The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1552: Turkish military coup

Is returning to the air command platform of the Syrian Federation.

Cai Ruichen sat quietly on the chair in his office, and Natasha was opposite him, whispering to report the investigation of Hua Meixue.

During the period from the arrival of Hangzhou to the exception, multiple spies were secretly investigating Hua Meixue's situation.

The investigation results and intelligence analysis have been completed. From this result, Cai Ruichen heard her brows slightly frowned.

Hua Meixue's life experience and her identity record in her hometown are all normal.

But one thing was very abnormal. Hua Meixue didn't even have a friend, and even the school where Hua Meixue went to search for those classmates. No one remembered such a person.

The only proof that Hua Meixue is really their classmate is the graduation photo.

In every student Hua Meixue surveyed, there is Hua Meixue in the graduation photos, but for this student, these people under investigation have almost no memory.

And Hua Meixue only went to high school, and didn't even finish high school, so she didn't have a high school graduation photo.

Only the graduation photos of elementary school and middle school are the only evidence of her existence.

For so many years, if the friendship between elementary school and middle school classmates is just leftover form.

Those people in high school, only five or six years apart, Hua Meixue has such an upside-down charm of sentient beings that no one remembers, this is impossible.

Another point is that in the place where Hua Meixue once lived, the real estate certificate is still Hua Meixue's so-called father, but the neighbors have no memory of this father and daughter.

All this gave Cai Ruichen a very strange feeling, but he couldn't express this feeling himself.

The only thing that is certain is that otherwise it is the eighteenth change of Huamei Snow Girl, and she has always been simple and has never communicated with classmates and neighbors, otherwise it is completely impossible.

To this end, Cai Ruichen also had to help Hua Meixue to improve this identity loophole.

Avoid being discovered by other countries or organizations in the future, causing unnecessary trouble.

In the investigation of Hua Meixue's father, all relevant doubts were also found.

As investigated in Iraq and Syria, Hua Meixue’s father seemed to have such a person, and it seemed that such a person did not exist at all.

"Natasha, what do you think is going on?" Cai Ruichen asked Natasha after listening to the entire report.

"It may be that Ms. Hua is really not sociable, and I have asked that Ms. Hua always wears masks when she goes out, and she often moves and changes schools since she was a child. It is entirely possible that other people have very little memory of her." Natasha said.

Cai Ruichen heard the words, shook his head and said: "I hope from the heart that this is the case, but reason tells me that there is a lot of information in it."

"Is the commander worried that Hua Meixue will be detrimental to you or the whole organization?" Natasha asked.

Regarding this, Cai Ruichen shook his head firmly and said: "I fully believe that Hua Meixue has absolutely no idea of ​​harming me, and that she is not lying to me, but there are some things that are not clear, and it is always a lump in my heart."

"We also believe that Miss Hua really likes you. As for the others, I don't think it is important." Natasha said firmly.

Cai Ruichen nodded slightly. Tan Ya, Natasha and others all liked Hua Meixue's innocent character, and he liked it himself.

It's just a few flaws, so the mood is not so perfect.

"Do you think the environment has changed me? The intrigue of the international political game has made me instinctively wary of Hua Meixue." Cai Ruichen asked suddenly.

Natasha did not answer, so that you have to ask yourself to get a real answer.

Just when Cai Ruichen started to ask himself, Tan Ya opened the door and walked in, turned on the satellite TV in the office, and switched to the Turkish national news channel.

"Commander, there has been a coup in Turkey. When Erdogan's special plane arrived at Istanbul International Airport, it was secretly detained by the military. There are three groups of Turkish armies that are moving into the city and are forcibly controlling government agencies and the media. Companies and social networks." Tan Ya said.

"What is the current situation in Istanbul?" Cai Ruichen asked with a curled mouth.

"The army is entering Istanbul in large numbers and has already controlled the Turkish national media organization and the central network system. The police in Istanbul have also turned to the coup army..." Tan Ya said.

"It seems that the United States really can't sit still." Cai Ruichen nodded with a smile.

How long has it been since the last failed coup, and now there is another coup, the Turkish government agency is really interesting.

However, unlike the last time, this time the coup d'état is obviously larger in scope and more conspiracy.

"Is Turkey's current social situation stable?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"I believe the people in Turkey still don't know what's going on, because there was no conflict, and the army entered the city in the name of the exercise, and it did not cause any riots." Tanya said.

"It seems that this time, Erdogan really has no chance at all." Cai Ruichen shook his head and said somewhat gloating.

He also hates this kind of political clumsy, chasing benefits is true, but there is also a suitable yardstick, too much.

"The NATO troops currently assembled in Turkey are very quiet, and there is no action." Tanya added.

"The situation in Turkey is estimated to be irreversible, and immediately order the Syrian and Iraqi northern border forces to activate first-level combat readiness. When confronted by the Turkish army, they can directly fire and attack." Cai Ruichen decisively issued the order.

Just when Tan Ya led the way was on TV showing Turkish news, there was a commotion in the live news room. The host of the news program changed his face several times, but it quickly subsided. Down.

Soon the host got a brand new press release, and a news that shocked Turkey immediately spread through news, radio, and the Internet to every corner of Turkey.

The Turkish military took over the country, controlled the government and all media organizations, announced a coup, and Erdogan has been controlled by the military.

And this time the coup d'état has also won the support of a large number of Turkish parliamentarians and high-level government officials, and even the opposition parties have stood up and expressed their support.

The foreseen riots did not occur, and Turkish citizens found that nothing had happened outside.

It’s just that everyone knows that the coup d’état this time seems to be a certainty, and it quickly succeeded.

At the same time, Mozabi, the former Turkish Vice President in the United States, was also welcomed back to Turkey as a victor. With the support of all generals, he will temporarily take over the presidency of Turkey. (To be continued.)

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