely.

But this antidote, Cai Ruichen is impossible to give to the current United States immediately, because it will greatly change the strategic policy of the United States at the moment.

However, in order to prevent the US policy from losing control, Cai Ruichen took out this bargaining chip just to make the US government consider the value of this bargaining chip.

To put it bluntly, Cai Ruichen needs the United States to continue to follow the current thinking, but to prevent the United States from going to any extreme, and he must be able to control the direction of the US government's decision-making at any time.

As for why Ao and Bama didn't see it, it was because he didn't even catch Cai Ruichen's ideas correctly, let alone guessing Cai Ruichen's purpose.

The topic has been opened up here, and Cai Ruichen went straight to the topic: "Mr. Ao and Bama, tell me your purpose of meeting me!"

This meeting was not proposed by Cai Ruichen, but by Austria and Bama.

Cai Ruichen has nothing to say about Austria and Bama, and he is also interested in hearing what Austria and Bama have to say.

"Mr. Cai thinks how should this war end?" Austrian and Bama thought about it and asked.

Cai Ruichen heard this and shrugged and said: "NATO completely withdraws from Iran, and the US military completely abandoned all military bases in the Middle East. We return Diego Garcia Island and unconditionally release all NATO prisoners. NATO must recognize the fact that the Islamic Federation has nuclear weapons. And we cannot use this as a political excuse to attack the Islamic Federation and recognize the dominant position of the Islamic Federation in the Middle East. To this end, I will ensure all the rights and interests that the United States already has in the Middle East.

The United States is already a NATO country, and must stop all trade barrier protection and accept fair business exchanges between the two sides..."

Austria and Bama asked how it ended, and Cai Ruichen replied that the two parties' conditions for the end of this war.

However, Cai Ruichen's conditions made Austria and Bama silent.

As far as Cai Ruichen is concerned, Austria and Bama don't feel that if they are the defeated side, they will have any disadvantages.

U.S. military bases in the Middle East are basically concentrated in the Gulf region and the Arabian Peninsula, and these military bases have been controlled by Cai Ruichen.

Whether you give up or not, it's hard to tell.

Regarding the interests of the Middle East that the United States is most concerned about, since Cai Ruichen will say to guarantee the interests of the United States in the Middle East, if it is so peacefully resolved, the United States can basically accept it.

The return of Diego Garcia Island and the unconditional release of the prisoners were unexpected gains in the eyes of Austria and Bama.

As for the Iran-Syria nuclear issue, in the eyes of the United States, there is nothing wrong with it.

The Iraqi-Syrian Federation has conducted high-profile intercontinental ballistic missile tests and conducted nuclear explosion tests. At the same time, it has announced that it will stop all actual nuclear tests.

Under such circumstances, whether the United States recognizes or does not recognize it will not have much impact on the Islamic Federation.

The most important thing is that the United States is quite clear that the Iran-Syria Federation is not North Korea, nor is it Iran, and it is not something the United Nations can sanction if it wants sanctions.

On the other hand, North Korea and Iran both need a large amount of imports, but the Islamic Federation does not need it. Instead, countries need to import a large number of various parts and high-tech products and technologies from the Islamic Federation. The final result of sanctions can only be for Iran and Syria. The federation completely fell to Asia and Russia.

Otherwise, this war will not evolve into what it is today, and if the United States really wants to use nuclear weapons for things, it will not wait until now.

When the Iran-Syrian Federation is conducting a nuclear test, it should begin to create public opinion and attack the Iran-Syrian Federation.

Of course, it is one thing not to use this as an excuse to attack, and it is another thing to recognize the status of the Iran-Syria federal nuclear power.

Austria and Bama are also very clear that acknowledging that the Islamic Federation has nuclear weapons is tantamount to drawing the Islamic Federation into the "Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty."

At that time, no one will be able to restrict the development of the Islamic Federation. The Islamic Federation will be able to develop and produce all weapons related to nuclear weapons.

This is where Obama and Bama worry most.

This war is not the Vietnam War, nor the Iraq War. The US military can withdraw as long as it can withdraw.

During the war, the interests of the entire national strategy of the U.S. military are involved, and the U.S. naturally cannot leave it alone.

Now that the Syrian-Israel Federation has the initiative in the war, the United States has also lost its voice in negotiations.

If it were not for Cai Ruichen's condition, which was very reasonable, Austria and Bama would still be able to sit still.

However, Austria and Bama are unable to give any answers now. This has nothing to do with Cai Ruichen's conditions. It is that this war has not really reached the point where it must be resolved peacefully.

What Austria and Bama want is not Cai Ruichen’s unilateral offer, but a real peace between the two sides, nor the United States’ recognition of defeat, but a peace under the premise that neither side can continue.

Once the United States lost the war, wouldn't it be left to Cai Ruichen to decide.

"The war hasn't ended yet, does Mr. Cai have such confidence to make the conditions?" Obama and Bama asked blankly.

"Turkey doesn't want to fight. Does Mr. President still have the intention to expand this war?" Cai Ruichen asked with a slight smile

The question was about the mind, not the ability of the United States, which shocked Austria and Bama. Obviously, Cai Ruichen has understood the current situation in the United States.

But no matter what, the United States still cannot be defeated. Once it weakens itself now, there is no need to talk about it next.

When Cai Ruichen talked about Turkey, it gave Austria and Bama a lot of ideas. In such a situation, Turkey has clearly reached a consensus with the Islamic Federation, and Erdogan is also completely possible. Refused to use force against the Islamic Federation.

This has made the hearts of Austria and Bama gradually murderous. Turkey's horror has already seriously touched the bottom line of the hearts of Austria and Bama.

Especially seeing Cai Ruichen's self-confident appearance, Austria and Bama deeply hate the feeling that everything is controlled by the other party.

"Mr. Cai said it is too early now. It is too early for Turkey to enter the war." Austria and Bama responded without showing weakness.

(To be continued.)

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