The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1553: Russia sends troops to Ukraine

When Cai Ruichen's special plane arrived at Marin International Airport, the new Turkish President Mozabi had completely controlled the situation in Turkey.

Former Turkish President Erdogan and his former supporters were all secretly arrested.

The political parties and organizations controlled by Mozabi also quickly took over the operations of Turkish government agencies.

With the secret support of the United States, the entire Turkey did not even have obvious turmoil.

In the evening, the Turkish national television station had begun to report the arrival of the Mozabi plane in Turkey, and announced that it would take over the Turkish government and become Turkey’s interim president.

Turkey is also a democratic country, the government mechanism is similar to that of Iran, and the president is elected by election.

But unlike Iran, Turkey's real power is still in the hands of the president, who has extremely high powers.

Mozabi's reputation in Turkey is also very high, with a large number of supporters, and Erdogan and his party members are all under timely control, the media and social networks are also regulated, and the situation in Turkey is also quite stable. .

What kind of outcome Erdogan will face is now unknown to the outside world.

But this sudden coup made the whole world shocked.

Only Cai Ruichen, Putong and Jing all smiled knowingly.

The United States couldn't wait to get Erdogan done, but did not expect that all this was the result Cai Ruichen most hoped to see.

Cai Ruichen was very pleased when he saw Mozabi standing on the live television speech of Turkish national television station. The overall situation of Turkey has been set.

That night, a small-scale military conflict also broke out on the border between the Islamic Federation and Turkey.

A large number of troops in central and northern Turkey have also begun to rush to the south, and a new war seems to be on the verge of an outbreak.

The United States also seemed unwilling to be reconciled to the failure of the war. After completely abandoning the Indian Ocean, the Sixth Fleet combined with the British Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier battle group to send a large number of troops to the North African military base. The war is about to escalate. The posture is shown before the eyes of the world.

The Iraqi-Syrian Federation is not without actions at all. The United States has begun to increase its armaments on a large scale, and the Red Police Corps is naturally not to be left behind.

The First Army crossed the Iranian border, and within a day, it completely controlled the entire northwestern region of Iran and cut off the border between Iran and Turkey.

The Iraqi-Syrian Federal Air Force also deployed on a large scale, launching air strikes on US air bases in North Africa and Europe.

1. At night, most of Europe is shrouded in the explosion of air strikes. Such air strikes cannot force the US military to end the war, but it can cause some trouble to the US military.

On the Iranian battlefield, the US Eighth Army has also retreated to the front line close to Tehran, and the Iranian regular army has almost become the main force in this war.

As the war was about to escalate, Russia finally could not sit still.

On the day the military conflict broke out on the border between Turkey and the Syrian-Israeli Federation, the Russian Kremlin announced that it would cut off all diplomatic relations with Ukraine.

Tens of thousands of troops from the Western Military District of Russia entered the territory of Crimea overnight.

Ukraine seems to be aware that Russia is really going to do something to itself, and the Ukrainian army has also begun to gather on standby.

But when it comes to combat efficiency, Russia will naturally prevail at this time.

Ukraine has not fully reacted. The two armored armies of Russia’s Western Military District have crossed the eastern border of Ukraine and entered the eastern part of Ukraine.

The Russian air force has also carried out large-scale air strikes on all military installations, electric power and heavy industries in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Air Force did not even have the ability to resist. Two hours after the airstrike began, Russia had fully controlled Ukraine's air superiority.

The Russian troops rushing into Ukraine, under the cover of the air force and the help of the militia in eastern Ukraine, penetrated deep into the hinterland of Ukraine.

The other two armies that entered Crimea from the south also launched attacks from southern Ukraine.

In just twelve hours, most of the cities in eastern and southern Ukraine were caught in stalemate and war.

All the pro-Russian civilians in Ukraine have also made the overall situation in Ukraine more turbulent, with conflicts and bloodshed everywhere.

Ukraine has become a mess in less than twenty-four hours, and the whole of Europe is not good.

Russia launched a war against Ukraine, which caught the whole of Europe by surprise.

Ukraine was like NATO asking for help for the first time, but the response it received made Ukraine almost desperate.

The current NATO simply does not have the ability to help Ukraine in a timely manner. How can the US military provide so-called help to Ukraine if it is overwhelmed on the battlefield in the Middle East.

The Russian ground armored troops advanced more than 200 kilometers within 24 hours, and the front of the advance was 300 kilometers wide.

Such a huge frontal and rapid deep attack made Cai Ruichen inevitably applaud for the Russian ground forces.

The air-ground coordinated operations are very close. A large number of Ukrainian troops have not even seen the Russian ground forces. The main combat capabilities have been destroyed by the Russian air force and armed helicopters.

As long as Ukraine has an army of a certain size, it often encounters Russian long-range rocket launchers.

This kind of battle has given the Ukrainian army no chance to fight against the Russian army, and it has already begun to rout.

Although the Red Police Corps performed very well in the Iranian, the attack rhythm of the Russian troops was obviously more clever.

However, Cai Ruichen did not think highly of the Russian army because of this. The reason is very simple. Russia has been operating in Ukraine for many years. In addition, the Ukrainian soldiers have very weak will to resist Russia. In many cases, they scattered in a rush, and there was no deadly battle. ready.

There were even captured Ukrainian soldiers and Russian soldiers chatting and laughing together. This kind of war is more of a form.

The Ukrainian soldiers' war exhaustion towards Russia made the war very smooth, with no real resistance at all.

Even many Ukrainian troops turned to the battle, making the war easier.

Moreover, in Cai Ruichen's view, the Ukrainian army is really not very good at combat effectiveness. It did not attach much importance to the army. Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the development of armaments has stagnated and received little attention.

Moreover, most of the weapons and equipment came from the weapons warehouses of the Soviet era. How could it be able to withstand the wolf-like Russian army?

(To be continued.)

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